


  • 1. DShot模块简介
  • 2. DShot类继承关系
  • 3. 模块入口函数
    • 3.1 主入口dshot_main
    • 3.2 自定义子命令custom_command
  • 4. DShot模块重要函数
    • 4.1 task_spawn
    • 4.2 instantiate
    • 4.3 init
    • 4.4 Run
  • 5. DShot命令发送和解析相关函数
    • 5.1 send_command_thread_safe
    • 5.2 retrieve_and_print_esc_info_thread_safe
    • 5.3 handle_new_telemetry_data
    • 5.4 handle_vehicle_commands
  • 6. 总结
  • 7. 参考资料

DShot是一种数字ESC协议,由Felix (KISS)设计开发,在与Boris 和 betaflight 团队的其他成员不断完善下,最终成为一种成熟稳定的协议。Steffen (BLHeli)将该协议移植到了BLHeli_S。目前已经成为穿越机的主流电调协议。


  1. DSHOT150:150 kbps ~ 6.67us for 1bit, 106.72us for 1frame
  2. DSHOT300:300 kbps ~ 3.33us for 1bit, 39.96 for 1frame
  3. DSHOT600:600 kbps ~ 1.67us for 1bit, 26.72 for 1frame
  4. DSHOT1200:1200 kbps ~ 0.83us for 1bit, 13.28 for 1frame


  1. 去除了PWM的抖动影响
  2. 主动感知checksum错误
  3. 高速传递ESC控制数据(快速响应)


1. DShot模块简介


  1. start/stop/status
  2. telemetry: 设置串口设备名称
  3. 支持正反方向转动控制
  4. 支持3D功能
  5. 支持ESC状态查询
  6. 支持ESC蜂鸣控制
### Description
This is the DShot output driver. It is similar to the fmu driver, and can be used as drop-in replacement
to use DShot as ESC communication protocol instead of PWM.

On startup, the module tries to occupy all available pins for DShot output.
It skips all pins already in use (e.g. by a camera trigger module).

It supports:
- DShot150, DShot300, DShot600, DShot1200
- telemetry via separate UART and publishing as esc_status message
- sending DShot commands via CLI

### Examples
Permanently reverse motor 1:
$ dshot reverse -m 1
$ dshot save -m 1
After saving, the reversed direction will be regarded as the normal one. So to reverse again repeat the same commands.

dshot <command> [arguments...]

   telemetry     Enable Telemetry on a UART
     <device>    UART device

   reverse       Reverse motor direction
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   normal        Normal motor direction
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   save          Save current settings
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   3d_on         Enable 3D mode
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   3d_off        Disable 3D mode
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   beep1         Send Beep pattern 1
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   beep2         Send Beep pattern 2
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   beep3         Send Beep pattern 3
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   beep4         Send Beep pattern 4
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   beep5         Send Beep pattern 5
     [-m <val>]  Motor index (1-based, default=all)

   esc_info      Request ESC information
     -m <val>    Motor index (1-based)


   status        print status info


class DShot : public cdev::CDev, public ModuleBase<DShot>, public OutputModuleInterface

class OutputModuleInterface : public px4::ScheduledWorkItem, public ModuleParams


2. DShot类继承关系



 ├──> CDev
 └──> OutputModuleInterface
     ├──> ModuleParams
     │   └──> ListNode
     └──> px4::ScheduledWorkItem // schedule_trampoline-->ScheduleNow
         └──> WorkItem
             ├──> IntrusiveSortedListNode
             └──> IntrusiveQueueNode

3. 模块入口函数

3.1 主入口dshot_main


 └──> return DShot::main(argc, argv)

3.2 自定义子命令custom_command


  • telemetry: 设置串口设备名称
  • 正反方向转动控制
  • 3D功能
  • ESC状态查询
  • ESC蜂鸣控制
 ├──> const char *verb = argv[0]
 ├──> <telemetry>  // telemetry can be requested before the module is started
 │   ├──> <argc > 1>
 │   │   ├──> strncpy(_telemetry_device, argv[1], sizeof(_telemetry_device) - 1)
 │   │   ├──> _telemetry_device[sizeof(_telemetry_device) - 1] = '\0'
 │   │   └──> _request_telemetry_init.store(true)
 │   └──> return 0
 ├──> [解析m参量,第几个电机]  //select motor index, default: -1=all
 ├──> <reverse><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //发送反向转动命令
 ├──> <normal><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //发送正常转动命令
 ├──> <save><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //保存设置
 ├──> <3d_on><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //3d设置打开
 ├──> <3d_off><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //3d设置关闭
 ├──> <beep1><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //1= low freq. 5 = high freq
 ├──> <beep2><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //1= low freq. 5 = high freq
 ├──> <beep3><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //1= low freq. 5 = high freq
 ├──> <beep4><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //1= low freq. 5 = high freq
 ├──> <beep5><is_running>
 │   └──> return get_instance()->send_command_thread_safe(command, num_repetitions, motor_index)   //1= low freq. 5 = high freq
 ├──> <esc_info><is_running>
 │   ├──> get_instance()->retrieve_and_print_esc_info_thread_safe(motor_index)                 //获取ESC信息
 │   └──> return 0
 ├──> <!is_running()>
 │   └──> int ret = DShot::task_spawn(argc, argv)                      
 └──> return print_usage("unknown command");


typedef enum {
	DShot_cmd_motor_stop = 0,
	DShot_cmd_esc_info, // V2 includes settings
	DShot_cmd_settings_request, // Currently not implemented
	DShot_cmd_spin_direction_normal   = 20,
	DShot_cmd_spin_direction_reversed = 21,
	DShot_cmd_led0_on,      // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led1_on,      // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led2_on,      // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led3_on,      // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led0_off,     // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led1_off,     // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led2_off,     // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_led4_off,     // BLHeli32 only
	DShot_cmd_audio_stream_mode_on_off              = 30, // KISS audio Stream mode on/off
	DShot_cmd_silent_mode_on_off                    = 31, // KISS silent Mode on/off
	DShot_cmd_signal_line_telemetry_disable         = 32,
	DShot_cmd_signal_line_continuous_erpm_telemetry = 33,
	DShot_cmd_MAX          = 47,     // >47 are throttle values
	DShot_cmd_MIN_throttle = 48,
	DShot_cmd_MAX_throttle = 2047
} dshot_command_t;


typedef enum {
    DSHOT_CMD_ESC_INFO, // V2 includes settings
    DSHOT_CMD_SETTINGS_REQUEST, // Currently not implemented
    DSHOT_CMD_LED0_ON, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED1_ON, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED2_ON, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED3_ON, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED0_OFF, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED1_OFF, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED2_OFF, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_LED3_OFF, // BLHeli32 only
    DSHOT_CMD_AUDIO_STREAM_MODE_ON_OFF = 30, // KISS audio Stream mode on/Off
    DSHOT_CMD_SILENT_MODE_ON_OFF = 31, // KISS silent Mode on/Off
    DSHOT_CMD_MAX = 47
} dshotCommands_e;

注3:也许将来某个时间点,开发者能有机会将Dshot Protocol能够抽象到一个组件,规范和统一起来(当前ESC控制器大量应用汇编语言,不容易理解啊!!!)。

4. DShot模块重要函数

4.1 task_spawn


 ├──> DShot *instance = new DShot()
 ├──> <instance>
 │   ├──> _object.store(instance)
 │   ├──> _task_id = task_id_is_work_queue   // 使用了WorkQueue设计
 │   └──> <instance->init() == PX4_OK>       // 初始化,并执行第一次ScheduleNow(后续触发Run)
 │       └──> return PX4_OK;
 ├──> <else>
 │   └──> PX4_ERR("alloc failed")
 ├──> delete instance
 ├──> _object.store(nullptr)
 ├──> _task_id = -1
 └──> return PX4_ERROR

4.2 instantiate


4.3 init


 ├──> int ret = CDev::init()  // do regular cdev init
 ├──> <ret != OK)>
 │   └──> return ret
 ├──> _class_instance = register_class_devname(PWM_OUTPUT_BASE_DEVICE_PATH)  // try to claim the generic PWM output device node as well - it's OK if we fail at this
 ├──> <_class_instance == CLASS_DEVICE_PRIMARY>
 │   └──> // lets not be too verbose
 ├──> <else>
 │   └──> PX4_ERR("FAILED registering class device")
 ├──> _mixing_output.setDriverInstance(_class_instance)
 ├──> _output_mask = (1u << _num_outputs) - 1
 ├──> update_params()
 ├──> ScheduleNow()
 └──> return OK

4.4 Run


 ├──> <should_exit()>
 │   ├──> ScheduleClear()
 │   ├──> _mixing_output.unregister()
 │   ├──> exit_and_cleanup()
 │   └──> return
 ├──> SmartLock lock_guard(_lock)
 ├──> perf_begin(_cycle_perf)
 ├──> _mixing_output.update()    //内部调用到DShot::updateOutputs,DShot协议实现细节。
 ├──> bool outputs_on = _mixing_output.armed().armed || _mixing_output.initialized() // update output status if armed or if mixer is loaded
 ├──> <_outputs_on != outputs_on>
 │   └──> enable_dshot_outputs(outputs_on)
 ├──> <_telemetry>
 │   ├──> int telem_update = _telemetry->handler.update()
 │   └──> <_waiting_for_esc_info>
 │       ├──> <telem_update != -1>
 │       │   ├──> _request_esc_info.store(nullptr)
 │       │   └──> _waiting_for_esc_info = false
 │       └──> <else if telem_update >= 0>
 │           └──> _handle_new_telemetry_data(telem_update, _telemetry->handler.latestESCData())
 ├──> <_parameter_update_sub.updated()>
 │   └──> update_params()
 ├──> <_request_telemetry_init.load()> // telemetry device update request?
 │   ├──> init_telemetry(_telemetry_device)
 │   └──> _request_telemetry_init.store(false)
 ├──> <!_current_command.valid()> // new command?
 │   ├──> Command *new_command = _new_command.load()
 │   └──> <new_command>
 │       ├──> _current_command = *new_command
 │       └──> _new_command.store(nullptr)
 ├──> handle_vehicle_commands()
 ├──> <!_mixing_output.armed().armed>
 │   └──> <_reversible_outputs != _mixing_output.reversibleOutputs()>
 │       ├──> _reversible_outputs = _mixing_output.reversibleOutputs()
 │       └──> update_params()
 ├──> _mixing_output.updateSubscriptions(true)   // 再次更新ScheduleNow时间
 └──> perf_end(_cycle_perf)


5. DShot命令发送和解析相关函数

5.1 send_command_thread_safe


 ├──> cmd.command = command
 ├──> <motor_index == -1>
 │   └──> cmd.motor_mask = 0xff
 ├──> <else>
 │   └──> cmd.motor_mask = 1 << _mixing_output.reorderedMotorIndex(motor_index)
 ├──> cmd.num_repetitions = num_repetitions
 ├──> _new_command.store(&cmd)
 ├──> hrt_abstime timestamp_for_timeout = hrt_absolute_time()
 ├──> <while (_new_command.load()) >  // wait until main thread processed it
 │   ├──> <hrt_elapsed_time(&timestamp_for_timeout) < 2_s>
 │   │   └──> px4_usleep(1000)
 │   └──> <else>
 │       ├──> _new_command.store(nullptr)
 │       └──> PX4_WARN("DShot command timeout!")
 └──> return 0

5.2 retrieve_and_print_esc_info_thread_safe


 ├──> <_request_esc_info.load() != nullptr>
 │   └──> return // already in progress (not expected to ever happen)
 ├──> DShotTelemetry::OutputBuffer output_buffer{}
 ├──> output_buffer.motor_index = motor_index
 ├──> _request_esc_info.store(&output_buffer)  // start the request
 ├──> int max_time = 1000 // wait until processed
 ├──> <while (_request_esc_info.load() != nullptr && max_time-- > 0)>
 │   └──> px4_usleep(1000)
 ├──> _request_esc_info.store(nullptr); // just in case we time out...
 ├──> <output_buffer.buf_pos == 0>
 │   ├──> PX4_ERR("No data received. If telemetry is setup correctly, try again")
 │   └──> return
 └──> DShotTelemetry::decodeAndPrintEscInfoPacket(output_buffer)

5.3 handle_new_telemetry_data


 ├──> esc_status_s &esc_status = _telemetry->esc_status_pub.get()   // fill in new motor data
 ├──> <telemetry_index < esc_status_s::CONNECTED_ESC_MAX>
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc_online_flags |= 1 << telemetry_index;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].actuator_function = _telemetry->actuator_functions[telemetry_index];
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].timestamp       = data.time;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].esc_rpm         = (static_cast<int>(data.erpm) * 100) / (_param_mot_pole_count.get() / 2);
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].esc_voltage     = static_cast<float>(data.voltage) * 0.01f;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].esc_current     = static_cast<float>(data.current) * 0.01f;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc[telemetry_index].esc_temperature = static_cast<float>(data.temperature);
 │   └──> // TODO: accumulate consumption and use for battery estimation
 ├──> <telemetry_index <= _telemetry->last_telemetry_index>
 │   ├──> esc_status.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc_connectiontype = esc_status_s::ESC_CONNECTION_TYPE_DSHOT;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc_count = _telemetry->handler.numMotors();
 │   ├──> ++esc_status.counter;
 │   │
 │   ├──> [ // FIXME: mark all ESC's as online, otherwise commander complains even for a single dropout]
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc_online_flags = (1 << esc_status.esc_count) - 1;
 │   ├──> esc_status.esc_armed_flags = (1 << esc_status.esc_count) - 1;
 │   │
 │   ├──> _telemetry->esc_status_pub.update();
 │   │
 │   ├──> [ // reset esc data (in case a motor times out, so we won't send stale data)]
 │   ├──> memset(&esc_status.esc, 0, sizeof(_telemetry->esc_status_pub.get().esc));
 │   └──> esc_status.esc_online_flags = 0;
 └──> _telemetry->last_telemetry_index = telemetry_index

5.4 handle_vehicle_commands


 ├──> vehicle_command_s vehicle_command
 └──> <while (!_current_command.valid() && _vehicle_command_sub.update(&vehicle_command))>
     └──> <vehicle_command.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_CONFIGURE_ACTUATOR>
         ├──> int function = (int)(vehicle_command.param5 + 0.5)
         ├──> <function < 1000>
         │   ├──> const int first_motor_function = 1 // from MAVLink ACTUATOR_OUTPUT_FUNCTION
         │   ├──> const int first_servo_function = 33
         │   ├──> <function >= first_motor_function && function < first_motor_function + actuator_test_s::MAX_NUM_MOTORS>
         │   │   └──> function = function - first_motor_function + actuator_test_s::FUNCTION_MOTOR1
         │   ├──> <function >= first_servo_function && function < first_servo_function + actuator_test_s::MAX_NUM_SERVOS>
         │   │   └──> function = function - first_servo_function + actuator_test_s::FUNCTION_SERVO1
         │   └──> <else>
         │       └──> function = INT32_MAX
         ├──> <else>
         │   └──> function -= 1000
         ├──> int type = (int)(vehicle_command.param1 + 0.5f)
         ├──> int index = -1
         ├──> <for (int i = 0; i < DIRECT_PWM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS; ++i)>
         │   ├──> <(int)_mixing_output.outputFunction(i) == function>
         │   └──> index = i
         ├──> vehicle_command_ack_s command_ack{};
         ├──> command_ack.command = vehicle_command.command;
         ├──> command_ack.target_system = vehicle_command.source_system;
         ├──> command_ack.target_component = vehicle_command.source_component;
         ├──> command_ack.result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED;
         ├──> <index != -1>
         │   ├──> PX4_DEBUG("setting command: index: %i type: %i", index, type)
         │   ├──> _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_motor_stop
         │   ├──> <switch (type)>
         │   │   ├──> case 1: _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_beacon1; break;
         │   │   ├──> ccase 2: _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_3d_mode_on; break;
         │   │   ├──> ccase 3: _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_3d_mode_off; break;
         │   │   ├──> ccase 4: _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_spin_direction_1; break;
         │   │   └──> ccase 5: _current_command.command = dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_spin_direction_2; break;
         │   ├──> <_current_command.command == dshot_command_t::DShot_cmd_motor_stop>
         │   │   └──> PX4_WARN("unknown command: %i", type)
         │   └──> <else>
         │       ├──> command_ack.result = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED;
         │       ├──> _current_command.motor_mask = 1 << index;
         │       ├──> _current_command.num_repetitions = 10;
         │       └──> _current_command.save = true;
         ├──> command_ack.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time()
         └──> _command_ack_pub.publish(command_ack)

6. 总结

关于DShot协议代码细节实现方面这里不再过多描述,感兴趣的朋友可以去详细看下DShot::updateOutputs,以及官方文档DSHOT ESC Protocol。

这里给出了PX4系统关于DShot模块的总体业务框架:功能点,命令字,以及基于High Resolution Timer/WorkQueue/ModuleBase的设计逻辑关系。

7. 参考资料

【2】PX4 modules_main
【4】PX4模块设计之十二:High Resolution Timer设计
【7】What is DSHOT?
【8】DSHOT ESC Protocol
【9】Dshot bidir blhelis support
【10】Run-length limited or RLL coding


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    最近在用px4官方的avoidance代码跑硬件避障 xff0c 官方介绍了只要生成符合sensor msgs PointCloud2点云信息就能使用 xff0c 因此为了应用长基线双目 xff0c 没有使用realsense的相机 xff
  • 初学PX4之环境搭建

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    https hub fastgit org PX4 PX4 Autopilot git describe tag 查看当前版本号 git tag l 查看所有版本 xff0c 也就是打个tag git checkout v1 9 1 跳转到
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    继之前研究了一些飞行姿态理论方面的问题后 又找到了之前很流行的一段外国大神写的代码 来分析分析 第二篇文章的最后 讲到了文章中的算法在实际使用中有重大缺陷 大家都知道 分析算法理论的时候很多情况下我们没有考虑太多外界干扰的情况 原因是很多情


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