


word1 =  ['organization', 'community']


from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn

def getSynonyms(word1):
    synonymList1 = []
    for data1 in word1:
        wordnetSynset1 = wn.synsets(data1)
        tempList1 = []
        for synset1 in wordnetSynset1:
            synLemmas = synset1.lemma_names()
            for s in synLemmas:
                word = s.replace('_', ' ')
                if word not in tempList1:
    return synonymList1

syn1 = getSynonyms(word1)


    ['organization', 'organisation', 'arrangement', 'system', 'administration',
     'governance', 'governing body', 'establishment', 'brass', 'constitution',
    ['community', 'community of interests', 'residential district',
     'residential area', 'biotic community']

^ 上面的输出显示两个的每个同义词集'organization' and 'community'在列表中列出。然后我减少列表的级别:

newlist1 = [val for sublist in syn1 for val in sublist]


['organization', 'organisation', 'arrangement', 'system', 'administration',
 'governance', 'governing body', 'establishment', 'brass', 'constitution',
 'formation', 'community', 'community of interests', 'residential district',
 'residential area', 'biotic community']

^ 现在所有同义词集都保持相同的字符串,没有子列表。我现在想做的就是使所有同义词集newlist1彼此进行子列表。我预计输出会是这样的:

[['organization'], ['organisation'], ['arrangement'], ['system'],
 ['administration'], ['governance'], ['governing body'], ['establishment'],
 ['brass'], ['constitution'], ['formation'], ['community'],
 ['community of interests'], ['residential district'], ['residential area'],
 ['biotic community']]


uplist1 = [[] for x in syn1]


[[], [],
 ['organization', 'organisation', 'arrangement', 'system', 'administration',
  'governance', 'governing body', 'establishment', 'brass', 'constitution',
 ['community', 'community of interests', 'residential district',
  'residential area', 'biotic community']]

它显示了两个空列表和两个同义词集列表'organization' and 'community'




uplist1 = []
for i in syn1:


uplist1 = [[i] for i in syn1]

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