如何在 MVC4 Razor 中使用 CheckBoxList 和 DropdownList


我必须使用 @Html.CheckBoxListFor 或 @Html.DropdownListFor。当我使用列表进行模型绑定时,我对如何在视图中使用这些帮助器类感到困惑。

将列表绑定到 CheckBoxList 和 DropdownList 的正确且最简单的方法是什么。


public class SampleViewModel
        public IEnumerable<Responsible> AvailableResponsibles { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Responsible> SelectedResponsibles { get; set; }
        public PostedResponsibles PostedResponsibles { get; set; }
        Responsible objResponsible = new Responsible();
        public SampleViewModel GetResponsiblesInitialModel()
            //setup properties
            var model = new SampleViewModel();
            var selectedResponsibles = new List<Responsible>();

            //setup a view model
            model.AvailableResponsibles = objResponsible.GetAll().ToList();
            model.SelectedResponsibles = selectedResponsibles;
            return model;
public class Responsible
        //Integer value of a checkbox
        public int Id { get; set; }

        //String name of a checkbox
        public string Name { get; set; }

        //Boolean value to select a checkbox
        //on the list
        public bool IsSelected { get; set; }

        //Object of html tags to be applied
        //to checkbox, e.g.:'new{tagName = "tagValue"}'
        public object Tags { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable<Responsible> GetAll()
            return new List<Responsible> {
                              new Responsible {Name = "Apple", Id = 1 },
                              new Responsible {Name = "Banana", Id = 2},
                              new Responsible {Name = "Cherry", Id = 3},
                              new Responsible {Name = "Pineapple", Id = 4},
                              new Responsible {Name = "Grape", Id = 5},
                              new Responsible {Name = "Guava", Id = 6},
                              new Responsible {Name = "Mango", Id = 7}


    public class PostedResponsibles
        //this array will be used to POST values from the form to the controller
        public string[] ResponsibleIds { get; set; }


                  @Html.CheckBoxListFor(model => model.PostedResponsibles.ResponsibleIds,
                                  model => model.AvailableResponsibles,
                                  Responsible => Responsible.Id,
                                  Responsible => Responsible.Name,
                                  model => model.SelectedResponsibles)


目前我正在使用 Nuget 包,但它有点令人困惑且难以使用。建议我使用其他包来实现这一目标。

  1. 步骤使用包管理器安装包

    Install-Package MvcCheckBoxList
  2. Add Fruit.cs

    namespace CheckBoxListForApp.Models
      public class Fruit
          public int Id { get;set;}
          public string Name { get;set; }  
          public bool IsSelected{get;set;}
          public object Tags { get;set;}
  3. Add FruitViewModel.cs

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace CheckBoxListForApp.Models
      public class FruitViewModel
        public IEnumerable<Fruit> AvailableFruits { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Fruit> SelectedFruits { get; set; }
        public PostedFruits PostedFruits { get; set; }
  4. Add PostedFruits.cs

    namespace CheckBoxListForApp.Models
        /// <summary>
        /// for Helper class to make posting back selected values easier
        /// </summary>
        public class PostedFruits
            //this array will be used to POST values from the form to the controller
            public string[] FruitIds { get; set; }
  5. Add HomeController.cs

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using CheckBoxListForApp.Models;
    namespace CheckBoxListForApp.Controllers
        public class HomeController : Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View(GetFruitsInitialModel());
            public ActionResult Index(PostedFruits postedFruits)
                return View(GetFruitsModel(postedFruits));
            private FruitViewModel GetFruitsModel(PostedFruits postedFruits)
                var model = new FruitViewModel();
                var selectedFruits = new List<Fruit>();
                var postedFruitIds = new string[0];
                if (postedFruits == null) postedFruits = new PostedFruits();
                // if a view model array of posted fruits ids exists
                // and is not empty,save selected ids
                if (postedFruits.FruitIds != null && postedFruits.FruitIds.Any())
                    postedFruitIds = postedFruits.FruitIds;
                // if there are any selected ids saved, create a list of fruits
                if (postedFruitIds.Any())
                  selectedFruits = FruitRepository.GetAll()
                   .Where(x => postedFruitIds.Any(s => x.Id.ToString().Equals(s)))
                model.AvailableFruits = FruitRepository.GetAll().ToList();
                model.SelectedFruits = selectedFruits;
                model.PostedFruits = postedFruits;
                return model;
            private FruitViewModel GetFruitsInitialModel()
                var model = new FruitViewModel();
                var selectedFruits = new List<Fruit>();
                model.AvailableFruits = FruitRepository.GetAll().ToList();
                model.SelectedFruits = selectedFruits;
                return model;
  6. Add FruitRepository.cs

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    namespace CheckBoxListForApp.Models
        /// <summary>
        /// work as fruit repository
        /// </summary>
        public static class FruitRepository
            /// <summary>
            /// for get fruit for specific id
            /// </summary>
            public static Fruit Get(int id)
                return GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(id));
            /// <summary>
            /// for get all fruits
            /// </summary>
            public static IEnumerable<Fruit> GetAll()
                return new List<Fruit> {
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Apple", Id = 1 },
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Banana", Id = 2},
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Cherry", Id = 3},
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Pineapple", Id = 4},
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Grape", Id = 5},
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Guava", Id = 6},
                                  new Fruit {Name = "Mango", Id = 7}
  7. Add 索引.cshtml

    @using MvcCheckBoxList.Model
    @model CheckBoxListForApp.Models.FruitViewModel
        ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
    <section class="checkBoxListFor">
            <label>Please Select Fruits:</label>
            @using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
                @Html.CheckBoxListFor(model => model.PostedFruits.FruitIds,
                                      model => model.AvailableFruits,
                                      fruit => fruit.Id,
                                      fruit => fruit.Name,
                                      model => model.SelectedFruits,
                <input class="green" type="submit" 
                          value="POST to Controller" />

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