Bootstrap Tour 不记得我离开的地方


当我到达第二页时,我在多页游览中启动 Bootstrap Tour 时遇到问题。



$(document).ready(function () {
    // Instance the tour
    var tour = new Tour({
        name: "CiteTour",
        steps: [{
            element: "",
            title: "#1",
            content: "You can find help with formatting citations on the Guide page. Click 'Next' to go there now.",
            placement: ""
        }, {
            element: "#CiteTour2",
            title: "#2 - Citation Resources",
            content: "There are several options for getting help with formatting citations. Once on the Guide page, look for the box labeled 'Citation Help.'",
            placement: "right",
            path: "/newpath",
            onNext: function (tour) {
        }, {
            element: "#CiteTour3",
            title: "#3",
            content: "This site can help format your research paper and references in APA, MLA, and the other major citation formats.",
            placement: "right",
        }, {
            element: "#AskTour1",
            title: "#4 - Ask-a-Librarian",
            content: "If you still have questions about citations or citation format, feel free to contact the librarians.  Good luck!",
            placement: "left",
        storage: false,

    // Initialize the tour
    $('#CiteTour-go').on('click', function () {
        // Start the tour


First, you must确保您正在使用storage: window.localStorage,它使用存储API。这是默认的游览选项,因此您所要做的就是not正如您所做的那样,将其覆盖为 false。这样做的目的是允许 Bootstrap Tour 在同一域内的多个页面上保留当前步骤信息。

Want Proof? - Open up your dev tools and see: Resources


Furthermore, you need to use an absolute-path reference by prefxing the url with a single slash so it is relative to the root directory. If you use relative paths, the path will be changed as you move through pages/steps. For more info, see my section at the bottom on the Infinite Page Refreshing Issue


让我们看一个简化版本what init() does:

Tour.prototype.init = function(force) {
  // other code omitted for brevity

  if (this._current !== null) {



可编辑的普朗克 | 可运行的演示


$(function() {
  // define tour
  var tour = new Tour({
    steps: [{
      path: "/index.html",
      element: "#my-element",
      title: "Title of my step",
      content: "Content of my step"
    }, {
      path: "/newPage.html",
      element: "#my-other-element",
      title: "Title of my step",
      content: "Content of my step"

  // init tour

  // start tour
  $('#start-tour').click(function() {


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Multipage Bootstrap Tour - Page 1</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-tour.min.css">
  <div class="container">
    <h1>First Page</h1>
    <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" id="start-tour">
      Start Tour
    <span id="my-element">
      My First Element
  <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
  <script src="bootstrap-tour.min.js"></script>
  <script src="script.js"></script>


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Multipage Bootstrap Tour - Page 2</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-tour.min.css">
  <div class="container">
    <h1>New Page</h1>
    <span id="my-other-element">
      My Second Elemennt

  <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
  <script src="bootstrap-tour.min.js"></script>
  <script src="script.js"></script>


  • 引导程序.css
  • bootstrap-tour.min.css
  • jquery.min.js
  • bootstrap.js
  • bootstrap-tour.min.js



Bootstrap Tour 下一步如何进行?

When you hit the Next Button, the tour will call showStep(i) for the next step


Tour.prototype.showStep = function (i) {
    // other code omitted for brevity

    // get step path
    path = tour._options.basePath + step.path;

    // get current path - join location and hash
    current_path = [document.location.pathname, document.location.hash].join('');

    // determine if we need to redirect and do so
    if (_this._isRedirect(path, current_path)) {
        _this._redirect(step, path);


Here's a simplified form of the redirection that just takes into account string values:
I've omitted regex based paths although Bootstrap Tour also supports them

Tour.prototype._isRedirect = function(path, currentPath) {
    var checkPath = path.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/\/?$/, '');
    var checkCurrent = currentPath.replace(/\/?$/, '');
    return (checkPath !== checkCurrent);

Tour.prototype._redirect = function(step, path) {
    this._debug("Redirect to " + path);
    return document.location.href = path;

Note:正则表达式只是用来删除查询参数(/\?.*$/) 和尾随正斜杠 (//?$/`)

当任何页面加载时,不确定 Bootstrap Tour 是否已重定向它,或者您只是回来并尝试从上次中断的地方继续浏览。


  1. 它将根据本地存储中的值启动当前步骤。
  2. 当当前步骤加载时,它将确认该步骤的路径与当前 url 相同
  3. 如果没有,它将重定向到步骤路径并从步骤 1 重新开始


var step = {
      path: "index.html",
      element: "#my-element",
      title: "Title of my step",
      content: "Content of my step"


infinite loop




这是因为,在网址中,"index.html" !== "\index.html"。这是两条不同的路!一个保证位于域根,而另一个可以位于任何地方。想象一下您有一些像这样的嵌套视图:

  • Views
    • Shared
      • 索引.html
      • 新页面.html
    • Person
      • 索引.html
      • 新页面.html



使用绝对 URL 绝对

Tip: Get a better sense of what's going on by passing in debug:true when creating your tour, which will log every redirect:


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