

The cppreference 中的结构化绑定案例2 https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/structured_binding有点难以理解。基本上,我想澄清这些情况

int x = 1;
double y = 2.0;
auto [a, b] = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y);   //a, b are both reference, why?
auto&& [c, d] = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y); //What's the difference of this and above?
auto&& [e, f] = std::tuple{x, y};  //why are NOT e, f rvalue references? Resharper shows them as value type not reference type


std::tuple<int&, double&> f;
auto [x, y] = f(); //But I want a copy from the reference, how?

std::forward_as_tuple(x, y)给你一个tuple<int&, double&>。绑定的类型是int& and double&(与绑定类型相同的方式tuple<int, double> are int and double)。基本上:

auto [a, b] = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y);
auto&& [c, d] = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y);


auto __e = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y);
using __E = remove_reference_t<decltype(__e)>;
tuple_element_t<0, __E>&& a = std::get<0>(std::move(__e));
tuple_element_t<1, __E>&& b = std::get<1>(std::move(__e));

auto&& __f = std::forward_as_tuple(x, y);
using __F = remove_reference_t<decltype(__f)>;
tuple_element_t<0, F>&& c = std::get<0>(std::move(__f));
tuple_element_t<1, F>&& d = std::get<1>(std::move(__f));

So a是一个右值引用int& and c是一个右值引用double&, so int& and double&分别。这个特殊的表述(我特意将其称为对参考的引用,而不是仅仅将其称为int&)是必要的,因为decltype(name) where name是一个结构化的绑定给你引用的类型,这就是为什么decltype(a)会给你int&.

The above also shows the difference between the [a, b] and the [c, d] case: the auto vs auto&& declaration applies to the unnamed object that we're destructuring. It does not affect the bindings themselves.


auto&& [e, f] = std::tuple{x, y};


auto&& __g = std::tuple{x, y};
using __G = remove_reference_t<decltype(__g)>;
tuple_element_t<0, G>&& e = std::get<0>(std::move(__g));
tuple_element_t<1, G>&& f = std::get<1>(std::move(__g));

So e是一个右值引用int, 意思是decltype(e) is int, not int&.



std::tuple<int&, double&> f = /* ... */;
std::tuple<int, double> actual_copy = f;
auto& [x, y] = actual_copy; 

In the above case, because the underlying object being destructured is an lvalue reference (auto&), this technically makes the bindings themselves lvalue references to whatever instead of rvalue references to whatever -- although I'm not sure if this is actually a meaningful distinction.


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