

wangyetao@linux_u1604:~/LinuxRoom/SVN_FILE/个人空间/xx$ svn help status
status (stat, st): Print the status of working copy files and directories.
usage: status [PATH...]

  With no args, print only locally modified items (no network access).
  With -q, print only summary information about locally modified items.
  With -u, add working revision and server out-of-date information.
  With -v, print full revision information on every item.

  The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide:
    First column: Says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed
      ' ' no modifications
      'A' Added
      'C' Conflicted
      'D' Deleted
      'I' Ignored
      'M' Modified
      'R' Replaced
      'X' an unversioned directory created by an externals definition
      '?' item is not under version control
      '!' item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete
      '~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind
    Second column: Modifications of a file's or directory's properties
      ' ' no modifications
      'C' Conflicted
      'M' Modified
    Third column: Whether the working copy is locked for writing by
                  another Subversion client modifying the working copy
      ' ' not locked for writing
      'L' locked for writing
    Fourth column: Scheduled commit will create a copy (addition-with-history)
      ' ' no history scheduled with commit (item was newly added)
      '+' history scheduled with commit (item was copied)
    Fifth column: Whether the item is switched or a file external
      ' ' normal
      'S' the item has a Switched URL relative to the parent
      'X' a versioned file created by an eXternals definition
    Sixth column: Whether the item is locked in repository for exclusive commit
      (without -u)
      ' ' not locked by this working copy
      'K' locked by this working copy, but lock might be stolen or broken
      (with -u)
      ' ' not locked in repository, not locked by this working copy
      'K' locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy
      'O' locked in repository, lock owned by another working copy
      'T' locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy was stolen
      'B' not locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy is broken
    Seventh column: Whether the item is the victim of a tree conflict
      ' ' normal
      'C' tree-Conflicted
    If the item is a tree conflict victim, an additional line is printed
    after the item's status line, explaining the nature of the conflict.

  The out-of-date information appears in the ninth column (with -u):
      '*' a newer revision exists on the server
      ' ' the working copy is up to date

  Remaining fields are variable width and delimited by spaces:
    The working revision (with -u or -v; '-' if the item is copied)
    The last committed revision and last committed author (with -v)
    The working copy path is always the final field, so it can
      include spaces.

  The presence of a question mark ('?') where a working revision, last
  committed revision, or last committed author was expected indicates
  that the information is unknown or irrelevant given the state of the
  item (for example, when the item is the result of a copy operation).
  The question mark serves as a visual placeholder to facilitate parsing.

  Example output:
    svn status wc
     M      wc/bar.c
    A  +    wc/qax.c

    svn status -u wc
     M             965   wc/bar.c
            *      965   wc/foo.c
    A  +             -   wc/qax.c
    Status against revision:   981

    svn status --show-updates --verbose wc
     M             965      938 kfogel       wc/bar.c
            *      965      922 sussman      wc/foo.c
    A  +             -      687 joe          wc/qax.c
                   965      687 joe          wc/zig.c
    Status against revision:   981

    svn status
     M      wc/bar.c
    !     C wc/qaz.c
          >   local missing, incoming edit upon update
    D       wc/qax.c

  -u [--show-updates]      : 显示更新信息
  -v [--verbose]           : 打印附加信息
  -N [--non-recursive]     : 过时;尝试 --depth=files 或 --depth=immediates
  --depth ARG              : 限制操作深度是 ARG ('empty', 'files',
                             'immediates', 或 'infinity')
  -r [--revision] ARG      : ARG (一些命令也接受ARG1:ARG2范围)
                                NUMBER       版本号
                                '{' DATE '}' 在指定时间以后的版本
                                'HEAD'       版本库中的最新版本
                                'BASE'       工作副本的基线版本
                                'COMMITTED'  最后提交或基线之前
                                'PREV'       COMMITTED的前一版本
  -q [--quiet]             : 不打印未版本控制的条目
  --no-ignore              : disregard default and svn:ignore and
                             svn:global-ignores property ignores
  --incremental            : 给予适合串联的输出
  --xml                    : 输出为 XML
  --ignore-externals       : 忽略外部项目
  --changelist [--cl] ARG  : 只能对修改列表 ARG 的成员操作

  --username ARG           : 指定用户名称 ARG
  --password ARG           : specify a password ARG (caution: on many operating
                             systems, other users will be able to see this)
  --no-auth-cache          : 不要缓存用户认证令牌
  --non-interactive        : do no interactive prompting (default is to prompt
                             only if standard input is a terminal device)
  --force-interactive      : do interactive prompting even if standard input
                             is not a terminal device
  --trust-server-cert      : deprecated; same as
  --trust-server-cert-failures ARG : with --non-interactive, accept SSL server
                             certificates with failures; ARG is comma-separated
                             list of 'unknown-ca' (Unknown Authority),
                             'cn-mismatch' (Hostname mismatch), 'expired'
                             (Expired certificate), 'not-yet-valid' (Not yet
                             valid certificate) and 'other' (all other not
                             separately classified certificate errors).
  --config-dir ARG         : 从目录 ARG 读取用户配置文件
  --config-option ARG      : 以下属格式设置用户配置选项:


wangyetao@linux_u1604:~/LinuxRoom/SVN_FILE/个人空间/xx$ svn up
正在升级 '.':
版本 5548。
wangyetao@linux_u1604:~/LinuxRoom/SVN_FILE/个人空间/xx$ svn st -q
M       周报/xx-本周完成任务-20180330.xlsx
M       工作进度表 - xx.xlsx
wangyetao@linux_u1604:~/LinuxRoom/SVN_FILE/个人空间/xx$ svn ci
正在发送       周报/xx-本周完成任务-20180330.xlsx
正在发送       工作进度表 - xx.xlsx
传输文件数据 ..done
提交后的版本为 5549。


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