奇怪的行为 CRM 2011 插件


我已经为我们的报价产品注册了一个插件。该插件在我们的测试环境中运行良好。我已经测试过很多次了。然后在主服务器中注册插件。但是,会出现以下情况: 当我首先创建或更新报价产品时,报价产品表单会变灰:


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Xrm;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment;

public class Plugin : IPlugin
    public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)
        Entity entity;
        if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") &&
        context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
            entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
            if (entity.LogicalName != "quotedetail") { return; }
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory =
            IOrganizationService service =
            if (context.MessageName == "Create")
                Entity QuoteProduct = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
                Guid QPID = QuoteProduct.Id;
                TaxCreator(service, QPID);
            if (context.MessageName == "Update" && context.Depth < 3)
                Entity QuoteProduct = (Entity)context.PostEntityImages["Target"];
                Guid QPID = QuoteProduct.Id;
                TaxUpdater(service, QPID);
        catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
            throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(
            "An error occurred in the plug-in.", ex);
    private static void TaxCreator(IOrganizationService service, Guid QPID)
        using (var crm = new XrmServiceContext(service))
            var QuoteProduct = crm.QuoteDetailSet.Where(c => c.QuoteDetailId == QPID).First();
            var SaleSetting = crm.new_salessettingSet.Where(c => c.statecode == 0).First();
            double TaxPercent = (Convert.ToDouble(SaleSetting.new_TaxPercent) / 100);
            if (QuoteProduct.IsPriceOverridden == false)
                decimal Tax = (decimal)Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDouble(QuoteProduct.BaseAmount - QuoteProduct.ManualDiscountAmount.GetValueOrDefault()) * TaxPercent);
                decimal PricePerUnit = (decimal)(QuoteProduct.PricePerUnit.GetValueOrDefault() - QuoteProduct.VolumeDiscountAmount.GetValueOrDefault());
                QuoteProduct.Attributes["tax"] = new Money(Tax);
                QuoteProduct.Attributes["new_result"] = new Money(PricePerUnit);
    private static void TaxUpdater(IOrganizationService service, Guid QPID)
        using (var crm = new XrmServiceContext(service))
            var QuoteProduct = crm.QuoteDetailSet.Where(c => c.QuoteDetailId == QPID).First();
            var SaleSetting = crm.new_salessettingSet.Where(c => c.statecode == 0).First();
            double TaxPercent = (Convert.ToDouble(SaleSetting.new_TaxPercent) / 100);
            if (QuoteProduct.IsPriceOverridden == false)
                decimal Tax = (decimal)Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDouble(QuoteProduct.BaseAmount - QuoteProduct.ManualDiscountAmount.GetValueOrDefault()) * TaxPercent);
                decimal PricePerUnit = (decimal)(QuoteProduct.PricePerUnit.GetValueOrDefault() - QuoteProduct.VolumeDiscountAmount.GetValueOrDefault());
                QuoteProduct.Attributes["tax"] = new Money(Tax);
                QuoteProduct.Attributes["new_result"] = new Money(PricePerUnit);

我还检查了服务器上的事件查看器是否有错误,但没有结果! 我已注册了用于创建和更新报价产品的插件。 任何帮助是极大的赞赏。


public class MyPlugin _ IPlugin
  private ITracingService _trace;

  public void Execute(IServiceProvider service)
    _trace = (ITracingService)service.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
    _trace.Trace("Right before an operation. " + someValue);
    _trace.Trace("Right before an other operation. " + someOtherValue);
    throw new Exception("Intentional!");



由于OP要求更多细节,我正在获取他的代码并为他将跟踪算法放入其中。有点多余,但显然,CRM 可能非常令人困惑。我自己也去过那里。

public class Plugin : IPlugin
  // Here we declare our tracer.
  private ITracingService _trace;

  public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    // Here we create it.
    _trace = (ITracingService)serviceProvider

    // Here we crash our plugin just to make sure that we can see the logs 
    // with trace information. This statement should be gradually moved down
    // the code to discover where exactly the plugin brakes.
    throw new Exception("Intentional!");

    IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider
    Entity entity;

    try { ... }
    catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
      throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(
        "An error occurred in the plug-in.", ex);

    // Here we catch all other kinds of bad things that can happen.
    catch(Exception exception) { throw exception; }

  private static void TaxCreator(IOrganizationService service, Guid QPID)
    // Here we add a line to the trace hoping that the execution gets here.
    _trace.Trace("Entered TaxCreator.");

    using (var crm = new XrmServiceContext(service))
      var QuoteProduct = crm.QuoteDetailSet.Where(...).First();
      var SaleSetting = crm.new_salessettingSet.Where(...).First();
      double TaxPercent = (Convert.ToDouble(...) / 100);

      // Here we add a line to the trace to see if we get past this point.
      _trace.Trace("Approaching if statement.");

      if (QuoteProduct.IsPriceOverridden == false) { ... }

  private static void TaxUpdater(IOrganizationService service, Guid QPID)
    // Here we add a line to the trace hoping that the execution gets here.
    _trace.Trace("Entered TaxUpdater.");


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