mt_rand 的缺点是什么?



的分布mt_rand()当 max 超过 2^32 时,返回值在 64 位 PHP 版本上偏向于偶数。


Besides mt_rand() is claimedrand(),只需在前面添加三个字符即可!


mt_rand uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which is far better than the LCG typically used by rand. For example, the period of an LCG is a measly 232, whereas the period of mt_rand is 219937 − 1. Also, all the values generated by an LCG will lie on lines or planes when plotted into a multidimensional space. Also, it is not only practically feasible, but relatively easy to determine the parameters of an LCG. The only advantage LCGs have is being potentially slightly faster, but on a scale that is completely irrelevant when coding in php.

然而,mt_rand is 不适合加密目的(生成令牌、密码或加密密钥)。

如果您需要加密随机性,请使用random_int在 php 7 中。在较旧的 php 版本上,读取/dev/urandom or /dev/random在符合 POSIX 的操作系统上。


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