

我在用张量流 https://www.tensorflow.org/为了识别提供的图片中的对象,请遵循此tutorial https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_java并使用这个仓库 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/java/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/examples/LabelImage.java我成功地让我的程序返回图片内的对象。 例如,这是我用作输入的图片:




/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package com.test.sec.compoment;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.tensorflow.DataType;
import org.tensorflow.Graph;
import org.tensorflow.Output;
import org.tensorflow.Session;
import org.tensorflow.Tensor;
import org.tensorflow.TensorFlow;
import org.tensorflow.types.UInt8;

/** Sample use of the TensorFlow Java API to label images using a pre-trained model. */
public class ImageRecognition {
  private static void printUsage(PrintStream s) {
    final String url =
        "Java program that uses a pre-trained Inception model (http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.00567)");
    s.println("to label JPEG images.");
    s.println("TensorFlow version: " + TensorFlow.version());
    s.println("Usage: label_image <model dir> <image file>");
    s.println("<model dir> is a directory containing the unzipped contents of the inception model");
    s.println("            (from " + url + ")");
    s.println("<image file> is the path to a JPEG image file");

  public void index() {
        String modelDir = "C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/inception5h";
        String imageFile = "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/red-tshirt.jpg";

    byte[] graphDef = readAllBytesOrExit(Paths.get(modelDir, "tensorflow_inception_graph.pb"));
    List<String> labels =
        readAllLinesOrExit(Paths.get(modelDir, "imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt"));
    byte[] imageBytes = readAllBytesOrExit(Paths.get(imageFile));

    try (Tensor<Float> image = constructAndExecuteGraphToNormalizeImage(imageBytes)) {
      float[] labelProbabilities = executeInceptionGraph(graphDef, image);
      int bestLabelIdx = maxIndex(labelProbabilities);
          String.format("BEST MATCH: %s (%.2f%% likely)",
              labelProbabilities[bestLabelIdx] * 100f));

  private static Tensor<Float> constructAndExecuteGraphToNormalizeImage(byte[] imageBytes) {
    try (Graph g = new Graph()) {
      GraphBuilder b = new GraphBuilder(g);
      // Some constants specific to the pre-trained model at:
      // https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zip
      // - The model was trained with images scaled to 224x224 pixels.
      // - The colors, represented as R, G, B in 1-byte each were converted to
      //   float using (value - Mean)/Scale.
      final int H = 224;
      final int W = 224;
      final float mean = 117f;
      final float scale = 1f;

      // Since the graph is being constructed once per execution here, we can use a constant for the
      // input image. If the graph were to be re-used for multiple input images, a placeholder would
      // have been more appropriate.
      final Output<String> input = b.constant("input", imageBytes);
      final Output<Float> output =
                          b.cast(b.decodeJpeg(input, 3), Float.class),
                          b.constant("make_batch", 0)),
                      b.constant("size", new int[] {H, W})),
                  b.constant("mean", mean)),
              b.constant("scale", scale));
      try (Session s = new Session(g)) {
        return s.runner().fetch(output.op().name()).run().get(0).expect(Float.class);

  private static float[] executeInceptionGraph(byte[] graphDef, Tensor<Float> image) {
    try (Graph g = new Graph()) {
      try (Session s = new Session(g);
          Tensor<Float> result =
              s.runner().feed("input", image).fetch("output").run().get(0).expect(Float.class)) {
        final long[] rshape = result.shape();
        if (result.numDimensions() != 2 || rshape[0] != 1) {
          throw new RuntimeException(
                  "Expected model to produce a [1 N] shaped tensor where N is the number of labels, instead it produced one with shape %s",
        int nlabels = (int) rshape[1];
        return result.copyTo(new float[1][nlabels])[0];

  private static int maxIndex(float[] probabilities) {
    int best = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < probabilities.length; ++i) {
      if (probabilities[i] > probabilities[best]) {
        best = i;
    return best;

  private static byte[] readAllBytesOrExit(Path path) {
    try {
      return Files.readAllBytes(path);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Failed to read [" + path + "]: " + e.getMessage());
    return null;

  private static List<String> readAllLinesOrExit(Path path) {
    try {
      return Files.readAllLines(path, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Failed to read [" + path + "]: " + e.getMessage());
    return null;

  // In the fullness of time, equivalents of the methods of this class should be auto-generated from
  // the OpDefs linked into libtensorflow_jni.so. That would match what is done in other languages
  // like Python, C++ and Go.
  static class GraphBuilder {
    GraphBuilder(Graph g) {
      this.g = g;

    Output<Float> div(Output<Float> x, Output<Float> y) {
      return binaryOp("Div", x, y);

    <T> Output<T> sub(Output<T> x, Output<T> y) {
      return binaryOp("Sub", x, y);

    <T> Output<Float> resizeBilinear(Output<T> images, Output<Integer> size) {
      return binaryOp3("ResizeBilinear", images, size);

    <T> Output<T> expandDims(Output<T> input, Output<Integer> dim) {
      return binaryOp3("ExpandDims", input, dim);

    <T, U> Output<U> cast(Output<T> value, Class<U> type) {
      DataType dtype = DataType.fromClass(type);
      return g.opBuilder("Cast", "Cast")
          .setAttr("DstT", dtype)

    Output<UInt8> decodeJpeg(Output<String> contents, long channels) {
      return g.opBuilder("DecodeJpeg", "DecodeJpeg")
          .setAttr("channels", channels)

    <T> Output<T> constant(String name, Object value, Class<T> type) {
      try (Tensor<T> t = Tensor.<T>create(value, type)) {
        return g.opBuilder("Const", name)
            .setAttr("dtype", DataType.fromClass(type))
            .setAttr("value", t)
    Output<String> constant(String name, byte[] value) {
      return this.constant(name, value, String.class);

    Output<Integer> constant(String name, int value) {
      return this.constant(name, value, Integer.class);

    Output<Integer> constant(String name, int[] value) {
      return this.constant(name, value, Integer.class);

    Output<Float> constant(String name, float value) {
      return this.constant(name, value, Float.class);

    private <T> Output<T> binaryOp(String type, Output<T> in1, Output<T> in2) {
      return g.opBuilder(type, type).addInput(in1).addInput(in2).build().<T>output(0);

    private <T, U, V> Output<T> binaryOp3(String type, Output<U> in1, Output<V> in2) {
      return g.opBuilder(type, type).addInput(in1).addInput(in2).build().<T>output(0);
    private Graph g;



  1. Use an 物体探测器 https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/object_detection检测物体的位置并获取边界框。然后获取最多像素的颜色。
  2. 使用像素级分类(分割),例如this https://github.com/arahusky/Tensorflow-Segmentation获取对象的精确像素。



对于 Java 对象检测示例,请查看this https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/examples/android编码为的项目android,但在桌面应用程序中使用它们应该很简单。更具体地查看this https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/4a7bbb54f2841b9c871ac0dc0099ca690d9e1af2/tensorflow/examples/android/src/org/tensorflow/demo/TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIModel.java#L111 part.

您不需要同时进行对象检测和分割,但如果您愿意,我认为首先尝试使用 python 训练分割模型(上面提供了链接),然后在 java 中使用该模型,与对象检测模型类似。

Edit 2:

我添加了一个简单的物体检测客户端 https://github.com/sumsuddin/TensorflowObjectDetectorJava in java它使用 Tensorflow 对象检测 APImodels https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/detection_model_zoo.md只是为了向您展示您可以在 java 中使用任何冻结模型。

另外,检查一下这个美丽的存储库 https://github.com/karolmajek/Mask_RCNN它使用像素级分割。


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