Terraform azurerm 计划 start_time 始终在新部署时重置


我正在尝试获取资源azurerm_automation_schedule在特定时间部署(ex: 18:00)每月发生。


locals {
  update_time = "18:00"
  update_date = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD", timeadd(timestamp(), "24h"))
  update_timezone = "UTC"

resource "azurerm_automation_schedule" "main" {
  name                    = "test"
  resource_group_name     = "myresourcegroupname"
  automation_account_name = "myautomationaccountname"
  frequency               = "Month"
  timezone                = local.update_timezone
  start_time              = "${local.update_date}T${local.update_time}:00+02:00"
  description             = "This is an example schedule"
  monthly_occurrence {
    day = "Tuesday"
    occurrence = "1"

The "${local.update_date}T${local.update_time}:00+02:00"在当前时间上添加 2 小时并将日期向前调 1。这是确保日程安排在未来开始所必需的。

这工作正常,除了下次我回来运行部署时,它会检测到由于日期更改而发生的新更改,即使没有发生真正的更改。 start_time 总是向前滴答。

我似乎找不到任何可以提供帮助的地形逻辑。 有没有办法在变量中设置静态开始时间,并且只有在发生变化时才更新它? (不是日期)。


if [update_time] has not changed, do not update [azurerm_automation_schedule]
else update [azurerm_automation_schedule] with the new time, incrementing the day forward


我的最终工作代码(奖励:使用 Windows 更新调度程序,工作起来很痛苦!)

//== Provider used to store timestamp for updates ==//
provider "time" {
  version = "~> 0.4"

//== Store 1 day in the future, only update if [local.update_time] is altered ==//
resource "time_offset" "next_day" {
  offset_days = 1
  triggers = {
    update_time = local.update_time

locals {
  update_time = "19:40"
  update_date = substr(time_offset.next_day.rfc3339, 0, 10)
  update_timezone = "UTC"
  update_max_hours = "4"
  update_classifications = "Critical, Security, UpdateRollup, ServicePack, Definition, Updates"
  update_reboot_settings = "IfRequired"
  update_day = "Tuesday"
  update_occurrence = "2"

#This type should eventually replace the manual deploy via azurerm: azurerm_automation_softwareUpdateConfigurations
resource "azurerm_template_deployment" "windows" {
  name                = "windows-update"
  resource_group_name = module.stack.azurerm_resource_group.name

  template_body = <<DEPLOY
    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "resources": [
          "apiVersion": "2017-05-15-preview",
          "type": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurations",
          "name": "${module.stack.azurerm_automation_account.name}/windows-updates",
          "properties": {
              "updateConfiguration": {
                  "operatingSystem": "Windows",
                  "duration": "PT${local.update_max_hours}H",
                  "windows": {
                      "excludedKbNumbers": [
                      "includedUpdateClassifications": "${local.update_classifications}",
                      "rebootSetting": "${local.update_reboot_settings}"
                  "azureVirtualMachines": [
                  "nonAzureComputerNames": [
              "scheduleInfo": {
                  "frequency": "Month",
                  "startTime": "${local.update_date}T${local.update_time}:00",
                  "timeZone":  "${local.update_timezone}",
                  "interval": 1,
                  "advancedSchedule": {
                      "monthlyOccurrences": [
                            "occurrence": "${local.update_occurrence}",
                            "day": "${local.update_day}"

  deployment_mode = "Incremental"


为此,您需要一种获得“明天”的方法once,并将其粘在状态下。存在于状态中的事物是资源,因此您需要一个代表带有偏移量的时间的资源。那就是time提供者 https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/time/r/offset.html进来。


resource "time_offset" "tomorrow" {
  offset_days = 1

这将为您提供“明天”,应用后它将保存在 Terraform 状态中。




但是,我们只想要 YYYY-MM-DD,所以我们使用substr获取前 10 个字符:

substr(time_offset.tomorrow.rfc3339, 0, 10)

把它们放在一起,我们得到这个(添加了 4 行,包括空格,更改了 1 行):

locals {
  update_time = "18:00"
  update_date = substr(time_offset.tomorrow.rfc3339, 0, 10)
  update_timezone = "UTC"

resource "time_offset" "tomorrow" {
  offset_days = 1

resource "azurerm_automation_schedule" "main" {
  name                    = "test"
  resource_group_name     = "myresourcegroupname"
  automation_account_name = "myautomationaccountname"
  frequency               = "Month"
  timezone                = local.update_timezone
  start_time              = "${local.update_date}T${local.update_time}:00+02:00"
  description             = "This is an example schedule"
  monthly_occurrence {
    day = "Tuesday"
    occurrence = "1"

您可能需要携带time提供程序来使用它(如果没有它就无法工作,请将其与您的 AzureRM 提供程序放在一起):

provider "time" {}

您可以使用terraform taint 'time_offset.tomorrow'如果需要的话,强制重新计算时间。


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