Protractor - 当 DOM 元素更改时,页面对象不会更新


我正在测试使用 angular.js 构建的 SPA,并使用页面对象模式来编写我的测试。在应用程序中,我们有许多将要更新的列表。例如,有一个附件列表,当添加/删除附件时,该列表将会更新。要添加附件,我们有一个模式窗口,当我们上传文件并单击“确定”时。文件上传并更新列表。

我编写了 2 个页面对象,一个用于上传模式窗口,另一个用于附件列表的预览。在我的测试中,我首先获取附件的当前数量,然后单击按钮激活模式窗口并附加文件。然后我再次对预览页面中的附件进行计数,并进行比较,使其增加 1。但测试失败。页面对象未更新,并且附件计数仍显示为 2。


it('Should attach a file when a file is selected and OK button is pressed.', function () {
            var currentFileCount = viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount();


            currentFileCount.then(function (curCount) {
                viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount().then(function (newCount) {
                    expect(newCount).toBe(curCount + 1);


this.getMeetingAttchments = function () {
        return element.all(by.repeater('attachment in meeting.AttachmentViewModelList track by $index'));

this.getMeetingAttachmentCount = function () {
        return this.getMeetingAttchments().count();



it('Should attach a file when a file is selected and OK button is pressed.', function () {
        # Queues the count promise
        var currentFileCount = viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount();

        # Queues some other promises that would start
        # to get executed once the one above finishes

        # This piece of code branches-off the control-flow
        # and gets executed immediately after currentFileCount is resolved
        # i.e. before the clickAddAttachmentButton
        currentFileCount.then(function (curCount) {
            # That's why newCount equals curCount,
            # they are counting the same number of elements
            # since nothing changed in the meantime
            viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount().then(function (newCount) {
                expect(newCount).toBe(curCount + 1);

currentFileCount可以被视为测试的设置阶段,因此您可以将其提取到beforeEach block:

var initialFileCount;
beforeEach(function() {
    viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount().then(function(count) {
        initialFileCount = count;

it('Should attach a file when a file is selected and OK button is pressed.', function () {
    expect(viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount()).toBe(initialFileCount + 1);

由于 Protractor 修补 jasmine 以便在测试块之间等待控制流清空,因此这可能会起作用。




var initialFileCount;

it('Should attach a file when a file is selected and OK button is pressed.', function () {
    viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount().then(function(count) {
        initialFileCount = count;
    expect(viewMeetingTabPage.getMeetingAttachmentCount()).toBe(initialFileCount + 1);

这就是所谓的框架WebDriverJS 用户指南


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