c++ opencv图像不显示在boost线程内


我正在开发c++我在那里使用的应用程序boost, opencv。并创建 boost 线程并调用该线程内的函数。该函数已得到 opencv imread(我使用 cvLoadimage 检查过,但得到了相同的结果),但程序无法完成并且程序退出。


boost::thread *thread_reconstruct; 

    int main( int argc, const char** argv )

        thread_reconstruct = new boost::thread(  &FuncCreate  );

        return 0;


    void FuncCreate()
        while (true)


    void compute_left_descriptors(const char* name_dir)

        char namebuf[1024];

            sprintf(namebuf, "%s/Left/%04d_left.bmp", name_dir, 1);

        // Program ended with exit code: 0 programe exit from here.
        Mat input_left = imread(namebuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

        imshow("Right View", input_left);



boost::thread *thread_reconstruct; 

int main( int argc, const char** argv )

    cv::namedWindow("Right View"); // this will create a window. Sometimes new windows can't be created in another thread, so we do it here in the main function.

    thread_reconstruct = new boost::thread(  &FuncCreate  );

    thread_reconstruct->join(); // this will make your program wait here until the thread has finished processing. Otherwise your program would exit directly.

    return 0;


void FuncCreate()
    while (true)

void compute_left_descriptors(const char* name_dir)

    char namebuf[1024];

        sprintf(namebuf, "%s/Left/%04d_left.bmp", name_dir, 1);

    // Program ended with exit code: 0 programe exit from here.
    Mat input_left = imread(namebuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

    if(input_left.empty()) printf("could not load image\n");

    imshow("Right View", input_left);
    waitKey(0); // if you dont want to press a key before each new image, you can change this to waitKey(30);


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