Pester 没有捕获抛出的错误


当我运行以下纠缠测试时,我希望它能够捕获预期的错误,但事实并非如此。但是,当我使用不同的函数和不同的 throw 语句运行测试时,它会起作用。


Describe "Remove-GenericCredential Function Tests" {
  $InternetOrNetworkAddress = 'https://[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'

  Context "Test:  Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress '$InternetOrNetworkAddress' (Credential does not exist)" {
  It "This Command threw an error.  The credential does not exist." { { (Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress $InternetOrNetworkAddress -Confirm:$false) } | should throw "Remove-GenericCredential : Credential $InternetOrNetworkAddress not found" }


Remove-GenericCredential : Credential https://[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection not found

At C:\Users\klocke7\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Ford_CredentialManager\Tests\Remove-GenericCredential.Tests.ps1:30 char:76
+ ... xist." { { (Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress $Inter ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Remove-GenericCredential

      [-] This Command threw an error.  The credential does not exist. 44ms
        Expected: the expression to throw an exception with message {Remove-GenericCredential : Credential https://[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection not found}, an exception was not raised, message was {}
            from C:\Users\klocke7\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Ford_CredentialManager\Tests\New-GitHubCredential.Tests.ps1:59 char:176
            + ... e $UserName -Token 'NotAGitHubTokenSpecialCharacters!@#$%^&*') } | sh ...
            +                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\klocke7\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Ford_CredentialManager\Tests\Remove-GenericCredential.Tests.ps1: line 30
        30:     It "This Command threw an error.  The credential does not exist." { { (Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress $InternetOrNetworkAddress -Confirm:$false) } | should throw 'Remove-GenericCredential : Credential https://[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection not found' }

根据另一个答案,该函数抛出一个非终止错误因此,它不被认为符合测试Should Throw,它正在检查终止错误。


  1. 您可以更改它,以便通过更改您的Write-Error to Throw.
  2. 您可以更改测试以强制函数抛出终止错误,即使发生非终止错误时也是如此-ErrorAction Stop当你调用它时(我可以看到你正在使用-Confirm,我假设你已经使用过[cmdletbinding()]在函数中添加常用参数,例如-ErrorAction).


Function Remove-GenericCredential {

    Write-Error "Remove-GenericCredential : Credential $InternetOrNetworkAddress not found"

Describe "Remove-GenericCredential Function Tests" {
    $InternetOrNetworkAddress = 'https://[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'

    Context "Test:  Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress '$InternetOrNetworkAddress' (Credential does not exist)" {
    It "This Command threw an error.  The credential does not exist." { 
        { (Remove-GenericCredential -InternetOrNetworkAddress $InternetOrNetworkAddress -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop) } | should throw "Remove-GenericCredential : Credential $InternetOrNetworkAddress not found" }

From help Write-Error:

Write-Error cmdlet 声明一个非终止错误。默认情况下, 错误通过错误流发送到主机程序 显示,以及输出。

要写入非终止错误,请输入错误消息字符串、ErrorRecord 对象或 Exception 对象。使用 Write-Error 的其他参数来填充错误记录。


要声明终止错误,请使用 Throw 关键字。更多信息请参见about_Throw (


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