如何覆盖 NumPy 的 ndarray 和我的类型之间的比较?


在 NumPy 中,可以使用 __array_priority__ 属性来控制作用于 ndarray 和用户定义类型的二元运算符。例如:

class Foo(object):
  def __radd__(self, lhs): return 0
  __array_priority__ = 100

a = np.random.random((100,100))
b = Foo()
a + b # calls b.__radd__(a) -> 0

然而,同样的事情似乎不适用于比较运算符。例如,如果我将以下行添加到Foo,那么它永远不会从表达式中调用a < b:

def __rlt__(self, lhs): return 0

我意识到__rlt__并不是真正的 Python 特殊名称,但我认为它可能有效。我尝试了所有__lt__, __le__, __eq__, __ne__, __ge__, __gt__有或没有前面的r, plus __cmp__,也是,但我永远无法让 NumPy 调用它们中的任何一个。



为了避免混淆,这里有一个更长的 NumPy 行为描述。对于初学者来说,《NumPy 指南》一书的内容如下:

If the ufunc has 2 inputs and 1 output and the second input is an Object array
then a special-case check is performed so that NotImplemented is returned if the
second input is not an ndarray, has the array priority attribute, and has an
r<op> special method.


import numpy as np
a = np.random.random((2,2))

class Bar0(object):
  def __add__(self, rhs): return 0
  def __radd__(self, rhs): return 1

b = Bar0()
print a + b # Calls __radd__ four times, returns an array
# [[1 1]
#  [1 1]]

class Bar1(object):
  def __add__(self, rhs): return 0
  def __radd__(self, rhs): return 1
  __array_priority__ = 100

b = Bar1()
print a + b # Calls __radd__ once, returns 1
# 1

正如你所看到的,没有__array_priority__,NumPy 将用户定义的对象解释为标量类型,并在数组中的每个位置应用该操作。那不是我想要的。我的类型是类似数组的(但不应从 ndarray 派生)。


class Foo(object):
  def __cmp__(self, rhs): return 0
  def __lt__(self, rhs): return 1
  def __le__(self, rhs): return 2
  def __eq__(self, rhs): return 3
  def __ne__(self, rhs): return 4
  def __gt__(self, rhs): return 5
  def __ge__(self, rhs): return 6
  __array_priority__ = 100

b = Foo()
print a < b # Calls __cmp__ four times, returns an array
# [[False False]
#  [False False]]


class Foo(object):
  def __lt__(self, rhs): return 0
  def __le__(self, rhs): return 1
  def __eq__(self, rhs): return 2
  def __ne__(self, rhs): return 3
  def __gt__(self, rhs): return 4
  def __ge__(self, rhs): return 5
  __array_priority__ = 100

def override(name):
  def ufunc(x,y):
    if isinstance(y,Foo): return NotImplemented
    return np.getattr(name)(x,y)
  return ufunc

    ** {
        ufunc : override(ufunc) for ufunc in (
            "less", "less_equal", "equal", "not_equal", "greater_equal"
          , "greater"

a = np.random.random((2,2))
b = Foo()
print a < b
# 4

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