Hazelcast Jet 查询


我对 Hazelcast Jet 有以下疑问


有一个应用程序(应用程序“A”,部署在集群中)使用 Hazelcast IMDG 并将数百万条记录/事务放入 hazelcast IMap 中。

已为此 IMap 配置事件日志。

还有另一个应用程序(应用程序 B,部署在集群中)实例化 JetInstance 并在每个节点上单独运行作业来处理记录。

目前,此作业从事件日志中读取数据并添加到 IList 中(参考 - hazelcast-jet-0.5.1\code-samples\streaming\map-journal-source\src\main\java\RemoteMapJournalSource.java)

由于作业在多个节点上运行,事件日志中的记录由多个节点处理。这会导致 IList 中出现多个条目。

是否可以确保一条记录仅由“应用程序 B”的一个节点处理,而不由其他节点处理以避免重复?

如果不是,这是否意味着该作业将由“应用程序 B”集群的单个节点运行?

这是示例代码(应用程序 B)

        Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
        p.drawFrom(Sources.<Integer, Integer, Integer>remoteMapJournal(MAP_NAME, clientConfig,
                e -> e.getType() == EntryEventType.ADDED, EventJournalMapEvent::getNewValue, true))

        JobConfig jc= new JobConfig();




public class RemoteMapJournalSourceSrv1 {

private static final String MAP_NAME = "map";
private static final String SINK_NAME = "list";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.setProperty("remoteHz.logging.type", "log4j");

    Config hzConfig = getConfig();
    HazelcastInstance remoteHz = startRemoteHzCluster(hzConfig);

    try {
        IMap<Integer, Integer> map = remoteHz.getMap(MAP_NAME);
        System.out.println("*************** Initial Map  address " +  map.size() );

        while(true) {
            System.out.println("***************map size "+map.size());  

    } finally {

private static HazelcastInstance startRemoteHzCluster(Config config) {
    HazelcastInstance remoteHz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
    return remoteHz;

private static Config getConfig() {
    Config config = new Config();
    // Add an event journal config for map which has custom capacity of 1000 (default 10_000)
    // and time to live seconds as 10 seconds (default 0 which means infinite)
    config.addEventJournalConfig(new EventJournalConfig().setEnabled(true)
    return config;

这是应用程序 B - 节点 1 示例代码

public class RemoteMapJournalSourceCL1 {

private static final String MAP_NAME = "map";
private static final String SINK_NAME = "list";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.setProperty("remoteHz.logging.type", "log4j");

      JetInstance localJet = startLocalJetCluster();

    try {
        ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
        GroupConfig groupConfig = new GroupConfig();


        IList list1 = localJet.getList(SINK_NAME);

        int size1 = list1.size();

        System.out.println("***************List Initial size "+size1);

        Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
        p.drawFrom(Sources.<Integer, Integer, Integer>remoteMapJournal(MAP_NAME, clientConfig,
                e -> e.getType() == EntryEventType.ADDED, EventJournalMapEvent::getNewValue, false))

        JobConfig jc= new JobConfig();

            System.out.println("***************Read " + list1.size() + " entries from remote map journal.");

    } finally {


private static String getAddress(HazelcastInstance remoteHz) {
    Address address = remoteHz.getCluster().getLocalMember().getAddress();
    System.out.println("***************Remote address " + address.getHost() + ":" + address.getPort() );
    return address.getHost() + ":" + address.getPort();

private static JetInstance startLocalJetCluster() {
      JetInstance localJet = Jet.newJetInstance();
    return localJet;

这是应用程序 B - 节点 2 示例代码

public class RemoteMapJournalSourceCL2 {

private static final String MAP_NAME = "map";
private static final String SINK_NAME = "list";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.setProperty("remoteHz.logging.type", "log4j");

      JetInstance localJet = startLocalJetCluster();

    try {
        ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
        GroupConfig groupConfig = new GroupConfig();


        IList list1 = localJet.getList(SINK_NAME);
        int size1 = list1.size();
        System.out.println("***************List Initial size "+size1);

        Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
        p.drawFrom(Sources.<Integer, Integer, Integer>remoteMapJournal(MAP_NAME, clientConfig,
                e -> e.getType() == EntryEventType.ADDED, EventJournalMapEvent::getNewValue, true))

        JobConfig jc= new JobConfig();


            System.out.println("***************Read " + list1.size() + " entries from remote map journal.");
    } finally {

private static JetInstance startLocalJetCluster() {
      JetInstance localJet = Jet.newJetInstance();
    return localJet;

Hazelcast 客户端 - 将条目放入 Hazelcast 地图(应用程序 A)

public class HZClient {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
    GroupConfig groupConfig = new GroupConfig();


    HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
    IMap<Integer, Integer> map = client.getMap("map");
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    int startIndex= 0;
    int endIndex= 0;

    while(true) {
        if(args !=null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("BATCH")) {

            System.out.println("Please input the batch size");
            int b = in.nextInt();
            startIndex= endIndex + 1;
            endIndex+= b;
            System.out.println("Batch starts from  "+ startIndex +"ends at"+endIndex);

        else {
            System.out.println("Please input the map entry");
            int a = in.nextInt();
            System.out.println("You entered integer "+a);

public static void putBatch(IMap map,int startIndex, int endIndex) {
    int index= startIndex;
    System.out.println("Start Index" + startIndex +"End Index"+endIndex );
        System.out.println("Map Values"+ index);


public static void put(IMap map,int key,int value) {
    map.set(key, value);


  1. 运行应用程序 A - Java 程序 RemoteMapJournalSourceSrv1

  2. 运行应用程序 B 节点 1 - Java 程序 RemoteMapJournalSourceCL1

  3. 运行应用程序 B 节点 2 - Java 程序 RemoteMapJournalSourceCL2

  4. 运行应用程序 A 的 Hazelcast 客户端 - Java 程序 HZClient



执行时,.peek() 会记录应用程序 B 的两个节点的值,并且在应用程序 A 映射中插入 1 个条目后列表计数变为 2。

您似乎正在从两个 Jet 客户端提交两个独立的作业。每个作业都会接收所有 IMap 事件日志项目并将它们推送到同一个 IList,因此 IList 的预期结果是包含每个项目的两个实例。

请记住,你只submit该作业来自 Jet 客户端,但它实际上在 Jet 集群内部同时在其所有成员上运行。如果您只想接收器中的一份数据副本,请不要提交相同的作业两次。


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