如何在 reStructuredText / Sphinx 中创建浮动图形?




Installation of Optional Accessories

.. warning:: Never plug in or unplug a Hand Robot or a Grasp Sensor while the robot is turned on, as the system will not function properly and damage to the robot could occur.

Installing a Hand Robot

.. _`fig-attach-hand-robot`:
.. figure:: attach-hand-robot.*
  :scale: 40%
  :align: right

  Attach Hand Robot

Make sure the robot is turned off as described in the section :ref:`turn-off-robot`. 

Take the hand robot out of the grounded bin that sits on top of the electrical panel (if you have an adjustable height table) or sits on top of the rear table (if you have a fixed height table). Make sure not to touch the pins on the electrical wiring while doing so. Insert the conical protrusion of the hand robot into the conical receptacle (see :ref:`fig-attach-hand-robot`). Once the hand robot is supported by the InMotion Arm Robot, make sure the two knobs below the Hand Robot have engaged and sprung in. If they have not, twist them until they do as shown (see :ref:`fig-knobs-in`).

and 我得到的是这个 PDF 输出的屏幕截图。 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/178401/Screenshots/fvf~.png

  • 为什么图形标题居中,而不是在图像下方?
  • 为什么正文(“确保...”和“接受...”)不在图像的左侧,而不是在图像的下方?我希望图形向右浮动,文本在左侧。

所以,我对 reStructuredText 做了一些研究,看来你想要的实际上是不可能的。

的文档figure http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#figureimage http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#image-options指令从未提及将文本环绕在对象周围的能力。

这可能是向 Sphinx 开发人员提供的功能请求,尽管我怀疑他们会拒绝它,因为第一个规范中没有明确提到它。



如何在 reStructuredText / Sphinx 中创建浮动图形? 的相关文章
