这个 SQL 语句在 Linq 中的等价物是什么?


我需要将此 SQL 语句移植到 LINQ:

SELECT f.ID as IdFlight, 
       Tarif * 1 as Tarif, 
       f.Time, f.TimeOfArrival, 
       sl.Name as FromLoc, 
       sl.Country as FromCountry, 
       sl.Airport as FromAirport,
       dl.Name as ToLoc, 
       dl.Country as ToCountry, 
       dl.Airport as ToAirport 
FROM Flights as f 
    INNER JOIN Locations as sl ON sl.ID = f.ID_Source  
    INNER JOIN Locations as dl ON dl.ID = f.ID_Destination 
    INNER JOIN FlightsTarifs as ftf ON f.Id = ftf.IDFlight 
WHERE f.ID_Destination =30005 AND f.Time <= DATEADD(day,4,'2018/05/24 00:00') 
AND f.Time >= '2018/05/24 00:00' ORDER By f.Time, Tarif

我在 Linq 中的尝试:

IQueryable qinfo = from f in context.Flights
                   join sl in context.Locations on f.Id_Source equals sl.ID
                   join dl in context.Locations on f.Id_Destination equals dl.ID
                   join ftf in context.FlightsTarifs on f.ID equals ftf.IDFlight
                   where (f.Id_Source == aFormUser.FlightSrcID)
                   where (f.Id_Destination == aFormUser.FlightDestID)
                   where (f.Time.Date >= aFormUser.DepartureDate.Date)
                   where (f.Time.Date <= aFormUser.DepartureDate.Date.AddDays(4))
                   orderby f.Time, ftf.Tarif
                   select new {f.ID, ftf.Tarif, f.Time, f.TimeOfArrival,
                               sl.Name, sl.Country, sl.Airport,
                               dl.Name, dl.Country, dl.Airport  };


  1. 由于我将表航班与表位置连接两次,以便获取源位置和目的地位置的名称,因此在 LinQ 中执行此操作会导致编译器错误,即 dl.Name、dl.Country、dl、Airport 是匿名的类型,并且它们最终将具有与其他 sl.Name、sl.Country、sl.Airport 相同的名称。
  2. 我无法像在 Sql 中那样使用“As”表达式,或者 Linq 中是否有等效的表达式?
  3. 当我在 linq 查询中时,我无法将关税乘以乘客数量,但它不允许我这样做。


select new {
    Tarif = ftf.Tarif * 1, // Alias and multiply by your number
    SourceName = sl.Name, // Alias
    SourceCountry = sl.Country, // Alias
    SourceAirport = sl.Airport, // Alias
    DestName = dl.Name, // Alias
    DestCountry = dl.Country, // Alias
    DestAirport = dl.Airport // Alias

只是为了提供更多详细信息,以防其他人偶然发现这一点,根本原因是代码使用了new关键字来定义带有对象初始值设定项的匿名类型,该对象初始值设定项在尝试定义匿名类时遇到多个冲突(多个属性具有相同的推断名称,然后当 tarif 相乘时无法从表达式命名属性)。


More: http://geekswithblogs.net/BlackRabbitCoder/archive/2012/06/21/c.net-little-wonders-the-joy-of-anonymous-types.aspx http://geekswithblogs.net/BlackRabbitCoder/archive/2012/06/21/c.net-little-wonders-the-joy-of-anonymous-types.aspx



这个 SQL 语句在 Linq 中的等价物是什么? 的相关文章
