显示高级自定义字段的 JSON API - WordPress


I am developing a magazine WordPress site that will have a json feed for a Mobile App. I set the backend up using Advanced Custom Fields with a Repeater Field for Multiple Articles and Multiple Pages within each article. http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/add-ons/repeater-field/ http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/add-ons/repeater-field/ Screen shot of Repeater Fields

我正在使用 JSON API,但这不包括我的任何自定义字段。目前有插件可以做到这一点吗?


add_filter('json_api_encode', 'json_api_encode_acf');

function json_api_encode_acf($response) 
    if (isset($response['posts'])) {
        foreach ($response['posts'] as $post) {
            json_api_add_acf($post); // Add specs to each post
    else if (isset($response['post'])) {
        json_api_add_acf($response['post']); // Add a specs property

    return $response;

function json_api_add_acf(&$post) 
    $post->acf = get_fields($post->id);

显示高级自定义字段的 JSON API - WordPress 的相关文章
