Oracle EBS AP发票导入 API Rejection List 第二部分


Oracle EBS AP发票导入 API Rejection List 第二部分

The report lists the reason the invoice could not be imported and prints a brief explanation of the problem.

Inconsistent PO Dist Info. Values exist for purchase order distribution information in more than one of the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID) and


Inconsistent PO Info. Values exist for purchase order information in more than one of the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_HEADER_ID) and (PO_NUMBER).

Inconsistent PO Supplier. The value you provided for supplier does not match the supplier on the purchase order.

Inconsistent PO Line Info. Values exist for purchase order line information in more than one of the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_LINE_ID) and (PO_LINE_NUMBER) do not match.

Inconsistent PO Shipment. Values exist for purchase order shipment information in more than one of the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID) and (PO_SHIPMENT_NUM).

Inconsistent Rate. Exchange rate type and exchange rate date do not match the exchange rate.

Inconsistent Release Info - You have provided values for both PO_RELEASE_ID and RELEASE_NUM and they do not match.

Inconsistent Supplier. Values exist for supplier in more than one of the following columns, and the suppliers do not match: VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NUM, VENDOR_NAME.

Inconsistent Suppl Site. Values exist for supplier site in more than one of the following columns and the sites do not match: (VENDOR_SITE_ID) and (VENDOR_SITE_CODE).

Inconsistent Terms Info. Values exist for terms information in more than one of the following columns and the information does not match: (TERMS_ID) and (TERMS_NAME).

Inv Type Cannot Be AWT. Open Interface Import will not import invoices with an invoice type (INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE) of AWT (automatic withholding tax).

Invalid Acct Overlay. The account created using BALANCING_SEGMENT, COST_CENTER_SEGMENT, or ACCOUNT_SEGMENT is invalid.

Invalid AWT Group. Invalid automatic withholding tax group. This must be a valid value in AP_AWT_GROUPS.NAME.

Invalid Currency Code. Invalid currency code. This must be a valid value in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE.

Invalid Dist Set With PO. If the invoice is matched to a purchase order, the line cannot contain a distribution set (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID or DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).

Invalid Distribution Acct. Invalid distribution account. This must be a valid value in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.

Invalid Distribution Set. Invalid distribution set. This must be a valid value in AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS.

Invalid Exch Rate Type. You used a non-User type exchange rate type, and you entered an exchange rate.

Change the rate type to USER or delete the exchange rate.

Invalid Final Match Flag. You entered Yes as the value for FINAL_MATCH_FLAG, and the Payables Option of Allow Final Matching is not enabled.

Invalid Inv Type Lookup. Invalid invoice type lookup code. Type must be either Standard or Credit.

Invalid Invoice Amount. The precision of the invoice amount is greater than the precision for the invoice currency. For example, Open Interface Import will not import an invoice in US dollars if the amount is $100.001.

Invalid Invoice Quantity. You are attempting to match the invoice to a purchase order shipment, and the Quantity to be matched exceeds the available Quantity of the shipment by more then the tolerance you defined in the Invoice Tolerances window.

-- 刘轶鹤


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