Unity 自定义检查器和子检查器


我正在Unity 2017.2 中开发一个小型ARPG。


基本上,AbilityBluePrint 包含在运行时生成能力所需的所有信息。包括一个 Effect[] ScritpableObjects 数组,当使用该能力时会触发该数组。


假设我有一个效果类 DamagePlusX : Effect 作为伤害修正值。如果我希望此效果对两种不同的能力具有不同的修饰符值,那么我必须在资源目录中创建它的两个实例,并手动将每个实例分配给相应能力的 Effect[] 数组。我担心我最终会得到很多很多效果实例,每个效果实例本质上都有一些不同的整数和浮点数。

因此,我想我会使用一个有点像来自的自定义检查器冒险教程 https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/adventure-game-tutorial/reactions?playlist=44381来自统一。




NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
AbilityBluePrintEditor.SubEditorSetup (.EffectEditor editor) (at Assets/Scripts/Editor/AbilityBluePrintEditor.cs:90)
EditorWithSubEditors`2[TEditor,TTarget].CheckAndCreateSubEditors (.TTarget[] subEditorTargets) (at Assets/Scripts/Editor/EditorWithSubEditors.cs:33)

我尝试了很多事情,我想知道我想做的事情是否可以使用可编写脚本的对象来实现。在原始教程中,我的 BluePrintAbility 的等效项是 Monobehaviour。


我的 BluePrintAbility 课程:

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Ability BluePrint", menuName = "Ability BluePrint")]
public class AbilityBluePrint : ScriptableObject {
    public Effect[] effects = new Effect[0];
    public string description;


public abstract class Effect : ScriptableObject {

我的 DamagePlusX 效果等级:

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "DamagePlusX",menuName = "Effects/DamagePlusX")]
public class DamagePlusX : Effect
    int modifier;

    public void ApplyModifier(){ // some logic}



// This class acts as a base class for Editors that have Editors
// nested within them.  For example, the InteractableEditor has
// an array of ConditionCollectionEditors.
// It's generic types represent the type of Editor array that are
// nested within this Editor and the target type of those Editors.
public abstract class EditorWithSubEditors<TEditor, TTarget> : Editor
    where TEditor : Editor
    where TTarget : Object

    protected TEditor[] subEditors;         // Array of Editors nested within this Editor.

// This should be called in OnEnable and at the start of OnInspectorGUI.
protected void CheckAndCreateSubEditors (TTarget[] subEditorTargets)
    // If there are the correct number of subEditors then do nothing.
    if (subEditors != null && subEditors.Length == subEditorTargets.Length)

    // Otherwise get rid of the editors.
    CleanupEditors ();

    // Create an array of the subEditor type that is the right length for the targets.
    subEditors = new TEditor[subEditorTargets.Length];

    // Populate the array and setup each Editor.
    for (int i = 0; i < subEditors.Length; i++)
        subEditors[i] = CreateEditor (subEditorTargets[i]) as TEditor;
        SubEditorSetup (subEditors[i]); // ERROR comes inside this function HERE !!!!

// This should be called in OnDisable.
protected void CleanupEditors ()
    // If there are no subEditors do nothing.
    if (subEditors == null)

    // Otherwise destroy all the subEditors.
    for (int i = 0; i < subEditors.Length; i++)
        DestroyImmediate (subEditors[i]);

    // Null the array so it's GCed.
    subEditors = null;

// This must be overridden to provide any setup the subEditor needs when it is first created.
protected abstract void SubEditorSetup (TEditor editor);


    [CustomEditor(typeof(AbilityBluePrint)), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class AbilityBluePrintEditor : EditorWithSubEditors<EffectEditor, Effect>
    private AbilityBluePrint blueprint;          // Reference to the target.
    private SerializedProperty effectsProperty; //represents the array of effects.

    private Type[] effectTypes;                           // All the non-abstract types which inherit from Effect.  This is used for adding new Effects.
    private string[] effectTypeNames;                     // The names of all appropriate Effect types.
    private int selectedIndex;                              // The index of the currently selected Effect type.

    private const float dropAreaHeight = 50f;               // Height in pixels of the area for dropping scripts.
    private const float controlSpacing = 5f;                // Width in pixels between the popup type selection and drop area.
    private const string effectsPropName = "effects";   // Name of the field for the array of Effects.

    private readonly float verticalSpacing = EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
    // Caching the vertical spacing between GUI elements.

    private void OnEnable()
        // Cache the target.
        blueprint = (AbilityBluePrint)target;

        // Cache the SerializedProperty
        effectsProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(effectsPropName);

        // If new editors for Effects are required, create them.

        // Set the array of types and type names of subtypes of Reaction.

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        // Pull all the information from the target into the serializedObject.

        // If new editors for Reactions are required, create them.


        // Display all the Effects.
        for (int i = 0; i < subEditors.Length; i++)
            if (subEditors[i] != null)

        // If there are Effects, add a space.
        if (blueprint.effects.Length > 0)

        //Shows the effect selection GUI

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Effect"))


        // Push data back from the serializedObject to the target.

    private void OnDisable()
        // Destroy all the subeditors.

    // This is called immediately after each ReactionEditor is created.
    protected override void SubEditorSetup(EffectEditor editor)
        // Make sure the ReactionEditors have a reference to the array that contains their targets.
        editor.effectsProperty = effectsProperty; //ERROR IS HERE !!!

    private void SetEffectNamesArray()
        // Store the Effect type.
        Type effectType = typeof(Effect);

        // Get all the types that are in the same Assembly (all the runtime scripts) as the Effect type.
        Type[] allTypes = effectType.Assembly.GetTypes();

        // Create an empty list to store all the types that are subtypes of Effect.
        List<Type> effectSubTypeList = new List<Type>();

        // Go through all the types in the Assembly...
        for (int i = 0; i < allTypes.Length; i++)
            // ... and if they are a non-abstract subclass of Effect then add them to the list.
            if (allTypes[i].IsSubclassOf(effectType) && !allTypes[i].IsAbstract)

        // Convert the list to an array and store it.
        effectTypes = effectSubTypeList.ToArray();

        // Create an empty list of strings to store the names of the Effect types.
        List<string> reactionTypeNameList = new List<string>();

        // Go through all the Effect types and add their names to the list.
        for (int i = 0; i < effectTypes.Length; i++)

        // Convert the list to an array and store it.
        effectTypeNames = reactionTypeNameList.ToArray();

    private void SelectionGUI()
        // Create a Rect for the full width of the inspector with enough height for the drop area.
        Rect fullWidthRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(dropAreaHeight + verticalSpacing));

        // Create a Rect for the left GUI controls.
        Rect leftAreaRect = fullWidthRect;

        // It should be in half a space from the top.
        leftAreaRect.y += verticalSpacing * 0.5f;

        // The width should be slightly less than half the width of the inspector.
        leftAreaRect.width *= 0.5f;
        leftAreaRect.width -= controlSpacing * 0.5f;

        // The height should be the same as the drop area.
        leftAreaRect.height = dropAreaHeight;

        // Create a Rect for the right GUI controls that is the same as the left Rect except...
        Rect rightAreaRect = leftAreaRect;

        // ... it should be on the right.
        rightAreaRect.x += rightAreaRect.width + controlSpacing;

        // Display the GUI for the type popup and button on the left.

    private void TypeSelectionGUI(Rect containingRect)
        // Create Rects for the top and bottom half.
        Rect topHalf = containingRect;
        topHalf.height *= 0.5f;
        Rect bottomHalf = topHalf;
        bottomHalf.y += bottomHalf.height;

        // Display a popup in the top half showing all the reaction types.
        selectedIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(topHalf, selectedIndex, effectTypeNames);

        // Display a button in the bottom half that if clicked...
        if (GUI.Button(bottomHalf, "Add Selected Effect"))
            // ... finds the type selected by the popup, creates an appropriate reaction and adds it to the array.
            Type effectType = effectTypes[selectedIndex];
            Effect newEffect = EffectEditor.CreateEffect(effectType);

public abstract class EffectEditor : Editor
    public bool showEffect = true;                       // Is the effect editor expanded?
    public SerializedProperty effectsProperty;    // Represents the SerializedProperty of the array the target belongs to.

    private Effect effect;                      // The target Reaction.

    private const float buttonWidth = 30f;          // Width in pixels of the button to remove this Reaction from the ReactionCollection array.

    private void OnEnable()
        // Cache the target reference.
        effect = (Effect)target;

        // Call an initialisation method for inheriting classes.

    // This function should be overridden by inheriting classes that need initialisation.
    protected virtual void Init() { }

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        Debug.Log("attempt to draw effect inspector");
        // Pull data from the target into the serializedObject.




        // Push data back from the serializedObject to the target.

    public static Effect CreateEffect(Type effectType)
        // Create a reaction of a given type.
        return (Effect) ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(effectType);

public class DamagePlusXEditor : EffectEditor {}

不确定它是否对您的具体情况有帮助,但我很幸运地将数据存储在纯 C# 类中,然后将这些数据的数组嵌套在 ScriptableObject 中,并且这两个类上的自定义编辑器一起工作。


public class Buff
    public CharacterAttribute attribute;
    public CalculationType calculationType;
    public BuffDuration buffDuration;
    public bool effectBool;
    public int effectInt;
    public float effectFloat;


[CustomPropertyDrawer (typeof (Buff))]
public class BuffDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)

然后是包含这些“Buff”对象数组的 SO:

[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "New Buff", menuName = "Data/Buff")]
public class BuffData : ScriptableObject
    public new string name;
    public string description;
    public Texture2D icon;
    public Buff [] attributeBuffs;

最后是 SO 的编辑器(请参阅底部附近的 PropertyField):

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

[CustomEditor (typeof (BuffData))]
public class BuffDataEditor : Editor
    private const int DescriptionWidthPadding = 35;
    private const float DescriptionHeightPadding = 1.25f;
    private const string AttributesHelpText = 
        "Choose which attributes are to be affected by this buff and by how much.\n" +
        "Note: the calculation type should match the attribute's implementation.";

    private SerializedProperty nameProperty;
    private SerializedProperty descriptionProperty;
    private SerializedProperty iconProperty;
    private SerializedProperty attributeBuffsProperty;

    private void OnEnable ()
        nameProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("name");
        descriptionProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("description");
        iconProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("icon");
        attributeBuffsProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("attributeBuffs");

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        serializedObject.Update ();

        nameProperty.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Name", nameProperty.stringValue);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Description:");
        GUIStyle descriptionStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.textArea)
            wordWrap = true,
            padding = new RectOffset (6, 6, 6, 6),
            fixedWidth = Screen.width - DescriptionWidthPadding
        descriptionStyle.fixedHeight = descriptionStyle.CalcHeight (new GUIContent (descriptionProperty.stringValue), Screen.width) * DescriptionHeightPadding;
        descriptionProperty.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextArea (descriptionProperty.stringValue, descriptionStyle);
        EditorGUILayout.Space ();
        iconProperty.objectReferenceValue = (Texture2D) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Icon", iconProperty.objectReferenceValue, typeof (Texture2D), false);
        EditorGUILayout.Space ();
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox (AttributesHelpText, MessageType.Info);
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (attributeBuffsProperty, true);



检查员示例 https://i.stack.imgur.com/HMpK5.png



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    我正在尝试使用我的 Android 应用程序在 mysql 数据库中存储一些数据 我正在使用 okhttp3 发送请求 但在这一行出现错误 client newCall request execute 我在本地机器和在线上尝试过 但它给了我
  • Unity 自定义检查器和子检查器

    我正在Unity 2017 2 中开发一个小型ARPG 我尝试为我的游戏的能力蓝图类实现自定义编辑器 基本上 AbilityBluePrint 包含在运行时生成能力所需的所有信息 包括一个 Effect ScritpableObjects