SwiftUI 暂停/恢复旋转动画


到目前为止,我已经看到了以下用于停止动画的技术,但我在这里寻找的是旋转视图停止在当前的角度,而不是返回到 0。

struct DemoView: View {
    @State private var isRotating: Bool = false
    var foreverAnimation: Animation {
        Animation.linear(duration: 1.8)
            .repeatForever(autoreverses: false)
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }, label: {
            .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: isRotating ? 360 : 0))
            .animation(isRotating ? foreverAnimation : .linear(duration: 0))

看起来旋转角度为 360 或 0 并不能让我将其冻结在中间角度(并最终从那里恢复)。有任何想法吗?

在 SwiftUI 中暂停和恢复动画非常简单,您可以通过确定中的动画类型来正确执行此操作withAnimation block.


  1. 动画暂停的值是多少?
  2. 恢复时动画应该继续到什么值?

这两部分至关重要,因为请记住,SwiftUI 视图只是表达您希望 UI 外观的方式,它们只是声明。除非您自己提供更新机制,否则它们不会保留 UI 的当前状态。因此 UI 的状态(如当前旋转角度)不会自动保存在其中。

虽然您可以引入计时器并以 X 毫秒的谨慎步骤自行计算角度值,但没有必要这样做。我建议让系统以合适的方式计算角度值。

您唯一需要的就是通知该值,以便您可以存储它并用于在暂停后设置直角并计算恢复的正确目标角度。有几种方法可以做到这一点,我真的鼓励您阅读 SwiftUI 动画的 3 部分介绍:https://swiftui-lab.com/swiftui-animations-part1/ https://swiftui-lab.com/swiftui-animations-part1/.




import SwiftUI

struct PausableRotation: GeometryEffect {
  // this binding is used to inform the view about the current, system-computed angle value
  @Binding var currentAngle: CGFloat
  private var currentAngleValue: CGFloat = 0.0
  // this tells the system what property should it interpolate and update with the intermediate values it computed
  var animatableData: CGFloat {
    get { currentAngleValue }
    set { currentAngleValue = newValue }
  init(desiredAngle: CGFloat, currentAngle: Binding<CGFloat>) {
    self.currentAngleValue = desiredAngle
    self._currentAngle = currentAngle
  // this is the transform that defines the rotation
  func effectValue(size: CGSize) -> ProjectionTransform {
    // this is the heart of the solution:
    //   reporting the current (system-computed) angle value back to the view
    // thanks to that the view knows the pause position of the animation
    // and where to start when the animation resumes
    // notice that reporting MUST be done in the dispatch main async block to avoid modifying state during view update
    // (because currentAngle is a view state and each change on it will cause the update pass in the SwiftUI)
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
      self.currentAngle = currentAngleValue
    // here I compute the transform itself
    let xOffset = size.width / 2
    let yOffset = size.height / 2
    let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: xOffset, y: yOffset)
      .rotated(by: currentAngleValue)
      .translatedBy(x: -xOffset, y: -yOffset)
    return ProjectionTransform(transform)

struct DemoView: View {
  @State private var isRotating: Bool = false
  // this state keeps the final value of angle (aka value when animation finishes)
  @State private var desiredAngle: CGFloat = 0.0
  // this state keeps the current, intermediate value of angle (reported to the view by the GeometryEffect)
  @State private var currentAngle: CGFloat = 0.0
  var foreverAnimation: Animation {
    Animation.linear(duration: 1.8)
      .repeatForever(autoreverses: false)

  var body: some View {
    Button(action: {
      // normalize the angle so that we're not in the tens or hundreds of radians
      let startAngle = currentAngle.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: CGFloat.pi * 2)
      // if rotating, the final value should be one full circle furter
      // if not rotating, the final value is just the current value
      let angleDelta = isRotating ? CGFloat.pi * 2 : 0.0
      withAnimation(isRotating ? foreverAnimation : .linear(duration: 0)) {
        self.desiredAngle = startAngle + angleDelta
    }, label: {
        .modifier(PausableRotation(desiredAngle: desiredAngle, currentAngle: $currentAngle))

SwiftUI 暂停/恢复旋转动画 的相关文章
