Dronekit 搭配使用Ardupilot 和 PX4






PX4 官网的官方文档dronekit部分 https://dev.px4.io/en/robotics/dronekit.html






sudo apt-get install python-dev python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
git clone https://github.com/dronekit/dronekit-python.git
cd ./dronekit-python
sudo python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install





对于PX4 系统仿真提供的接口是:

对于Ardupilot 系统仿真提供的接口是


# Import DroneKit-Python
from dronekit import connect, Command, LocationGlobal
from pymavlink import mavutil
import time, sys, argparse, math

# Connect to the Vehicle
print "Connecting"
connection_string = ''
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True)

# Display basic vehicle state
print " Type: %s" % vehicle._vehicle_type
print " Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed
print " System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state
print " GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0
print " Alt: %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt


  首先,启动模拟器,可以是gozebo ,也可以是jmavsim 

 之后,我们执行python代码使用命令  例如 python  test.py

python 你要执行的文件名.python





  3.1 px4

对于PX4 它不支持模式转换,但是官网还是给出了使PX4执行飞行任务的方法,代码如下:

# @File DroneKitPX4.py
# Example usage of DroneKit with PX4
# @author Sander Smeets <sander@droneslab.com>
# Code partly based on DroneKit (c) Copyright 2015-2016, 3D Robotics.

# Import DroneKit-Python
from dronekit import connect, Command, LocationGlobal
from pymavlink import mavutil
import time, sys, argparse, math

# Settings

connection_string       = ''
# https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/Tools/mavlink_px4.py

# Parse connection argument
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--connect", help="connection string")
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.connect:
    connection_string = args.connect

# Init

# Connect to the Vehicle
print "Connecting"
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True)

def PX4setMode(mavMode):
    vehicle._master.mav.command_long_send(vehicle._master.target_system, vehicle._master.target_component,
                                               mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

def get_location_offset_meters(original_location, dNorth, dEast, alt):
    Returns a LocationGlobal object containing the latitude/longitude `dNorth` and `dEast` metres from the
    specified `original_location`. The returned Location adds the entered `alt` value to the altitude of the `original_location`.
    The function is useful when you want to move the vehicle around specifying locations relative to
    the current vehicle position.
    The algorithm is relatively accurate over small distances (10m within 1km) except close to the poles.
    For more information see:
    earth_radius=6378137.0 #Radius of "spherical" earth
    #Coordinate offsets in radians
    dLat = dNorth/earth_radius
    dLon = dEast/(earth_radius*math.cos(math.pi*original_location.lat/180))

    #New position in decimal degrees
    newlat = original_location.lat + (dLat * 180/math.pi)
    newlon = original_location.lon + (dLon * 180/math.pi)
    return LocationGlobal(newlat, newlon,original_location.alt+alt)

# Listeners

home_position_set = False

#Create a message listener for home position fix
def listener(self, name, home_position):
    global home_position_set
    home_position_set = True

# Start mission example

# wait for a home position lock
while not home_position_set:
    print "Waiting for home position..."

# Display basic vehicle state
print " Type: %s" % vehicle._vehicle_type
print " Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed
print " System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state
print " GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0
print " Alt: %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt

# Change to AUTO mode

# Load commands
cmds = vehicle.commands

home = vehicle.location.global_relative_frame

# takeoff to 10 meters
wp = get_location_offset_meters(home, 0, 0, 10);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# move 10 meters north
wp = get_location_offset_meters(wp, 10, 0, 0);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# move 10 meters east
wp = get_location_offset_meters(wp, 0, 10, 0);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# move 10 meters south
wp = get_location_offset_meters(wp, -10, 0, 0);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# move 10 meters west
wp = get_location_offset_meters(wp, 0, -10, 0);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# land
wp = get_location_offset_meters(home, 0, 0, 10);
cmd = Command(0,0,0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, wp.lat, wp.lon, wp.alt)

# Upload mission

# Arm vehicle
vehicle.armed = True

# monitor mission execution
nextwaypoint = vehicle.commands.next
while nextwaypoint < len(vehicle.commands):
    if vehicle.commands.next > nextwaypoint:
        display_seq = vehicle.commands.next+1
        print "Moving to waypoint %s" % display_seq
        nextwaypoint = vehicle.commands.next

# wait for the vehicle to land
while vehicle.commands.next > 0:

# Disarm vehicle
vehicle.armed = False

# Close vehicle object before exiting script





make posix gazebo_typhoon_h480



python px4test.py


3.2 Ardupilot

对于Ardupilot 我们有很多现有的API可以调用


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

© Copyright 2015-2016, 3D Robotics.
simple_goto.py: GUIDED mode "simple goto" example (Copter Only)
Demonstrates how to arm and takeoff in Copter and how to navigate to points using Vehicle.simple_goto.

from __future__ import print_function
import time
from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative

# 通过本地的14551端口,使用UDP连接到SITL模拟器
connection_string = ''
print('Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string)
# connect函数将会返回一个Vehicle类型的对象,即此处的vehicle
# 即可认为是无人机的主体,通过vehicle对象,我们可以直接控制无人机
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True)

# 定义arm_and_takeoff函数,使无人机解锁并起飞到目标高度
# 参数aTargetAltitude即为目标高度,单位为米
def arm_and_takeoff(aTargetAltitude):
    # 进行起飞前检查
    print("Basic pre-arm checks")
    # vehicle.is_armable会检查飞控是否启动完成、有无GPS fix、卡曼滤波器
    # 是否初始化完毕。若以上检查通过,则会返回True
    while not vehicle.is_armable:
        print(" Waiting for vehicle to initialise...")

    # 解锁无人机(电机将开始旋转)
    print("Arming motors")
    # 将无人机的飞行模式切换成"GUIDED"(一般建议在GUIDED模式下控制无人机)
    vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")
    # 通过设置vehicle.armed状态变量为True,解锁无人机
    vehicle.armed = True

    # 在无人机起飞之前,确认电机已经解锁
    while not vehicle.armed:
        print(" Waiting for arming...")

    # 发送起飞指令
    print("Taking off!")
    # simple_takeoff将发送指令,使无人机起飞并上升到目标高度

    # 在无人机上升到目标高度之前,阻塞程序
    while True:
        print(" Altitude: ", vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)
        # 当高度上升到目标高度的0.95倍时,即认为达到了目标高度,退出循环
        # vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt为相对于home点的高度
        if vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= aTargetAltitude * 0.95:
            print("Reached target altitude")
        # 等待1s

# 调用上面声明的arm_and_takeoff函数,目标高度10m

# 设置在运动时,默认的空速为3m/s
print("Set default/target airspeed to 3")
# vehicle.airspeed变量可读可写,且读、写时的含义不同。
# 读取时,为无人机的当前空速;写入时,设定无人机在执行航点任务时的默认速度
vehicle.airspeed = 3

# 发送指令,让无人机前往第一个航点
print("Going towards first point for 30 seconds ...")
# LocationGlobalRelative是一个类,它由经纬度(WGS84)和相对于home点的高度组成
# 这条语句将创建一个位于南纬35.361354,东经149.165218,相对home点高20m的位置
point1 = LocationGlobalRelative(-35.361354, 149.165218, 20)
# simple_goto函数将位置发送给无人机,生成一个目标航点

# simple_goto函数只发送指令,不判断有没有到达目标航点
# 它可以被其他后续指令打断,此处延时30s,即让无人机朝向point1飞行30s

# 发送指令,让无人机前往第二个航点
print("Going towards second point for 30 seconds (groundspeed set to 10 m/s) ...")
# 与之前类似,这条语句创建了另一个相对home高20m的点
point2 = LocationGlobalRelative(-35.363244, 149.168801, 20)
# simple_goto将目标航点发送给无人机,groundspeed=10设置飞行时的地速为10m/s
vehicle.simple_goto(point2, groundspeed=10)

# 与之前一样,延时30s

# 发送"返航"指令
print("Returning to Launch")
# 返航,只需将无人机的飞行模式切换成"RTL(Return to Launch)"
# 无人机会自动返回home点的正上方,之后自动降落
vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL")

# 退出之前,清除vehicle对象
print("Close vehicle object")

摘自 https://blog.csdn.net/liberatetheus/article/details/78004917 



打开一个终端,进入Ardupilot工作目录, 执行命令启动模拟器

sim_vehicle.py -j4 --map --console



python simple_go.py



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  • APP引导页UI设计素材模板|轻松留下完美的第一印象

    App首次引导页是当你第一次打开一款应用的时候你看到的引导页 xff0c 它们在你未使用产品之前提前告知产品的主要功能与特点 先来看看 像素精简版引导UI工具包 好的实际案例 xff0c 让初学者更友好 xff01 美丽的用户界面 xff0
  • px4 offboard外部控制仿真

    官网中http dev px4 io en ros mavros offboard html xff0c 只给示例代码 xff0c 却不告诉怎么用 xff0c 实在有点坑 xff0c 还好参照网上的一些博客 xff0c 找到了使用方法 首先
  • POST和GET方法的区别与联系

    错误的一个理论就是 xff0c get是从服务器拿数据 xff0c 而post是给服务器传数据 两者其实都是从服务器端拿数据 xff0c 只是一些细节不同罢了 历史 get和post是HTTP与服务器交互的方式 xff0c 说到方式 xff
  • Dronekit 搭配使用Ardupilot 和 PX4

    Dronekit是一个与无人机飞控搭配使用 xff0c 方便开发者使用代码控制无人机 个人认为它会比搭建ros来控制无人机更容易上手一些 对于Dronekit xff0c PX4被支持的较少 xff0c 不可以进行模式切换 xff0c 而对