


#include <drivers/drv_hrt.h>  //高精度的定时器。 在控制过程中多数环节都是使用经典的PID控制算法为

#include <lib/geo/geo.h>
#include <mathlib/math/filter/LowPassFilter2p.hpp>  /**滤波器**/
#include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
#include <px4_config.h>
#include <px4_posix.h>
#include <px4_tasks.h>
#include <systemlib/err.h>         /**包含一些错误警告的功能**/
#include <systemlib/param/param.h>
#include <systemlib/perf_counter.h>      /**性能评估**/
#include <uORB/topics/att_pos_mocap.h>
#include <uORB/topics/parameter_update.h>
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_combined.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_attitude.h>/**我们在这个程序中解算的姿态就要发布进这个**/
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_global_position.h>   /**去看看有什么,后面讲位置估计时要用到**/

extern "C" __EXPORT int attitude_estimator_q_main(int argc, char *argv[]);

using math::Vector;         /*****使用向量****/
using math::Matrix;         /*****使用矩阵****/
using math::Quaternion;     /*****使用四元数****/

class AttitudeEstimatorQ;

namespace attitude_estimator_q
AttitudeEstimatorQ *instance;
} // namespace attitude_estimator_q attitude_estimator_q

class AttitudeEstimatorQ
     * Constructor

     * Destructor, also kills task.

     * Start task.
     * @return      OK on success.
    int  start();                           //创建一个新的任务 

    static void task_main_trampoline(int argc, char *argv[]);

    void        task_main();

    const float _dt_min = 0.00001f;         /***dt是指更新数据的时间间隔,也就是离散pid公式中的T***/
    const float _dt_max = 0.02f;

    bool        _task_should_exit = false;  /**< if true, task should exit */
    int     _control_task = -1;             /**< task handle for task */

    int     _params_sub = -1;               /****与parameter_update有关****/
    int     _sensors_sub = -1;              /****这个变量是订阅传感器数据时用的句柄****/
    int     _global_pos_sub = -1;           /****这个变量是订阅地理位置数据时用的句柄****/
    int     _vision_sub = -1;               /****这个变量是视觉信息时用的句柄****/
    int     _mocap_sub = -1;                /****mocap=motion capture,动作捕捉****/

    orb_advert_t    _att_pub = nullptr;     /***nullptr是c++11标准引入的更严谨的空指针,这里的att_pub是用于发布姿态信息的handle***/

    struct {

        param_t w_acc;              /**这里的acc为加速度计的权重,用于后面互补滤波**/
        param_t w_mag;              /**mag为磁力计**/
        param_t w_ext_hdg;
        param_t w_gyro_bias;        /***陀螺仪偏差***/
        param_t mag_decl;           /**磁方位角**/
        param_t mag_decl_auto;      /**利用gps自动获得磁方位角**/
        param_t acc_comp;           /**加速度的补偿**/
        param_t bias_max;          /**最大偏差**/
        param_t ext_hdg_mode;  /***外部的航向使用模式,=1表示来自于视觉,=2表示来自mocap***/
    } _params_handles{};        /**< handles for interesting parameters   这个结构体里面全是一些系统参数**/

    float       _w_accel = 0.0f;
    float       _w_mag = 0.0f;
    float       _w_ext_hdg = 0.0f;
    float       _w_gyro_bias = 0.0f;
    float       _mag_decl = 0.0f;
    bool        _mag_decl_auto = false;
    bool        _acc_comp = false;
    float       _bias_max = 0.0f;
    int32_t     _ext_hdg_mode = 0;

    Vector<3>   _gyro;     /**通过传感器获取的三轴的角速度**/
    Vector<3>    _accel;  /***通过加速度计获取的三轴的加速度***/
    Vector<3>   _mag;    /***通过磁力计获取的磁航向***/

    Vector<3>   _vision_hdg; /**通过视觉获取的handing**/
    Vector<3>   _mocap_hdg;  /**通过mocap获取的handing**/

    Quaternion  _q;
    Vector<3>   _rates;     /**与上面_gyro不同的是这个用于存放修正后的绕三轴角速度**/
    Vector<3>   _gyro_bias;

    Vector<3>   _vel_prev;  /**前一刻的速度**/
    hrt_abstime _vel_prev_t = 0;   /**uint64_t的typedef,abstime意思为绝对时间,这里为记录前一时刻速度时的绝对时间**/

    Vector<3>   _pos_acc;  //运动加速度,注意:这个加速度不包括垂直方向的

    bool        _inited = false; //初始化标识
    bool        _data_good = false;//数据可用
    bool        _ext_hdg_good = false;//外部航向可用

    void update_parameters(bool force);

    int update_subscriptions();  /**只有声明,无定义???字面的意思是更新订阅信息??**/

    bool init();//初始化函数,初始化旋转矩阵和四元数

    bool update(float dt);//dt是更新周期,这个函数是整个程序的核心

    //Update magnetic declination (in rads) immediately changing yaw rotation
    void update_mag_declination(float new_declination);


    _params_handles.w_acc       = param_find("ATT_W_ACC");
    _params_handles.w_mag       = param_find("ATT_W_MAG");
    _params_handles.w_ext_hdg   = param_find("ATT_W_EXT_HDG");
    _params_handles.w_gyro_bias = param_find("ATT_W_GYRO_BIAS");
    _params_handles.mag_decl    = param_find("ATT_MAG_DECL");
    _params_handles.mag_decl_auto   = param_find("ATT_MAG_DECL_A");
    _params_handles.acc_comp    = param_find("ATT_ACC_COMP");
    _params_handles.bias_max    = param_find("ATT_BIAS_MAX");
    _params_handles.ext_hdg_mode    = param_find("ATT_EXT_HDG_M");






 * Destructor, also kills task.
 * 析构函数,也用于结束任务
    if (_control_task != -1) {
        /* task wakes up every 100ms or so at the longest */
        _task_should_exit = true;

        /* wait for a second for the task to quit at our request */
        unsigned i = 0;

        do {
            /* wait 20ms */

            /* if we have given up, kill it */
            if (++i > 50) {
        } while (_control_task != -1);

    attitude_estimator_q::instance = nullptr;

int AttitudeEstimatorQ::start()
    ASSERT(_control_task == -1);    //AEESRT是assert函数的define了,作用是参数值为0时终止程序

    /* start the task */
    _control_task = px4_task_spawn_cmd("attitude_estimator_q",

    if (_control_task < 0)
        warn("task start failed");
        return -errno;

    return OK;

void AttitudeEstimatorQ::task_main_trampoline(int argc, char *argv[])  /**运行task_main**/

void AttitudeEstimatorQ::task_main()

#ifdef __PX4_POSIX
    perf_counter_t _perf_accel(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_accel_delay"));
    perf_counter_t _perf_mpu(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_mpu_delay"));
    perf_counter_t _perf_mag(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_mag_delay"));

    _sensors_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined));/**订阅传感器信息**/
    _vision_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_vision_attitude));/**订阅视觉信息**/
    _mocap_sub = orb_supdbscribe(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap));/**订阅mocap信息**/
    _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update));/**订阅parameter信息,用于之后的parameter_update的copy**/
    _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position));/**订阅位置信息**/


    hrt_abstime last_time = 0;

    px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1] = {};
    fds[0].fd = _sensors_sub;
    fds[0].events = POLLIN;

    while (!_task_should_exit)
        int ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000);

        if (ret < 0) {
            // Poll error, sleep and try again
            PX4_WARN("POLL ERROR");

        } else if (ret == 0) {
            // Poll timeout, do nothing
            PX4_WARN("POLL TIMEOUT");

        update_parameters(false); //498行

        // Update sensors
        sensor_combined_s sensors;   /**新建的sensor结构体用于装复制的传感器信息**/

        if (orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensors_sub, &sensors) == PX4_OK) {
            // Feed validator with recent sensor data

            if (sensors.timestamp > 0) {
                _gyro(0) = sensors.gyro_rad[0];
                _gyro(1) = sensors.gyro_rad[1];
                _gyro(2) = sensors.gyro_rad[2];

            if (sensors.accelerometer_timestamp_relative != sensor_combined_s::RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP_INVALID) {
                _accel(0) = sensors.accelerometer_m_s2[0];
                _accel(1) = sensors.accelerometer_m_s2[1];
                _accel(2) = sensors.accelerometer_m_s2[2];

                if (_accel.length() < 0.01f) {
                    PX4_ERR("WARNING: degenerate accel!");

            if (sensors.magnetometer_timestamp_relative != sensor_combined_s::RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP_INVALID) {
                _mag(0) = sensors.magnetometer_ga[0];
                _mag(1) = sensors.magnetometer_ga[1];
                _mag(2) = sensors.magnetometer_ga[2];

                if (_mag.length() < 0.01f) {
                    PX4_ERR("WARNING: degenerate mag!");

            _data_good = true;

        // Update vision and motion capture heading
        // 通过uORB模型获取vision和mocap的数据(视觉和mocap)
        bool vision_updated = false;
        orb_check(_vision_sub, &vision_updated);

        if (vision_updated) {
            vehicle_attitude_s vision;  /**新建vision结构体**/

            if (orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_vision_attitude), _vision_sub, &vision) == PX4_OK) {
                math::Quaternion q(vision.q);//将基于视觉获得的四元数赋给新建的math::q

                math::Matrix<3, 3> Rvis = q.to_dcm();  /**基于视觉得到的转换矩阵**/
                math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);    /**从他给定的v可知这里的v是一个指北的向量**/

                // Rvis is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
                // Hence Rvis must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw  v是在地系下的,而dcm是b—>e,所以要转置
                // Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
                _vision_hdg = Rvis.transposed() * v;/**转置后与v乘,就反映了视觉上的指北的向量**/

                // vision external heading usage (ATT_EXT_HDG_M 1)
                if (_ext_hdg_mode == 1) {
                    // Check for timeouts on data 检查数据超时
                    _ext_hdg_good = vision.timestamp > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&vision.timestamp) < 500000);

        bool mocap_updated = false;
        orb_check(_mocap_sub, &mocap_updated);

        if (mocap_updated) {
            att_pos_mocap_s mocap;

            if (orb_copy(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), _mocap_sub, &mocap) == PX4_OK) {
                math::Quaternion q(mocap.q);
                math::Matrix<3, 3> Rmoc = q.to_dcm();

                math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);

                // Rmoc is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
                // Hence Rmoc must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw
                // Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
                _mocap_hdg = Rmoc.transposed() * v;

                // Motion Capture external heading usage (ATT_EXT_HDG_M 2)
                if (_ext_hdg_mode == 2) {
                    // Check for timeouts on data
                    _ext_hdg_good = mocap.timestamp > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&mocap.timestamp) < 500000);

        bool gpos_updated = false;
        orb_check(_global_pos_sub, &gpos_updated);

        if (gpos_updated) {//如果位置已经更新 就取出位置数据
            vehicle_global_position_s gpos;

            if (orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_sub, &gpos) == PX4_OK)
                if (_mag_decl_auto && gpos.eph < 20.0f && hrt_elapsed_time(&gpos.timestamp) < 1000000) {
                    /* set magnetic declination automatically */
                    //自动获取磁方位角,如果配置了则用当前的经纬度(longitude and latitude)通过get_mag_declination(_gpos.lat,_gpos.lon)函数获取当前位置的磁偏角
                    update_mag_declination(math::radians(get_mag_declination(gpos.lat, gpos.lon)));

                 //获取机体的速度,通过速度计算机体的加速度 。
                if (_acc_comp && gpos.timestamp != 0 && hrt_absolute_time() < gpos.timestamp + 20000 && gpos.eph < 5.0f && _inited)
                    /* position data is actual */
                    Vector<3> vel(gpos.vel_n, gpos.vel_e, gpos.vel_d); //北东地系

                    /* velocity updated */
                    if (_vel_prev_t != 0 && gpos.timestamp != _vel_prev_t) {
                        float vel_dt = (gpos.timestamp - _vel_prev_t) / 1e6f;  //us
                        /* calculate acceleration in body frame */
                        _pos_acc = _q.conjugate_inversed((vel - _vel_prev) / vel_dt);

                    _vel_prev_t = gpos.timestamp;  //为迭代做准备
                    _vel_prev = vel;

                else {/**否则位置信息过时,将加速度信息清零**/
                    /* position data is outdated, reset acceleration */
                    _vel_prev_t = 0;

        /* time from previous iteration */
        hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time();

        //下面的constrain函数用于限定作用,限定规则:return (val < min_val) ? min_val : ((val > max_val) ? max_val : val);
        const float dt = math::constrain((now  - last_time) / 1e6f, _dt_min, _dt_max);
        last_time = now;

        if (update(dt)) {
            vehicle_attitude_s att = {
                .timestamp = sensors.timestamp,
                .rollspeed = _rates(0),
                .pitchspeed = _rates(1),
                .yawspeed = _rates(2),

                .q = {_q(0), _q(1), _q(2), _q(3)},
                .delta_q_reset = {},
                .quat_reset_counter = 0,

            /* the instance count is not used here */
            //经过我们处理后才能使用。即vehicle_attitude的信息流为:订阅的是sensor combined,发布的是vehicle attitude
            int att_inst;
            orb_publish_auto(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), &_att_pub, &att, &att_inst, ORB_PRIO_HIGH);

#ifdef __PX4_POSIX


void AttitudeEstimatorQ::update_parameters(bool force)
    bool updated = force;

    if (!updated) //如果更新了
        orb_check(_params_sub, &updated); /***检查一个主题在发布者最后更新后,有没parameter_update有人调用过orb_copy来接收如果主题在被公告前就有人订阅,那么这个API将返回“not-updated”直到主题被公告。***/

    if (updated)  //如果没更新
        parameter_update_s param_update;  /**建立建构体param_update,里面有更新的时间、是否更新、填充信息**/
        orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &param_update);/**根据头文件可知parameter_update是自带的主题*/
        param_get(_params_handles.w_acc, &_w_accel);/**把获得的参数值赋值给后面那个参数,前面那些参数的值都在构造函数中定义了**/
        param_get(_params_handles.w_mag, &_w_mag);
        param_get(_params_handles.w_ext_hdg, &_w_ext_hdg);
        param_get(_params_handles.w_gyro_bias, &_w_gyro_bias);

        float mag_decl_deg = 0.0f;
        param_get(_params_handles.mag_decl, &mag_decl_deg);

        int32_t mag_decl_auto_int;
        param_get(_params_handles.mag_decl_auto, &mag_decl_auto_int);
        _mag_decl_auto = (mag_decl_auto_int != 0);

        int32_t acc_comp_int;
        param_get(_params_handles.acc_comp, &acc_comp_int);
        _acc_comp = (acc_comp_int != 0);

        param_get(_params_handles.bias_max, &_bias_max);
        param_get(_params_handles.ext_hdg_mode, &_ext_hdg_mode);


bool AttitudeEstimatorQ::init()
    // Rotation matrix can be easily constructed from acceleration and mag field vectors
    // 'k' is Earth Z axis (Down) unit vector in body frame
    Vector<3> k = -_accel;            //accel已经在task_main中订阅

    k.normalize();                    //向量归一化,也就是向量除以他的长度

    // 'i' is Earth X axis (North) unit vector in body frame, orthogonal with 'k'
    // i是体坐标系下指向正北的单位向量,与k正交
    Vector<3> i = (_mag - k * (_mag * k));//施密特正交化,强制使i与k垂直;因向量k已归一化,故分母等于1;
    i.normalize();                    //向量归一化,也就是向量除以他的长度

    // 'j' is Earth Y axis (East) unit vector in body frame, orthogonal with 'k' and 'i'
    Vector<3> j = k % i;

    // 填充旋转矩阵
    Matrix<3, 3> R;    //新建一个3*3的矩阵R

    R.set_row(0, i);   //set_row函数的第一个参数为第几行,将i向量填入矩阵第一行
    R.set_row(1, j);   //将j向量填入矩阵第二行
    R.set_row(2, k);   //将k向量填入矩阵第三行,注意:从这里可知该旋转矩阵为b系到n系

    // 将R矩阵转换为四元数

    // Compensate for magnetic declination  补偿飞机的磁方位角,因为前面求得q是默认飞机指向北,但起飞时飞机不一定指向北
    Quaternion decl_rotation;
    _q = decl_rotation * _q;

    _q.normalize();  /**归一化**/  /**此时的q才是真正的初始的q**/

    if (PX4_ISFINITE(_q(0)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(1)) &&      /**判断是否发散**/
        PX4_ISFINITE(_q(2)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(3)) &&
        _q.length() > 0.95f && _q.length() < 1.05f)
        _inited = true;      /**初始化完成**/
        _inited = false;     /**初始化失败**/

    return _inited;

bool AttitudeEstimatorQ::update(float dt)
    if (!_inited)

        if (!_data_good)   /**在前面task_main函数中如果传感器数据订阅正常,data_good就为true**/
            return false;

        return init();  /**没有初始化(前提:传感器数据订阅正常)就初始化**/

    Quaternion q_last = _q;  /**注意:此时四元数_q已经有内容了,此处的q_last的作用为给q弄一个备份,可从最后一个if看出**/

    // Angular rate of correction  修正角速率,下面的是重点
    Vector<3> corr;
    float spinRate = _gyro.length();  /**定义一个变量:旋转速率,length函数为平方和开方**/

    if (_ext_hdg_mode > 0 && _ext_hdg_good)
        if (_ext_hdg_mode == 1)
            // Vision heading correction  对基于视觉的航向模式进行修正
            // Project heading to global frame and extract XY component
            Vector<3> vision_hdg_earth = _q.conjugate(_vision_hdg);/**将b系转为e系**/
            float vision_hdg_err = _wrap_pi(atan2f(vision_hdg_earth(1), vision_hdg_earth(0)));
            // Project correction to body frame
            corr += _q.conjugate_inversed(Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, -vision_hdg_err)) * _w_ext_hdg;

        if (_ext_hdg_mode == 2) {
            // Mocap heading correction
            // Project heading to global frame and extract XY component
            Vector<3> mocap_hdg_earth = _q.conjugate(_mocap_hdg);
            float mocap_hdg_err = _wrap_pi(atan2f(mocap_hdg_earth(1), mocap_hdg_earth(0)));
            // Project correction to body frame
            corr += _q.conjugate_inversed(Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, -mocap_hdg_err)) * _w_ext_hdg;

    if (_ext_hdg_mode == 0 || !_ext_hdg_good) {
        // Magnetometer correction
        // Project mag field vector to global frame and extract XY component
        Vector<3> mag_earth = _q.conjugate(_mag);    /**将b系转为e系**/

        //只考虑Vector<3> mag_earth中的前两维的数据mag_earth(1)和mag_earth(0)(即x、y,忽略z轴上的偏移),通
        float mag_err = _wrap_pi(atan2f(mag_earth(1), mag_earth(0)) - _mag_decl);//与自动获取的磁方位角做差
        float gainMult = 1.0f;
        const float fifty_dps = 0.873f;

        if (spinRate > fifty_dps) {
            gainMult = math::min(spinRate / fifty_dps, 10.0f);

        // Project magnetometer correction to body frame
        //下面*Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, -mag_err))是因为raw本质上应该由磁力计产生的水平磁向量与gps产生的水平磁向量叉乘得到,而叉乘得到的正好向下
        corr += _q.conjugate_inversed(Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, -mag_err)) * _w_mag * gainMult;


    // Accelerometer correction
    // Project 'k' unit vector of earth frame to body frame
    // Vector<3> k = _q.conjuq.conjugate_inversed(Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    // Optimized version with dropped zeros
    Vector<3> k(
        2.0f * (_q(1) * _q(3) - _q(0) * _q(2)),
        2.0f * (_q(2) * _q(3) + _q(0) * _q(1)),
        (_q(0) * _q(0) - _q(1) * _q(1) - _q(2) * _q(2) + _q(3) * _q(3))

    corr += (k % (_accel - _pos_acc).normalized()) * _w_accel;

    // Gyro bias estimation
    if (spinRate < 0.175f) {
        _gyro_bias += corr * (_w_gyro_bias * dt);//对应积分控制

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            _gyro_bias(i) = math::constrain(_gyro_bias(i), -_bias_max, _bias_max);


    _rates = _gyro + _gyro_bias;//角速度 = 陀螺仪的测量值 + 误差校准

    // pi控制器的体现,对应比例部分
    corr += _rates;//corr为update函数中定义的变量,所以每次进入update函数中时会刷新corr变量的数据

    // Apply correction to state
    _q += _q.derivative(corr) * dt;//用龙格库塔法更新四元数

    // Normalize quaternion

    if (!(PX4_ISFINITE(_q(0)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(1)) &&
          PX4_ISFINITE(_q(2)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(3)))) {
        // 如果数据不合适就恢复备份的q,即q_last
        _q = q_last;
        return false;

    return true;
}  //更新完四元数后,我们跳到update函数被调用的地方,即444行,发现后面将更新后的姿态信息发布出去了,到此整个过程结束

void AttitudeEstimatorQ::update_mag_declination(float new_declination)
    // Apply initial declination or trivial rotations without changing estimation
    // 忽略微小旋转(比如机体的微小震动),继续沿用之前的磁方位角
    if (!_inited || fabsf(new_declination - _mag_decl) < 0.0001f)
        _mag_decl = new_declination;

    else  //转动较大时,修正姿态(q)和更新磁方位角
        // Immediately rotate current estimation to avoid gyro bias growth
        Quaternion decl_rotation;
        decl_rotation.from_yaw(new_declination - _mag_decl);//偏航角生成的四元数,生成方法是令另外2个角度为0,使用欧拉角转四元数公式
        _q = decl_rotation * _q;//此处两个四元数相乘表示角度相加,因为在数学上q1*q2表示q1q2这个合成动作,所以此处修正了四元数
        _mag_decl = new_declination;//使用新的磁偏角

//下面的总结起来:attitude_estimator_q { start }:实例化instance,运行instance->start();

//attitude_estimator_q { stop }:delete instance,指针置空;

//attitude_estimator_q { status}:instance->print(),打印是否在running

int attitude_estimator_q_main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc < 2)  /**命令行总的参数个数<2,由后面可知有三个参数**/
        warnx("usage: attitude_estimator_q {start|stop|status}");
        return 1;

    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "start"))  /**用户输入的第一个参数是否为start,是的话即继续执行**/

        if (attitude_estimator_q::instance != nullptr) /**不为空即代表已生成了内容,所以已经启动**/
            warnx("already running");
            return 1;

      attitude_estimator_q::instance = new AttitudeEstimatorQ;/**instanc为空就申请空间,申请完成后不再为空指针**/

        if (attitude_estimator_q::instance == nullptr) /**再一次判断是否为空**/
            warnx("alloc failed");    /**是的话即分配空间失败**/
            return 1;

        if (OK != attitude_estimator_q::instance->start())  /**到这一步说明已经申请成功,start函数返回ok代表系统已经新建了一个进程任务,这里代表没有启动**/
            delete attitude_estimator_q::instance;  /**没有启动就释放空间,重新变为空指针**/
            attitude_estimator_q::instance = nullptr;
            warnx("start failed");
            return 1;

        return 0;

    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) {
        if (attitude_estimator_q::instance == nullptr)
            warnx("not running");
            return 1;

        delete attitude_estimator_q::instance; /**能执行这一步说明instance不为空指针,任务已经执行,然后进行删除**/
        attitude_estimator_q::instance = nullptr; /**恢复原样**/
        return 0;

    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "status"))
        if (attitude_estimator_q::instance)   /**这里代码补全应为if (attitude_estimator_q::instance != nullptr)**/
            return 0;
            warnx("not running");
            return 1;

    warnx("unrecognized command"); /**出去start、stop、status外其他的为unrecognized command**/
    return 1;
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