将 DAO 记录集转换为断开连接的 ADO 记录集 dbDecimal 问题


在 MS Access VBA (2007) 中,我编写了以下函数,将 DAO 记录集转换为断开连接的内存中 ADO 记录集。问题是我在 DAO dbDecimal 字段上遇到数据类型转换问题。当我尝试将 DAO 记录集中的数据插入到新创建的 ADO 记录集中时,问题就出现了。当我到达 DAO dbDecimal (ADO adNumeric) 类型的列时,出现以下错误:

Error -2147217887 (80040e21): 
Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.


正如您在下面看到的,我已经对 NumericScale 和 Precision 进行了硬编码,但这似乎没有任何帮助。

Public Function ConvertDAORStoADORS(ByRef r1 As DAO.Recordset) As ADODb.Recordset

    If Not r1 Is Nothing Then

        Dim ra As ADODb.Recordset
        Set ra = New ADODb.Recordset

        Dim f1 As DAO.Field, fa As ADODb.Field

        For Each f1 In r1.Fields
            Select Case f1.Type
                Case dbText
                    ra.Fields.Append f1.Name, adVarWChar, f1.Size, adFldIsNullable
                Case dbMemo
                    ra.Fields.Append f1.Name, adLongVarWChar, 10000, adFldIsNullable

                'Here's the problematic one
                Case dbDecimal
                    ra.Fields.Append f1.Name, adNumeric, , adFldIsNullable
                    Set fa = ra.Fields(f1.Name)
                    fa.NumericScale = 19
                    fa.Precision = 4

                Case 9, dbLongBinary, dbAttachment, dbComplexByte, dbComplexInteger, dbComplexLong, dbComplexText, dbComplexSingle, dbComplexDouble, dbComplexGUID, dbComplexDecimal
                    'Unsupported types
                Case Else
                    Debug.Print f1.Name & " " & f1.Type
                    ra.Fields.Append f1.Name, GetADOFieldType(f1.Type), , adFldIsNullable

            End Select
        Next f1
        ra.LockType = adLockPessimistic
        'On Error Resume Next
        If Not (r1.EOF And r1.BOF) Then
            Do Until r1.EOF = True
                For Each f1 In r1.Fields
                    'Error -2147217887 (80040e21) Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
                    'Error only occurs on dbDecimal/adNumeric fields
                    ra(f1.Name).value = r1(f1.Name).value
                Next f1
        End If

        Set ConvertDAORStoADORS = ra
    End If

End Function

Private Function GetADOFieldType(daofieldtype As Integer) As Long
    Select Case daofieldtype
        'Fixed width adWChar does not exist
        Case dbText: GetADOFieldType = adVarWChar
        Case dbMemo: GetADOFieldType = adLongVarWChar
        Case dbByte: GetADOFieldType = adUnsignedTinyInt
        Case dbInteger: GetADOFieldType = adSmallInt
        Case dbLong: GetADOFieldType = adInteger
        Case dbSingle: GetADOFieldType = adSingle
        Case dbDouble: GetADOFieldType = adDouble
        Case dbGUID: GetADOFieldType = adGUID
        Case dbDecimal: GetADOFieldType = adNumeric
        Case dbDate: GetADOFieldType = adDate
        Case dbCurrency: GetADOFieldType = adCurrency
        Case dbBoolean: GetADOFieldType = adBoolean
        Case dbLongBinary: GetADOFieldType = adLongVarBinary
        Case dbBinary: GetADOFieldType = adVarBinary
        Case Else: GetADOFieldType = adVarWChar
    End Select
End Function

我从链接到 MS SQL Server 2008 的 ODBC 链接表派生 DAO 记录集。该字段实际上是 SQL Server Decimal(19,4) 数据类型。


这对我有用,但我不确定为什么您不只是从表创建 ADODB 记录集并断开连接。

  Case dbDecimal
      ra.Fields.Append f1.Name, adDecimal, , adFldIsNullable
      Set fa = ra.Fields(f1.Name)
      fa.NumericScale = 19
      fa.Precision = 4


    Dim ra As New ADODb.Recordset
    ''Set ra = New ADODb.Recordset

将 DAO 记录集转换为断开连接的 ADO 记录集 dbDecimal 问题 的相关文章
