

我创建了一个 javascript 程序,创建了电影对象,创建了名为 myWin 的新窗口,并在 myWin 内创建了另一个名为 actorWin 的窗口。现在,当我单击“单击此处访问演员窗口”时,我想在 actorWin 中传递 url( 和描述(myMovie.website_actor)。我已经尝试过以下方法,但不起作用。谁能建议我如何在 actorWin 弹出窗口中编写。


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>lab 8</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        var myWin ="", "myWin", "height=500, width=500,location,menubar,toolbar,status,resizable");

        function movie(movie_title, website_title, actor, website_actor){
            this.movie_title = movie_title;
            this.website_title = website_title;
   = actor;
            this.website_actor = website_actor;

        var myMovie = new movie("Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, Diana meets an American pilot (Chris Pine) who tells her about the massive conflict that's raging in the outside world. Convinced that she can stop the threat, Diana leaves her home for the first time. Fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars, she finally discovers her full powers and true destiny.", 


            "Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress, singer, martial artist, and model. She was born in Rosh Ha'ayin, Israel, to an Ashkenazi Jewish family. Her parents are Irit, a teacher, and Michael, an engineer, who is a sixth-generation Israeli. She served in the IDF for two years, and won the Miss Israel title in 2004.", 


            "<script type='text/javascript'>"  
            +    "function movieWindow() {"

            +   "var movieWin =\"" + myMovie.website_title + "\" , \"movieWin\", \"height=500, width=500,location,menubar,toolbar,status,resizable\");"

            +   "}"

            + "function closeMovie() {"

            +  "movieWin.close()"

            +   "}"

            + "<\/script>");

        "<script type='text/javascript'>" 
          + "function actorWindow() {"

          +   "var actorWin =\"''\" , \"actorWin\", \"height=500, width=500,location,menubar,toolbar,status,resizable\");"

          +   "<p style='color: green; font-size: 150%'>  \""+ + "\" </p>"
          +   "<a  style='color: pink; font-size: 150%' href= \""+myMovie.website_actor +"\"> Click for more info </a> "

          +   "}"

           +    "<\/script>");


            +"<script type='text/javascript'>"

            +   "<body style='background-image : url(lab8_images/back.png)'>"
            +   "<h1 style= 'text-align: center; color: white; font-family: monospace; font-size: 200%'> What about this movie? </h1>"
            +    '<br/>' + '<br/>' +'<br/>' 

            + "<p style = 'font-family: monospace; font-size: 150%; color: #ffffff; padding: 0px 15px: 0px 15px; text-decoration: none'> \""+ myMovie.movie_title +"\"  </p>"

            +  "<p style = 'font-family: monospace; font-size: 150%; color: #ffffff; text-align:center; text-decoration: none'> <a style='color:white' href = 'javascript: movieWindow()' > CLICK HERE TO ACCESS TO THE MOVIE WINDOW </a><br></p>"

            +   "<p style = 'font-family: monospace;font-size: 150%; color: #ffffff;  text-align: center; text-decoration: none'> <a style='color:white' href = 'javascript: actorWindow()'> CLICK HERE TO ACCESS TO THE ACTOR WINDOW </a><br></p>"

            +   "<p style = 'font-family: monospace; color: white; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 150%'> <a style='color:white' href = 'javascript: closeMovie();'> CLICK HERE TO CLOSE THE MOVIE WINDOW </a><br></p>"

            +   "<p style = 'font-family: monospace; color: white; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 150%'><a style='color:white' href='javascript:actorWindow.close();'> CLICK HERE TO CLOSE THE ACTOR WINDOW </a><br></p>"

            +   "<p style = 'font-family: monospace; color: white; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 150%'><a style='color:white' href='javascript:window.close();'> CLICK HERE TO CLOSE THIS WINDOW </a><br></p>"
            +"  <\/script>"


    <body background = lab8_images/back.png>



您可以使用window.opener and postMessage()在浏览上下文之间进行通信


  let outerWindow ="myWin.html", "_blank");
  window.onmessage = function(e) {
    // pass data to inner window
    e.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}), document.origin); 


  window.onmessage = function(e) {
    console.log(; // message from `window` at initial HTML `document`        
  window.opener.opener.postMessage("inner message", document.origin);



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