[WebCoreSharedBufferData getBytes:range:]: 范围 {0, 8} 超出数据长度 0'


我正在更新我的 iOs 7 应用程序。我为 cordova(电话间隙)开发了这个应用程序。当我运行这个应用程序时,我收到错误:

FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file
FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file
FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file
FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file
FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file
FirstDemo[175] <Error>: ImageIO: PNG Not a PNG file

FirstDemo[175:500b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[WebCoreSharedBufferData getBytes:range:]: range {0, 8} exceeds data length 0'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x30875f4b 0x3af476af 0x30875e8d 0x311b0a91 0x307ce9a5 0x315afe47 0x315afd21 0x316f49ab 0x315afc75 0x315af8f9 0x315b80f5 0x315b771f 0x308fd45d 0x32c976b5 0x32c96b5f 0x32c82a91 0x32c825d5 0x32c7f371 0x32c7da71 0x3b431273 0x3b43106b 0x3b431ce1 0x3b431f59 0x3b56cdbf 0x3b56cc84)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

我无法从任何地方找到任何解决方案。 谁能帮我?

哎呀,在意识到 kcbanner 的评论后才更新这个。

您是否见过/尝试过:iOS 7 是否改变了 PNG 兼容性/处理? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19574193/has-ios-7-changed-png-compatibility-handling


[WebCoreSharedBufferData getBytes:range:]: 范围 {0, 8} 超出数据长度 0' 的相关文章
