将非结构化 csv 文件转换为数据框


我正在学习 R 用于文本挖掘。我有一个 CSV 格式的电视节目表。节目通常从早上 06:00 开始,一直持续到第二天凌晨 05:00,称为播出日。例如:2015 年 11 月 15 日的节目从早上 06:00 开始,到次日凌晨 05:00 结束。


 read.table(textConnection("Sunday|\n 01-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|\nMonday|\n 02-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|"), header = F, sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = F)


Sunday |  
01-Nov-15 |       
6 | Tom  
some information about the program |       
23.3 |  Jerry  
some information about the program |       
5 | Avatar  
some information about the program |       
5.3 | Panda  
some information about the program |       
Monday  |       
6  Jerry  
some information about the program |      
6.25 | Panda  
some information about the program |      
23.3 | Avatar  
some information about the program |       
7.25 |   Tom  
some information about the program |      


Date            |Program|Synopsis
2015-11-1 06:00 |Tom    | some information about the program
2015-11-1 23:30 |Jerry  | some information about the program
2015-11-2 05:00 |Avatar | some information about the program
2015-11-2 05:30 |Panda  | some information about the program
2015-11-2 06:00 |Jerry  | some information about the program
2015-11-2 06:25 |Panda  | some information about the program
2015-11-2 23:30 |Avatar | some information about the program
2015-11-3 07:25 |Tom    | some information about the program




txt <- textConnection("Sunday|\n 01-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|\nMonday|\n 02-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|")
tv <- readLines(txt)
DT <- data.table(tv)[, tv := gsub('[|]$', '', tv)]

wd <- levels(weekdays(1:7, abbreviate = FALSE))

DT <- DT[, temp := tv %chin% wd
         ][, day := tv[temp], by = 1:nrow(tvDT)
           ][, day := na.locf(day)
             ][, temp := NULL
               ][, idx := rleid(day)
                 ][, date := tv[2], by = idx
                   ][, .SD[-c(1,2)], by = idx]

DT <- cSplit(DT, sep="|", "tv", "long")[, lbl := rep(c("Time","Program","Info")), by = idx]
DT <- dcast(DT, idx + day + date + rowid(lbl) ~ lbl, value.var = "tv")[, lbl := NULL]

DT <- DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(paste(as.character(date), sprintf("%01.2f",as.numeric(as.character(Time)))), format = "%d-%b-%y %H.%M")
   ][, datetime := datetime + (+(datetime < shift(datetime, fill=datetime[1]) & datetime < 6) * 24 * 60 * 60)
     ][, .(datetime, Program, Info)]


> DT
              datetime Program                               Info
1: 2015-11-01 06:00:00     Tom some information about the program
2: 2015-11-01 23:30:00   Jerry some information about the program
3: 2015-11-02 05:00:00  Avatar some information about the program
4: 2015-11-02 06:00:00     Tom some information about the program
5: 2015-11-02 23:30:00   Jerry some information about the program
6: 2015-11-03 05:00:00  Avatar some information about the program


1:读取数据,转换为数据表& 删除尾随|:

txt <- textConnection("Sunday|\n 01-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|\nMonday|\n 02-Nov-15|\n 6|Tom\n some information about the program|\n 23.3|Jerry\n some information about the program|\n 5|Avatar\n some information about the program|")
tv <- readLines(txt)
DT <- data.table(tv)[, tv := gsub('[|]$', '', tv)]


wd <- levels(weekdays(1:7, abbreviate = FALSE)) # a vector with the full weekdays
DT[, temp := tv %chin% wd
   ][, day := tv[temp], by = 1:nrow(tvDT)
     ][, day := na.locf(day)
       ][, temp := NULL]


DT[, idx := rleid(day)][, date := tv[2], by = idx]


DT <- DT[, .SD[-c(1,2)], by = idx]


DT <- cSplit(DT, sep="|", "tv", "long")[, lbl := rep(c("Time","Program","Info")), by = idx]

6:使用 data.table 开发版本中的“rowid”函数重塑为宽格式

DT <- dcast(DT, idx + day + date + rowid(idx2) ~ idx2, value.var = "tv")[, idx2 := NULL]


DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(paste(as.character(date), sprintf("%01.2f",as.numeric(as.character(Time)))), format = "%d-%b-%y %H.%M")
   ][, datetime := datetime + (+(datetime < shift(datetime, fill=datetime[1]) & datetime < 6) * 24 * 60 * 60)]


DT <- DT[, .(datetime, Program, Info)]

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