Emacs 书签跳转更快?


I have most of my bookmarks prefixed by a letter in a way that the first letter almost always uniquely determines the bookmark. This way I can, for instance, jump to my source folder (bookmarked as "s: source") with M-x bookmark-jump RET s RET. I have it on a shortcut, so it's actually ~ s RET.

I'd like to get rid of RET in the end, i.e. get M-x bookmark-quick-jump RET s or ~ s to do the aforementioned job. I'd also like it to fall back to the default behavior: to show me all bookmarks that start with the given letter, in case there's not just one variant.


(defun bookmark-do-quick-jump (str)
  (let ((completions (all-completions str bookmark-alist)))
     (if (eq 1 (length completions))
         (car completions)
       (completing-read "Jump to bookmark: " bookmark-alist nil t str)))))



(setq bookmark-quick-jump-map
      (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
        (mapcar (lambda (key) 
                  (define-key map key 
                      (bookmark-do-quick-jump key))))
                (loop for c from ?a to ?z
                      collect (string c)))


(bookmark-do-quick-jump "o")

It comes back with 3 variants (org-capture-last-stored, org-capture-last-stored-marker...). I'm in minibuffer now, but I still need to press RET RET to see these 3 variants. I'd like this to be done automatically.

我很感激任何直接回答我的两个子问题的回复, 或者完全不同的方法,只要我能得到行为和可用性 我所描述的。


我通过切换解决了第二件事completing-read to ido-completing-read:

(defun bookmark-do-quick-jump (str)
  (let ((completions (all-completions str bookmark-alist)))
     (if (eq 1 (length completions))
         (car completions)
       (ido-completing-read "Jump to bookmark: " completions nil t str)))))

顺便说一句,我忘了提及我使用bookmark+。我不确定是否跳到 dired 默认支持bookmark-jump.


我原来用的是(or (minibuffer-complete-and-exit) (minibuffer-completion-help))乍一看效果很好,但正如评论中所述,当一个书签的名称是另一个书签的前缀时,它不太理想,因为它会立即接受较短的名称,从而使较长的名称无法访问。

Calling minibuffer-complete and minibuffer-completion-help然而,一起破坏了完成功能,所以我复制了相关部分minibuffer-complete-and-exit到一个新函数。使用它可以解决所有先前的问题。

(require 'bookmark)

(defvar bookmark-do-quick-jump-map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-must-match-map)
  "Keymap for `bookmark-do-quick-jump'.

`minibuffer-local-must-match-map' is used by `completing-read' when its
REQUIRE-MATCH argument is t.

In `bookmark-do-quick-jump' we bind this modified copy to use in its place.")

(define-key bookmark-do-quick-jump-map
  [remap self-insert-command] 'my-self-insert-complete-and-exit)

(defun bookmark-do-quick-jump ()
  "Jump to specified bookmark with auto-completion and auto-acceptance."
  (let ((minibuffer-local-must-match-map bookmark-do-quick-jump-map))
     (completing-read "Jump to bookmark: " bookmark-alist nil t))))

(defun my-self-insert-complete-and-exit (n)
  "Insert the character, then attempt to complete the current string,
automatically exiting when only one option remains, and displaying the
completion options otherwise."
  (interactive "p")
  (self-insert-command n)
  (let ((my-completions (completion-all-sorted-completions)))
    (if (and my-completions (eq 0 (cdr my-completions)))

(defun my-minibuffer-complete ()
  "Copied from `minibuffer-complete-and-exit'."
  (condition-case nil
      (completion--do-completion nil 'expect-exact)
    (error 1)))


我使用 ido 再次尝试了这一点。有点不幸的是,您没有像常规迷你缓冲区完成那样突出显示下一个“重要字符”(因为这是接下来要输入的内容的一个很好的指示器),但这似乎在其他方面工作得很好。

(require 'bookmark)
(require 'ido)

(defvar bookmark-ido-quick-jump-map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map)
  "Keymap for `bookmark-ido-quick-jump'.

Every time `ido-completing-read' is called it re-initializes
`ido-common-completion-map' and sets its parent to be `minibuffer-local-map'.

In `bookmark-ido-quick-jump' we provide this modified copy as a replacement

(define-key bookmark-ido-quick-jump-map
  [remap self-insert-command] 'my-self-insert-and-ido-complete)

(defun bookmark-ido-quick-jump ()
  "Jump to selected bookmark, using auto-completion and auto-acceptance."
  (let ((minibuffer-local-map bookmark-ido-quick-jump-map)
        (ido-enable-prefix t))
     (ido-completing-read "Jump to bookmark: " 
                          (loop for b in bookmark-alist collect (car b))))))

(defun my-self-insert-and-ido-complete (n)
  "Insert the character, then attempt to complete the current string,
automatically exiting when only one option remains."
  (interactive "p")
  (self-insert-command n)
  ;; ido uses buffer-local pre- and post-command hooks, so we need to
  ;; co-operate with those. We append our post-command function so that
  ;; it executes after ido has finished processing our self-insert.
  (add-hook 'post-command-hook
            'my-self-insert-and-ido-complete-post-command t t))

(defun my-self-insert-and-ido-complete-post-command ()
  (remove-hook 'post-command-hook
               'my-self-insert-and-ido-complete-post-command t)
  ;; Now that ido has finished its normal processing for the current
  ;; command, we simulate a subsequent `ido-complete' command.
  (ido-tidy) ;; pre-command-hook
  (ido-exhibit)) ;; post-command-hook

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