C# 中的 System.AttributeTargets.GenericParameter:如何使用这样的属性?


在 C# 中,当指定属性类应如何使用时,有一个GenericParameter值在System.AttributeTargets枚举。我们如何应用这样的属性,语法是什么?

public sealed class MyAnnotationAttribute : System.Attribute {
    public string Param { get; private set; }
    public MyAnnotationAttribute(string param) { Param = param; }

同样的问题也适用于其他外来属性目标,例如System.AttributeTargets.Module(我什至不知道如何声明主模块以外的模块???),System.AttributeTargets.Parameter and System.AttributeTargets.ReturnValue.

// Assembly and module
[assembly: AttributesTest.MyAnnotation("Assembly")]

[module: AttributesTest.MyAnnotation("Module")]

namespace AttributesTest
    // The attribute
    [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public sealed class MyAnnotationAttribute : System.Attribute
        public string Param { get; private set; }
        public MyAnnotationAttribute(string param) { Param = param; }

    // Types
    public class SomeClass { }

    public delegate int SomeDelegate(string s, float f);

    public enum SomeEnum { ValueOne, ValueTwo }

    public interface SomeInterface { }

    public struct SomeStruct { }

    // Members
    public class MethodsExample
        public MethodsExample() { }

        public int SomeMethod(short s) { return 42 + s; }

        private int _someField;

        public int SomeProperty {
            [MyAnnotation("Method")] get { return _someField; }
            [MyAnnotation("Method")] set { _someField = value; }

        private SomeDelegate _backingField;

        public event SomeDelegate SomeEvent {
            [MyAnnotation("Method")] add { _backingField += value; }
            [MyAnnotation("Method")] remove { _backingField -= value; }

    // Parameters
    public class ParametersExample<T1, [MyAnnotation("GenericParameter")]T2, T3>
        public int SomeMethod([MyAnnotation("Parameter")]short s) { return 42 + s; }

    // Return value
    public class ReturnValueExample
        [return: MyAnnotation("ReturnValue")]
        public int SomeMethod(short s) {
            return 42 + s;

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