

API 30 Android 10.0+(Google API)、AVD (x86)

问题是... 只是为了测试 ViewPager2。我将 ViewPager2 与 TabLayout 和附加片段一起使用。然后我将“离屏页面限制值”设置为 1。我预计将保留 3 页。 (当前、左、右页)但保留了大约6页。当我使用以前的ViewPager时,它工作得很好。

我做了... 我阅读了文档 Android 开发者网站>。但我找不到上述问题的原因,我不知道文档中的“OFFSCREEN_PAGE_LIMIT_DEFAULT”意味着要维护多少页。它被定义为-1。


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { 
    private TabLayout tabLayout; 
    private ViewPager2 viewPager; 
    private ViewPagerAdapter viewPagerAdapter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        tabLayout = findViewById(;
        viewPager = findViewById(;

        viewPager.setAdapter(new ViewPagerAdapter(this, 9));

        new TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout, viewPager, new TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy() {
            @Override public void onConfigureTab(@NonNull TabLayout.Tab tab, int position) {
                tab.setText("Tab " + (position + 1));


 * Sets whether the LayoutManager should be queried for views outside of
 * its viewport while the UI thread is idle between frames.
 * <p>If enabled, the LayoutManager will be queried for items to inflate/bind in between
 * view system traversals on devices running API 21 or greater. Default value is true.</p>
 * <p>On platforms API level 21 and higher, the UI thread is idle between passing a frame
 * to RenderThread and the starting up its next frame at the next VSync pulse. By
 * prefetching out of window views in this time period, delays from inflation and view
 * binding are much less likely to cause jank and stuttering during scrolls and flings.</p>
 * <p>While prefetch is enabled, it will have the side effect of expanding the effective
 * size of the View cache to hold prefetched views.</p>
 * @param enabled <code>True</code> if items should be prefetched in between traversals.
 * @see #isItemPrefetchEnabled()
RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager =  ((RecyclerView)(viewPager.getChildAt(0))).getLayoutManager();
if(layoutManager != null) {

 * Set the number of offscreen views to retain before adding them to the potentially shared
 * {@link #getRecycledViewPool() recycled view pool}.
 * <p>The offscreen view cache stays aware of changes in the attached adapter, allowing
 * a LayoutManager to reuse those views unmodified without needing to return to the adapter
 * to rebind them.</p>
 * @param size Number of views to cache offscreen before returning them to the general
 *             recycled view pool
RecyclerView recyclerView=  ((RecyclerView)(viewPager.getChildAt(0)));
if(recyclerView != null) {

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