约束 Qhull 生成的 Voronoi 顶点的域


简而言之,我的问题是:是否可以约束 Qhull 生成的 Voronoi 顶点的域?如果是的话,怎样才能做到这一点呢?

我的上下文问题:我正在研究数据可视化,其中我在 2D 字段中有点。这些点有一点重叠,所以我稍微“抖动”它们,以使它们不重叠。

我目前执行此任务的方法是使用劳埃德算法 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd%27s_algorithm移动点。劳埃德算法本质上采用初始点位置,计算 Voronoi 图,并在算法的每次迭代期间将每个点移动到其 Voronoi 区域的中心。

下面是一个 Python 示例:

from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from scipy.spatial import voronoi_plot_2d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

class Field():
  Create a Voronoi map that can be used to run Lloyd relaxation on an array of 2D points.
  For background, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd%27s_algorithm

  def __init__(self, arr):
    Store the points and bounding box of the points to which Lloyd relaxation will be applied
    @param [arr] arr: a numpy array with shape n, 2, where n is number of points
    if not len(arr):
      raise Exception('please provide a numpy array with shape n,2')

    x = arr[:, 0]
    y = arr[:, 0]
    self.bounding_box = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)]
    self.points = arr

  def build_voronoi(self):
    Build a Voronoi map from self.points. For background on self.voronoi attrs, see:
    eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
    self.voronoi = Voronoi(self.points)
    self.filtered_regions = [] # list of regions with vertices inside Voronoi map
    for region in self.voronoi.regions:
      inside_map = True    # is this region inside the Voronoi map?
      for index in region: # index = the idx of a vertex in the current region

          # check if index is inside Voronoi map (indices == -1 are outside map)
          if index == -1:
            inside_map = False

          # check if the current coordinate is in the Voronoi map's bounding box
            coords = self.voronoi.vertices[index]
            if not (self.bounding_box[0] - eps <= coords[0] and
                    self.bounding_box[1] + eps >= coords[0] and
                    self.bounding_box[2] - eps <= coords[1] and
                    self.bounding_box[3] + eps >= coords[1]):
              inside_map = False

      # store hte region if it has vertices and is inside Voronoi map
      if region != [] and inside_map:

  def find_centroid(self, vertices):
    Find the centroid of a Voroni region described by `vertices`, and return a
    np array with the x and y coords of that centroid.

    The equation for the method used here to find the centroid of a 2D polygon
    is given here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centroid#Of_a_polygon

    @params: np.array `vertices` a numpy array with shape n,2
    @returns np.array a numpy array that defines the x, y coords
      of the centroid described by `vertices`
    area = 0
    centroid_x = 0
    centroid_y = 0
    for i in range(len(vertices)-1):
      step = (vertices[i, 0] * vertices[i+1, 1]) - (vertices[i+1, 0] * vertices[i, 1])
      area += step
      centroid_x += (vertices[i, 0] + vertices[i+1, 0]) * step
      centroid_y += (vertices[i, 1] + vertices[i+1, 1]) * step
    area /= 2
    centroid_x = (1.0/(6.0*area)) * centroid_x
    centroid_y = (1.0/(6.0*area)) * centroid_y
    return np.array([centroid_x, centroid_y])

  def relax(self):
    Moves each point to the centroid of its cell in the Voronoi map to "relax"
    the points (i.e. jitter them so as to spread them out within the space).
    centroids = []
    for region in self.filtered_regions:
      vertices = self.voronoi.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
      centroid = self.find_centroid(vertices) # get the centroid of these verts

    self.points = centroids # store the centroids as the new point positions
    self.build_voronoi() # rebuild the voronoi map given new point positions

# Visualize

# built a Voronoi diagram that we can use to run lloyd relaxation
field = Field(points)

# plot the points with no relaxation relaxation
plt = voronoi_plot_2d(field.voronoi, show_vertices=False, line_colors='orange', line_alpha=0.6, point_size=2)

# relax the points several times, and show the result of each relaxation
for i in range(6): 
  field.relax() # the .relax() method performs lloyd relaxation
  plt = voronoi_plot_2d(field.voronoi, show_vertices=False, line_colors='orange', line_alpha=0.6, point_size=2)

正如我们所看到的,在每次迭代期间(第 2 帧和第 3 帧),原始数据集中的点(第 1 帧,顶部)重叠越来越少,这很棒!

这种方法的问题是我目前正在从图中删除那些 voronoi 区域边界超出初始数据集域的点。 (如果我不这样做,最外面的点很快就会射入超空间并远离其他点。)这最终意味着我最终会丢弃点,这不好。

我认为我可以通过约束 Qhull Voronoi 域来解决这个问题,以便仅在原始数据域内创建 Voronoi 顶点。



在收到@tfinniga 的出色回复后,我整理了一个博客文章 https://douglasduhaime.com/posts/lloyd-iteration.html详细介绍了有界和无界形式的劳埃德迭代。我还整理了一个小包lloyd https://github.com/duhaime/lloyd以便更轻松地在数据集上运行有界 Lloyd 迭代。我想分享这些资源,以防它们帮助其他人进行相关分析。


  1. 获取您获得的 voronoi 图,并在计算质心之前手动将其剪切到边界矩形。这将为您提供正确的解决方案 - 您可以根据维基百科文章中链接的示例对其进行测试,并确保其匹配。

  2. 添加点的人工边界。例如,您可以在边界框的 4 个角处添加点,或者在每侧添加一些点,但不要移动这些点。这些将阻止内部点爆炸。这不会为您提供劳埃德算法的“正确”结果,但可能会为您提供对可视化有用的输出,并且更容易实现。


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