在 Linux 上创建线程与进程的开销


我试图回答在 python 中创建线程与进程有多少开销的问题。我修改了类似问题的代码,该问题基本上运行一个带有两个线程的函数,然后运行带有两个进程的相同函数并报告时间。

import time, sys
NUM_RANGE = 100000000

from multiprocessing  import Process
import threading

def timefunc(f):
    t = time.time()
    return time.time() - t

def multiprocess():
    class MultiProcess(Process):
        def __init__(self):

        def run(self):
            # Alter string + test processing speed
            for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
                a = 20 * 20

    for _ in xrange(300):

def multithreading():
    class MultiThread(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self):

        def run(self):
            # Alter string + test processing speed
            for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
                a = 20 * 20

    for _ in xrange(300):

print "process run time" + str(timefunc(multiprocess))
print "thread run time" + str(timefunc(multithreading))

然后我得到了多处理 7.9 秒和多线程 7.9 秒

我试图回答的主要问题是,在 Linux 上使用多线程或多处理是否适合处理数千个网络请求。看起来根据这段代码,它们在启动时间方面是相同的,但也许进程的内存使用量要大得多?

您的代码不适合对进程和线程之间的启动时间进行基准测试。多线程 Python 代码(在 CPython 中)意味着单核。当该线程持有全局解释器锁时,一个线程中的任何 Python 代码执行都将排除该进程中所有其他线程的执行(GIL https://wiki.python.org/moin/GlobalInterpreterLock)。这意味着只要涉及 Python 字节码,您就只能实现线程并发,而不是真正的并行。

您的示例主要是对特定的 CPU 限制工作负载性能(在紧密循环内运行计算)进行基准测试,无论如何您都不会使用线程。如果您想衡量创建开销,则必须从基准测试中删除除创建本身之外的任何内容(尽可能)。


启动一个线程(以 Ubuntu 18.04 为基准)比启动一个进程便宜很多倍。

与线程启动相比,使用指定 start_methods 的进程启动需要:

  • fork:约长 33 倍
  • 分叉服务器:约 6693 倍长
  • spawn:约 7558 倍长



我最近升级到 Ubuntu 18.04 并测试了一个脚本的启动,希望它更接近事实。请注意,此代码是 Python 3。


# thread_vs_proc_start_up.py
import sys
import time
import pandas as pd
from threading import Thread
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe

def format_secs(sec, decimals=2) -> str:
    """Format subseconds.

    # Out: '1.0 ns'
    if sec < 1e-6:
        return f"{sec * 1e9:.{decimals}f} ns"
    elif sec < 1e-3:
        return f"{sec * 1e6:.{decimals}f} µs"
    elif sec < 1:
        return f"{sec * 1e3:.{decimals}f} ms"
    elif sec >= 1:
        return f"{sec:.{decimals}f} s"

def compare(value, base):
    """Return x-times relation of value and base."""
    return f"{(value / base):.2f}x"

def display_results(executor, result_series):
    """Display results for Executor."""
    exe_str = str(executor).split(".")[-1].strip('\'>')
    print(f"\nresults for {exe_str}:\n")

    print(result_series.describe().to_string(), "\n")
    print(f"Minimum with {format_secs(result_series.min())}")
    print("-" * 60)

基准测试函数如下。对于每一个测试n_runs,创建一个新管道。 一个新的进程或线程(执行器)启动并且目标函数calc_start_up_time立即返回时间差。就这样。

def calc_start_up_time(pipe_in, start):
    pipe_in.send(time.perf_counter() - start)

def run(executor, n_runs):

    results = []
    for _ in range(int(n_runs)):
        pipe_out, pipe_in = Pipe(duplex=False)
        exe = executor(target=calc_start_up_time, args=(pipe_in,
        # Note: Measuring only the time for exe.start() returning like:
        # start = time.perf_counter()
        # exe.start()
        # end = time.perf_counter()
        # would not include the full time a new process needs to become
        # production ready.

    result_series = pd.Series(results)
    display_results(executor, result_series)
    return result_series.min()

它的构建是通过 start_method 和作为命令行参数传递的运行次数从终端启动的。基准测试将始终运行n_runs使用指定的 start_method 启动进程(在 Ubuntu 18.04 上可用:fork、spawn、forkserver),然后与n_runs线程启动。结果侧重于最小值,因为它们显示了可能的速度。

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Usage:
    # ------
    # Start from terminal with start_method and number of runs as arguments:
    #   $python thread_vs_proc_start_up.py fork 100
    # Get all available start methods on your system with:
    # >>>import multiprocessing as mp
    # >>>mp.get_all_start_methods()

    start_method, n_runs = sys.argv[1:]

    mins = []
    for executor in [Process, Thread]:
        mins.append(run(executor, n_runs))
    print(f"Minimum start-up time for processes takes "
          f"{compare(*mins)} "
          f"longer than for threads.")


with n_runs=1000在我生锈的机器上:

# Ubuntu 18.04 start_method: fork
# ================================
results for Process:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.002081
std         0.000288
min         0.001466
25%         0.001866
50%         0.001973
75%         0.002268
max         0.003365 

Minimum with 1.47 ms

results for Thread:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.000054
std         0.000013
min         0.000044
25%         0.000047
50%         0.000051
75%         0.000058
max         0.000319 

Minimum with 43.89 µs
Minimum start-up time for processes takes 33.41x longer than for threads.

# Ubuntu 18.04 start_method: spawn
# ================================

results for Process:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.333502
std         0.008068
min         0.321796
25%         0.328776
50%         0.331763
75%         0.336045
max         0.415568 

Minimum with 321.80 ms

results for Thread:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.000056
std         0.000016
min         0.000043
25%         0.000046
50%         0.000048
75%         0.000065
max         0.000231 

Minimum with 42.58 µs
Minimum start-up time for processes takes 7557.80x longer than for threads.

# Ubuntu 18.04 start_method: forkserver
# =====================================

results for Process:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.295011
std         0.007157
min         0.287871
25%         0.291440
50%         0.293263
75%         0.296185
max         0.361581 

Minimum with 287.87 ms

results for Thread:

count    1000.000000
mean        0.000055
std         0.000014
min         0.000043
25%         0.000045
50%         0.000047
75%         0.000064
max         0.000251 

Minimum with 43.01 µs
Minimum start-up time for processes takes 6693.44x longer than for threads.

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