

在 JavaScript 中,当鼠标悬停在其中一个项目上时,是否可以突出显示具有相同类的所有项目?

例如,如果我在课堂上有两个段落p1和全班的 2 段p2,我想要两个元素p1在鼠标悬停时突出显示,并且我还希望 p2 的两个元素在鼠标悬停时突出显示。

<p class = "p1">This should be highlighted on mouseover</p>
<p class = "p2">This should be highlighted on mouseover</p>
<p class = "p1">This should be highlighted on mouseover</p>
<p class = "p2">This should be highlighted on mouseover</p>

我情不自禁地感受到这一点should更加简洁(使用three for (...)循环感觉不必要地昂贵),但一种方法是:

Object.prototype.classHighlight = function (over, out) {
    var that = this.length ? this : [this];
    function onOver() {
        for (var i = 0, len = that.length; i < len; i++) {
            that[i].style.backgroundColor = over;
    function onOut() {
        for (var i = 0, len = that.length; i < len; i++) {
            that[i].style.backgroundColor = out;
    for (var i = 0, len = that.length; i < len; i++) {
        that[i].onmouseover = onOver;
        that[i].onmouseout = onOut;

document.getElementsByClassName('test').classHighlight('#f90', '#fff');

JS 小提琴演示.



// extending the Object prototype to allow chaining of this method,
// 'over' : String, the class-name to add when the element(s) of the
// HTMLCollection/NodeList are hovered-over. We also set the default
// value of the 'over' variable in order that a class-name will always
// be present:
Object.prototype.classHighlight = function(over = 'over') {

  // taking the 'this' and using the spread operator to expand
  // the iterable collection to an Array:
  const that = [...this],

    // creating a named function to act as the event-handler for
    // 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave':
    toggleHighlight = (event) => {
      // iterating over the array using Array.prototype.forEach():

        // we're not using 'this' in here, so using an Arrow function
        // to use the Element.classList API to toggle the supplied
        // class on each element of the collection. If the event-type
        // is exactly equal to 'mouseenter' we add the class otherwise
        // we remove the class:
        (el) => el.classList.toggle(over, event.type === 'mouseenter')
  // iterating over the collection, again using Array.prototype.forEach():
    // and another Arrow function:
    (element) => {

      // here we bind the toggleHighlight function - created above - as
      // the event-handler for both the 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave'
      // events:
      element.addEventListener('mouseenter', toggleHighlight);
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', toggleHighlight);

// here we use document.getElementsByClassName() to retrieve an HTMLCollection
// of elements matching the supplied class-name; and then using chaining - which
// is why we extended the Object prototype - to pass that HTMLCollection to
// the classHighlight() function:
.whenOver {
  background-color: #f90;
<p class="test">Testing</p>
<div>No classes here</div>
  <li class="test">Something in a 'test' element</li>

请注意,这种更新的方法,因为我们正在切换类名 - 而不是在元素中添加和清除内联样式style属性 – 意味着选择器特异性可能会干扰样式的应用,例如:

// extending the Object prototype to allow chaining of this method,
// 'over' : String, the class-name to add when the element(s) of the
// HTMLCollection/NodeList are hovered-over. We also set the default
// value of the 'over' variable in order that a class-name will always
// be present:
Object.prototype.classHighlight = function(over = 'over') {

  // taking the 'this' and using the spread operator to expand
  // the iterable collection to an Array:
  const that = [...this],

    // creating a named function to act as the event-handler for
    // 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave':
    toggleHighlight = (event) => {
      // iterating over the array using Array.prototype.forEach():

        // we're not using 'this' in here, so using an Arrow function
        // to use the Element.classList API to toggle the supplied
        // class on each element of the collection. If the event-type
        // is exactly equal to 'mouseenter' we add the class otherwise
        // we remove the class:
        (el) => el.classList.toggle(over, event.type === 'mouseenter')
  // iterating over the collection, again using Array.prototype.forEach():
    // and another Arrow function:
    (element) => {

      // here we bind the toggleHighlight function - created above - as
      // the event-handler for both the 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave'
      // events:
      element.addEventListener('mouseenter', toggleHighlight);
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', toggleHighlight);

// here we use document.getElementsByClassName() to retrieve an HTMLCollection
// of elements matching the supplied class-name; and then using chaining - which
// is why we extended the Object prototype - to pass that HTMLCollection to
// the classHighlight() function:
li.test {
  background-color: fuchsia;
.whenOver {
  background-color: #f90;
<p class="test">Testing</p>
<div>No classes here</div>
  <li class="test">Something in a 'test' element</li>


li.test {
  background-color: fuchsia;

html body .whenOver {
  background-color: #f90;
Object.prototype.classHighlight = function(over = 'over') {

  const that = [...this],

    toggleHighlight = (event) => {
        (el) => el.classList.toggle(over, event.type === 'mouseenter')
    (element) => {
      element.addEventListener('mouseenter', toggleHighlight);
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', toggleHighlight);

li.test {
  background-color: fuchsia;

html body .whenOver {
  background-color: #f90;
<p class="test">Testing</p>
<div>No classes here</div>
  <li class="test">Something in a 'test' element</li>

或者,您可以使用!important关键字强制!important无论特殊性如何,都要应用 -ified 属性(除非另一个规则也使用!important并且本身更具体),例如:

/* Note the ridiculous and overly-specific selector: */
html > body > ul > li.test {
  background-color: fuchsia;

.whenOver {
  / and here, as the demo shows, !important still
    wins: */
  background-color: #f90 !important;
Object.prototype.classHighlight = function(over = 'over') {

  const that = [...this],

    toggleHighlight = (event) => {
        (el) => el.classList.toggle(over, event.type === 'mouseenter')
    (element) => {
      element.addEventListener('mouseenter', toggleHighlight);
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', toggleHighlight);

html > body > ul > li.test {
  background-color: fuchsia;

.whenOver {
  background-color: #f90 !important;
<p class="test">Testing</p>
<div>No classes here</div>
  <li class="test">Something in a 'test' element</li>

到那个时刻!important不过,请尽可能避免使用它,因为正如 MDN 所指出的:

Using !important然而,这是一种不好的做法,应该避免,因为它会破坏样式表中的自然[级联],从而使调试变得更加困难。

"The !important exception," MDN.


  • CSS:
    • 选择器特异性。 *JavaScript:
    • Array.prototype.forEach().
    • 箭头功能.
    • document.getElementsByClassName().
    • Element.classList.
    • EventTarget.addEventListener().

当鼠标悬停在其中一个元素上时,突出显示具有相同类的所有元素 的相关文章