linux prime,Linux – Prime95 (MPrime)



Prime95 是用來做 CPU 壓力測試的,由 GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search)所提供,主要是透過運算找出梅森質數,什麼是 質數(Prime number)指的是除了 1 和自身外,無法被其他自然數整除,何謂梅森質數 是指 2n − 1 ,是質數,就被稱為 梅森質數.

軟體可以從 來下載.

測試環境為 Ubuntu16.04 x86_64 虛擬機.

root@ubuntu:~# mkdir prime95

root@ubuntu:~# cd prime95/

root@ubuntu:~/prime95# wget

root@ubuntu:~/prime95# tar zxvf p95v294b7.linux64.tar.gz







剛剛前面有解釋到何謂 GIMPS 與 梅森質數,這邊一開始 mprime 就會詢問你是否有意願加入幫忙解 梅森質數 或是單存做 CPU 的壓力測試.

root@ubuntu:~/prime95# ./mprime

Welcome to GIMPS, the hunt for huge prime numbers. You will be asked a

few simple questions and then the program will contact the primenet server

to get some work for your computer. Good luck!

Attention OVERCLOCKERS!! Mprime has gained a reputation as a useful

stress testing tool for people that enjoy pushing their hardware to the

limit. You are more than welcome to use this software for that purpose.

Please select the stress testing choice below to avoid interfering with

the PrimeNet server. Use the Options/Torture Test menu choice for your

stress tests. Also, read the stress.txt file.

If you want to both join GIMPS and run stress tests, then Join GIMPS and

answer the questions. After the server gets some work for you, stop

mprime, then run mprime -m and choose Options/Torture Test.

Join Gimps? (Y=Yes, N=Just stress testing) (Y): n

Choose a type of torture test to run.

1 = Small FFTs (maximum heat and FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, RAM

not tested much).

2 = In-place large FFTs (maximum power consumption, some RAM tested).

3 = Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested).

11,12,13 = Allows you to fine tune the above three selections.

Blend is the default. NOTE: if you fail the blend test, but can pass the

small FFT test then your problem is likely bad memory or a bad memory


Type of torture test to run (3): 1

Accept the answers above? (Y): y

[Main thread Feb 7 10:07] Starting worker.

[Work thread Feb 7 10:07] Worker starting

[Work thread Feb 7 10:07] Beginning a continuous self-test on your computer.

[Work thread Feb 7 10:07] Please read stress.txt. Hit ^C to end this test.

[Work thread Feb 7 10:07] Test 1, 720000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M524289 using AVX FFT length 25K, Pass1=320, Pass2=80, clm=1.

回答問題之後有三種測試方式可以做選擇,使用 Top 來觀察,關於 Top 請參考

Small FFTs (maximum heat and FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, RAM not tested much).

這個測試項目會讓 CPU 產生最大的熱度 (maximum heat) , 測試到 FPU (floating point unit,浮點運算單元) 以及 L2 cache (CPU 快取),記憶體則是不會測試到.


In-place large FFTs (maximum power consumption, some RAM tested).

這個測試項目會消耗最大的功率 (maximum power consumption) ,也會測試到記憶體.


Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested).



11,12,13 = Allows you to fine tune the above three selections.

1,2,3 可以搭配使用.

需要按下 ctrl+c 來中斷程式.

^C[Main thread Feb 7 10:09] Stopping all worker threads.

[Work thread Feb 7 10:09] Torture Test completed 1 tests in 2 minutes - 0 errors, 0 warnings.

[Work thread Feb 7 10:09] Worker stopped.

[Main thread Feb 7 10:09] Execution halted.

之後的操作都可以透過 Main Menu 來選擇.

Main Menu

1. Test/Primenet

2. Test/Worker threads

3. Test/Status

4. Test/Continue

5. Test/Exit

6. Advanced/Test

7. Advanced/Time

8. Advanced/P-1

9. Advanced/ECM

10. Advanced/Manual Communication

11. Advanced/Unreserve Exponent

12. Advanced/Quit Gimps

13. Options/CPU

14. Options/Preferences

15. Options/Torture Test

16. Options/Benchmark

17. Help/About

18. Help/About PrimeNet Server

Your choice:

剛剛設定的壓力模式可以在 15. Options/Torture Test 中選擇,選擇之後就會開始執行,按下 ctrl+c 可以停止,如果要跳出程式選擇 5. Test/Exit.



Run the torture test. Same as Options/Torture Test.

root@ubuntu:~/prime95# ./mprime -t

[Main thread Feb 7 11:13] Starting worker.

[Work thread Feb 7 11:13] Worker starting

[Work thread Feb 7 11:13] Beginning a continuous self-test on your computer.

[Work thread Feb 7 11:13] Please read stress.txt. Hit ^C to end this test.

[Work thread Feb 7 11:13] Test 1, 36000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M7998783 using AVX FFT length 400K, Pass1=320, Pass2=1280, clm=2.

跑了什麼測試需要參考 prime.txt

root@ubuntu:~/prime95# cat prime.txt
















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