在 DNN 训练和输入的偏导数结束时返回逆 Hessian 矩阵


使用 Keras 和 Tensorflow 作为后端,我构建了一个 DNN,它以恒星光谱作为输入(7213 个数据点)并输出三个恒星参数(温度、重力和金属丰度)。该网络在我的测试集上训练良好并预测良好,但为了使结果在科学上有用,我需要能够估计我的错误。这样做的第一步是获得逆 Hessian 矩阵,这似乎仅使用 Keras 是不可能的。因此,我尝试使用 scipy 创建一个解决方法,使用 scipy.optimize.minimize 和 BFGS、L-BFGS-B 或 Netwon-CG 作为方法。其中任何一个都将返回逆 Hessian 矩阵。

这个想法是使用 Adam 优化器训练模型 100 个周期(或直到模型收敛),然后运行一次 BFGS 迭代或函数(或其他函数之一)以返回模型的 Hessian 矩阵。


from scipy.optimize import minimize

import numpy as np

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
from keras.optimizers import Adam

# Define vars
activation = 'relu'
init = 'he_normal'
beta_1 = 0.9
beta_2 = 0.999
epsilon = 1e-08

input_shape = (None,n)
n_hidden = [2048,1024,512,256,128,32]
output_dim = 3

epochs = 100
lr = 0.0008
batch_size = 64
decay = 0.00

# Design DNN Layers

model = Sequential([

    Dense(n_hidden[0], batch_input_shape=input_shape, init=init, activation=activation),

    Dense(n_hidden[1], init=init, activation=activation), 

    Dense(n_hidden[2], init=init, activation=activation),

    Dense(n_hidden[3], init=init, activation=activation),

    Dense(n_hidden[4], init=init, activation=activation),

    Dense(n_hidden[5], init=init, activation=activation),

    Dense(output_dim, init=init, activation='linear'),

# Optimization function
optimizer = Adam(lr=lr, beta_1=beta_1, beta_2=beta_2, epsilon=epsilon, decay=decay)

# Compile and train network
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mean_squared_error')

#train_X.shape = (50000,7213)
#train_Y.shape = (50000,3)
#cv_X.shape = (10000,7213)
#cv_Y.shape = (10000,3)

history = model.fit(train_X, train_Y, validation_data=(cv_X, cv_Y),
             nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=2)

weights = []
for layer in model.layers:

def loss(W):
    weightsList = W
    weightsList = np.array(W)
    new_weights = []
    for i, layer in enumerate((weightsList)):
    preds = model.predict(train_X)
    mse = np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(preds,train_Y)))/len(train_X[:,0])
    return mse

res = minimize(loss, x0, args=(), method = 'BFGS', options={'maxiter':1,'eps':1e-6,'disp':True})
#res = minimize(loss, x0, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': True, 'maxls': 1, 'gtol': 1e-05, 'eps': 1e-08, 'maxiter': 1, 'ftol': 0.5, 'maxcor': 1, 'maxfun': 1})
#res = minimize(loss, x0, args=(), method='Newton-CG', jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, tol=None, callback=None, options={'disp': False, 'xtol': 1e-05, 'eps': 1.4901161193847656e-08, 'return_all': False, 'maxiter': 1})
inv_hess = res['hess_inv']

1)该模型训练得非常好,但是当尝试使用之前训练的权重运行 scipy 最小化器进行单次迭代时,我遇到了问题。

尝试 method=BFGS 时的输出:


ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
---> 19 res = minimize(loss, x0, args=(), method = 'BFGS', tol=1, options={'maxiter':1,'eps':1e-6,'disp':True})#,'gtol':0.1}, tol=5)

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_minimize.pyc in minimize(fun, x0, args, method, jac, hess, hessp, bounds, constraints, tol, callback, options)
    442         return _minimize_cg(fun, x0, args, jac, callback, **options)
    443     elif meth == 'bfgs':
--> 444         return _minimize_bfgs(fun, x0, args, jac, callback, **options)

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/optimize.pyc in _minimize_bfgs(fun, x0, args, jac, callback, gtol, norm, eps, maxiter, disp, return_all, **unknown_options)
    963         try:  # this was handled in numeric, let it remaines for more safety
--> 964             rhok = 1.0 / (numpy.dot(yk, sk))
    965         except ZeroDivisionError:
    966             rhok = 1000.0

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (7213,2048) (2048,1024) 

尝试 method=L-BFGS-B 时的输出:

ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

---> 20 res = minimize(loss, x0, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': True, 'maxls': 1, 'gtol': 1e-05, 'eps': 1e-08, 'maxiter': 1, 'ftol': 0.5, 'maxcor': 1, 'maxfun': 1})

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_minimize.pyc in minimize(fun, x0, args, method, jac, hess, hessp, bounds, constraints, tol, callback, options)
    448     elif meth == 'l-bfgs-b':
    449         return _minimize_lbfgsb(fun, x0, args, jac, bounds,
--> 450                                 callback=callback, **options)

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/lbfgsb.pyc in _minimize_lbfgsb(fun, x0, args, jac, bounds, disp, maxcor, ftol, gtol, eps, maxfun, maxiter, iprint, callback, maxls, **unknown_options)
    300         raise ValueError('maxls must be positive.')
--> 302     x = array(x0, float64)
    303     f = array(0.0, float64)
    304     g = zeros((n,), float64)

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.


ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

---> 21 res = minimize(loss, x0, args=(), method='Newton-CG', jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, tol=None, callback=None, options={'disp': False, 'xtol': 1e-05, 'eps': 1.4901161193847656e-08, 'return_all': False, 'maxiter': 1})

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_minimize.pyc in minimize(fun, x0, args, method, jac, hess, hessp, bounds, constraints, tol, callback, options)
    445     elif meth == 'newton-cg':
    446         return _minimize_newtoncg(fun, x0, args, jac, hess, hessp, callback,
--> 447                                   **options)
    448     elif meth == 'l-bfgs-b':
    449         return _minimize_lbfgsb(fun, x0, args, jac, bounds,

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/optimize.pyc in _minimize_newtoncg(fun, x0, args, jac, hess, hessp, callback, xtol, eps, maxiter, disp, return_all, **unknown_options)
   1438     _check_unknown_options(unknown_options)
   1439     if jac is None:
-> 1440         raise ValueError('Jacobian is required for Newton-CG method')

ValueError: Jacobian is required for Newton-CG method

2)下一个任务是获得模型输出相对于模型输入的导数。例如,对于一个恒星参数(输出之一),例如温度,我需要找到关于每个 7213 输入的偏导数。然后对 3 个输出中的每一个执行相同的操作。

所以基本上,我的第一个任务(1)是找到一种方法来返回模型的逆 Hessian 矩阵,接下来(2)我需要找到一种方法来返回输出相对于输入的一阶偏导数。

有人对这两项任务有一定的了解吗? 谢谢。


我正在尝试使用 theano.gradient.jacobian() 返回输出的雅可比矩阵。我的输入。我已将模型转换为模型权重的函数,并将该函数用作 theano.gradient.jacobian() 中的第一个参数。当我尝试使用多维数组运行梯度时,我的问题出现了,我的模型权重和输入数据的形式是多维数组。

import theano.tensor as T

weights_in_model = T.dvector('model_weights')
x = T.dvector('x')

def pred(x,weights_in_model):
    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[0],weights_in_model[1]), axis=0)
    x = T.shape_padright(x, n_ones=1)

    prediction=T.dot(x, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[2],weights_in_model[3]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[4],weights_in_model[5]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[6],weights_in_model[7]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[8],weights_in_model[9]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[10],weights_in_model[11]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.stack((weights_in_model[12],weights_in_model[13]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.shape_padright(prediction, n_ones=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)

    return prediction


x = train_X
weights_in_model = model.get_weights()


TypeError: ('Bad input argument to theano function with name "<ipython-input-365-a1ab256aa220>:1"  at index 0(0-based)', 'Wrong number of dimensions: expected 1, got 2 with shape (2000, 7213).')


weights_in_model = T.matrix('model_weights')
x = T.matrix('x')




AssertionError: tensor.jacobian expects a 1 dimensional variable as `expression`. If not use flatten to make it a vector


找到答案!: 此代码用于预测模型的一个输出值。目前我正在修改它来计算 3 个雅可比矩阵;每个输出一个。

import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.typed_list

# Declare function input placeholders
weights_in_model = theano.typed_list.TypedListType(theano.tensor.dmatrix)()
x = T.matrix('x')

# Define model function
def pred(x,weights_in_model): 
    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[0],weights_in_model[1]), axis=0)
    x = T.concatenate((x, T.ones((T.shape(x)[0], 1))), axis=1)

    prediction = T.dot(x, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[2],weights_in_model[3]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[4],weights_in_model[5]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[6],weights_in_model[7]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[8],weights_in_model[9]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[10],weights_in_model[11]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.clip(prediction, 0, 9999.)

    weights = T.concatenate((weights_in_model[12],weights_in_model[13]), axis=0)
    prediction = T.concatenate((prediction, T.ones((T.shape(prediction)[0], 1))), axis=1)
    prediction = T.dot(prediction, weights)
    prediction = T.flatten(prediction)
    return prediction

# Create gradient function

# Compile function

# Get function inputs
weights_in_model_ = model.get_weights()

# Reshape bias layers
weights_in_model_[1] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[1], (1, 2048))
weights_in_model_[3] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[3], (1, 1024))
weights_in_model_[5] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[5], (1, 512))
weights_in_model_[7] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[7], (1, 256))
weights_in_model_[9] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[9], (1, 128))
weights_in_model_[11] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[11], (1, 32))
weights_in_model_[13] = np.reshape(weights_in_model_[13], (1, 1))

# Compute Jacobian (returns format with a bunch of zero rows)
jacs = h(x_, weights_in_model_)

# Put Jacobian matrix in proper format (ie. shape = (number_of_input_examples, number_of_input_features)

jacobian_matrix = np.zeros((jacs.shape[0],jacs.shape[2]))
for i, jac in enumerate(jacs): 
    jacobian_matrix[i] = jac[i]

下一个任务是找到输出的 Hessian 矩阵。模型权重!


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    我之前找到过有关如何将 MVC 4 视图渲染为字符串的答案 但是 我开始使用视觉工作室2013而现在的结果并不如预期 见下文 lt A gt lt B gt lt C gt class panel lt D gt gt lt E gt cl
  • MongoDB 和类验证器唯一验证 - NESTJS

    TL DR 我正在尝试在我的验证器中运行猫鼬查询 您好 我正在尝试制作一个自定义装饰器 如果该字段的值已存在 它会抛出错误 我正在尝试在验证路线的类中使用猫鼬模型 与解析器 控制器不同 InjectModel 不适用于验证器类 我的验证器是
  • 使用 jquery ui 模式对话框提交表单

    提交表单时 我在使用 JQuery UI 模态对话框时遇到困难 目的是您点击提交按钮 模式弹出窗口 根据您在模式中的选择 表单要么提交 要么不提交 相反 模式会弹出并自动提交 前端 div title Basic dialog p Plea
  • 如何将 JavaScript 对象编码为 JSON?

    有没有一种将 JavaScript 对象编码为 JSON 的好方法 我有一个键值对列表 其中名称来自复选框 并且值根据该框是否被选中而为 true 或 false var values checks checkbox each functi
  • 在颜色空间中的scale_fill/color中粘贴名称不能循环工作

    使用时缩放填充连续发散 from colorspace里面一个for loop or function不粘贴name图例标题并通过错误 如下例所示 library ggplot2 library colorspace set seed 10
  • 尝试用 JPanel 画线

    我正在尝试使用画线JPanel我已经碰壁了 我可以将两侧朝下 但是一旦涉及到从 x 线中减去 一切都会出错 package GUIstuff import java awt Graphics import javax swing JPane
  • 为什么无符号n位整数的最大值是2ⁿ-1而不是2ⁿ?

    The maximum value of an n bit integer is 2n 1 Why do we have the minus 1 Why isn t the maximum just 2n The 1因为整数是从0开始的 但
  • 如何在 C++ 端获取 QQuickItem 的有效实例

    好吧 我进行了很多搜索 但还没有找到好的解决方案 我是新来的Qt 我有一堂课是QQuickItem像这样 class MyQuickItemClass public QQuickItem Q OBJECT SetInfo SomeCppCl
  • 如何使用 SQL 查找缺失的数据行?

    我的问题 我有一个MySQL数据库 它按时间顺序存储大量气象数据 每10分钟插入一次新数据 不幸的是 已经发生了几次停电 因此某些行丢失了 我最近设法从气象站获取了某些备份文件 现在我想用它们来填充丢失的数据 DB 的结构如下 示例 dat
  • 使用 string.Replace 来匹配整个单词

    我正在使用 NET 2 0 和 WinForms 目前 我需要一段代码来将给定文本中的一个字符串替换为另一个字符串 但在文本中它应该只查找整个单词 我的意思是 string name COUNTER 40 CLOCK COUNTER 60
  • 在 DNN 训练和输入的偏导数结束时返回逆 Hessian 矩阵

    使用 Keras 和 Tensorflow 作为后端 我构建了一个 DNN 它以恒星光谱作为输入 7213 个数据点 并输出三个恒星参数 温度 重力和金属丰度 该网络在我的测试集上训练良好并预测良好 但为了使结果在科学上有用 我需要能够估计