



// we have defined the necessary header files here for this problem.
// If additional header files are needed in your program, please import here.

int main()
    // please define the C++ input here. For example: int a,b; cin>>a>>b;;
    // please finish the function body here.
    // please define the C++ output here. For example:cout<<____<<endl;
    double total;
    int strNum=0;
    string str;
    return 0;


// we have defined the necessary header files here for this problem.
// If additional header files are needed in your program, please import here.

int main()
    // please define the C++ input here. For example: int a,b; cin>>a>>b;;
    // please finish the function body here.
    // please define the C++ output here. For example:cout<<____<<endl;
    string str;
    for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++){
        }else if(str[i]=='A'||str[i]=='E'||str[i]=='I'||str[i]=='O'||str[i]=='U'||str[i]==' '){
        }else if(str[i]>='A'&&str[i]<='Z'){
    return 0;




// we have defined the necessary header files here FOR this problem.
// IF additional header files are needed IN your program, please IMPORT here.
int main()
    // please define the C input here. FOR EXAMPLE: int n; scanf("%d",&n);
    // please finish the FUNCTION body here.
    // please define the C output here. FOR EXAMPLE: printf("%d",a);
    char num[9];
    int n = strlen(num);
    int result=0;
     //for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
     //   cout<<num[i]<<" ";
     //   cout<<endl;
    return 0;


//#include <iostream>
//#include <cstring>
// we have defined the necessary header files here for this problem.
// If additional header files are needed in your program, please import here.
using namespace std;
void AllPermutation(string perm, int from, int to);
int num=0;
set<string> sets;
int main()
    // please define the C++ input here. For example: int a,b; cin>>a>>b;;
    // please finish the function body here.
    // please define the C++ output here. For example:cout<<____<<endl;
    string str;
    AllPermutation(str, 0, str.size()-1);
    return 0;

void AllPermutation(string perm, int from, int to)
    if(from > to)
    if(from == to)     //打印当前排列 
        static int count = 1;    //局部静态变量,用来统计全排列的个数  
		//cout << count++ << ":" << perm;
        //cout << endl;
    if(from < to)     //用递归实现全排列 
        for(int j = from; j <= to; j++)    //第j个字符分别与它后面的字符交换就能得到新的排列
                swap(perm[j], perm[from]);
            AllPermutation(perm, from + 1, to);
            swap(perm[j], perm[from]);


// we have defined the necessary header files here for this problem.
// If additional header files are needed in your program, please import here.

using namespace std;

int main()
    // please define the C++ input here. For example: int a,b; cin>>a>>b;;
    // please finish the function body here.
    // please define the C++ output here. For example:cout<<____<<endl;

    string str;
    int count=0;
    return 0;


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