Integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) of data converters



s = inldnl(analog,digital,range,type)

s = inldnl(___,Name,Value)



s = inldnl(analog,digital,range,type) calculates the integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) errors of ADCs and DACs. The function calculates INL and DNL using the analog and digital input output data and the nominal analog dynamic range of the converter. The function can calculate INL and DNL either using the endpoint method, or the best fit method, or using both methods.

The inldnl function only analyzes converters with a finite number of bits. That means ADCs must have saturation and quantization. The function ignores any digital value pairs that contain NaN values.

s = inldnl(___,Name,Value) calculates the INL and DNL errors of ADCs and DACs using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the input arguments in the previous syntax. Enclose each argument name in quotes. Unspecified arguments take default values.


Initial conditions and other anomalous data can cause this function to behave erratically. This function can analyze nonmonotonic converters, but it cannot handle multiple distinct occurrences of the same code in one transfer function.


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Calculate INL and DNL of DAC

This example uses:

View MATLAB Command

Load the digital input and the analog output of a DAC from MAT-files.

load 'digital.mat'
load 'analog.mat'

The nominal analog dynamic range of the DAC is [-1,1]. Turn on plotting for the output converter threshold. Calculate INL and DNL using both best fit and endpoint methods.

inldnl(a,d,[-1 1],'DAC','GenPlotData','on','INLMethod','All','DNLMethod','All')

ans = struct with fields:
                Type: 'DAC'
               NBits: 5
                 LSB: 0.0645
        MissingCodes: [0x1 double]
               Codes: [1x32 double]
    IdealCodeCenters: [1x32 double]
         CodeCenters: [1x32 double]
       CodeCenterStD: [1x32 double]
         EndpointINL: [1x32 double]
          BestFitINL: [1x32 double]
         EndpointDNL: [1x32 double]
          BestFitDNL: [1x32 double]
         BestFitPoly: [0.0652 0.1293]
         OffsetError: 0.8294
           GainError: 0.5224
       GainErrorUnit: 'LSB'
           TCNominal: [32x2 double]
          TCMeasured: [32x2 double]

Input Arguments

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analog — Analog input to or output from device

  • If the device under test (DUT) is an ADC, analog input to the ADC, specified as a vector.

  • If the DUT is a DAC, analog output from the DAC, specified as a vector.

Data Types: double

digital — Digital output from or input to device
integer vector

  • If the device under test (DUT) is an ADC, digital output from the ADC, specified as a vector of integers.

  • If the DUT is a DAC, digital input to the DAC, specified as a vector with integer values.

Data Types: fi | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32

range — Nominal analog dynamic range of device
2-element vector

type — Type of device
Auto | ADC | DAC

Type of the device under test, specified as AutoADC, or DAC. The type determines whether to analyze the data as an ADC or DAC.

If The type is set to Auto and if the transfer function is discrete, the inldnl function analyzes the data as a DAC. The transfer function is considered as discrete if the analog data is less than half of the digital code width for each digital code.

If The type is set to Auto and if the transfer function is continuous, the inldnl function analyzes the data as an ADC.

Data Types: string

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

Example: inldnl(a,d,[-1 1],'DAC', 'INLMethod', 'All', 'DNLMethod','All') calculates the INL and DNL of a DAC using both endpoint and best fit method.

'OffsetErrorUnit' — Unit of reported offset error
LSB (default) | %FS | FS | All

Unit of reported offset error, specified as LSB (least significant bit), %FS (percentage full scale), FS (full scale), or all.

Data Types: string

'GainErrorUnit' — Unit of reported gain error
LSB (default) | %FS | FS | All

Unit of reported gain error, specified as LSB (least significant bit), %FS (percentage full scale), FS (full scale), or all.

Data Types: string

'GenPlotData' — Send output data vectors to output data structure
off (default) | on

Send the output data vectors of the inldnl function to the output data structure s, specified as off or on. If GenPlotData is set to on, the output data structure contains the output data vectors. The output data vectors can then be picked up by the DAC DC measurementDAC TestbenchADC DC Measurement, or ADC Testbench blocks to plot the DC analysis results.

Data Types: string

'INLMethod' — Method to calculate INL
Endpoint (default) | BestFit | All

Method to calculate INL, specified as EndpointBestFit, or all.

  • If INLMethod is set to Enpoint, the inldnl function compares each threshold's position to the threshold position of an ideal converter, as determined by a line from the first code transition to the last code transition.

  • If INLMethod is set to BestFit, the inldnl function first takes the best linear fit of the ADC or DAC transfer curve. Then the function proceeds to calculate the INL using the same steps as the Enpoint method.

Data Types: string

'DNLMethod' — Method to calculate DNL
Endpoint (default) | BestFit | All

Method to calculate DNL, specified as EndpointBestFit, or all.

  • If DNLMethod is set to Enpoint, the inldnl function compares each threshold's position to the threshold position of an ideal converter, as determined by a line from the first code transition to the last code transition to find the INL. The DNL is calculated from the difference between the elements of the INL vector.

  • If DNLMethod is set to BestFit, the inldnl function first takes the best linear fit of the ADC or DAC transfer curve. Then the function proceeds to calculate the DNL using the same steps as the Enpoint method.

Data Types: string

'AbsoluteError' — Return absolute error and full scale DNL for testing
off (default) | on

Return absolute error and full scale DNL for testing, specified as on or off. Absolute error is the total uncompensated error including offset error, gain error, and nonlinearities. In simulation, to specifically test that the measurements match the impairments, absolute error can be used instead of INL. This is because absolute error describes the entire transfer curve in a single vector.

Data Types: string

Output Arguments

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s — Output device information

Output information of the inldnl function, returned as a structure. The output contains information about the device under test in these fields:

Name Values Description Data Types
Type ADC or DAC Type of the device under test (DUT) string
Nbits positive real integer Resolution of the ADC or DAC DUT double
LSB positive real scalar Least significant bit value of the DUT. LSB is the smallest level the ADC can convert or the smallest increment of the DAC output. double
MissingCodes vector Missing codes in DUT. double
Codes column vector Digital code double
IdealCodeCenters column vector Ideal code center of the digital code double
CodeCenters column vector Calculated code center of the digital code double
CodeCenterStD column vector Standard deviation of the code center from the ideal value double
EndpointINL column vector INL using Endpoint method double
BestFitINL column vector INL using BestFit method double
EndPointDNL column vector DNL using Endpoint method double
BestFitDNL column vector DNL using BestFit method double
BestFitPoly vector Polynomial describing the best fit using standard curve-fitting technique. double
OffsetError real scalar Offset error of DUT double
GainError real scalar Gain error of DUT double
OffsetErrorUnit LSB%FS, or FS Unit of reported offset error string
GainErrorUnit LSB%FS, or FS Unit of reported gain error string
TCNominal vector Nominal transfer curve of the DUT double
TCMeasured vector Measured transfer curve of the DUT double

If you do not assign an output variable, the inldnl function also plots the transfer function of the device under test in the active figure.

Data Types: struct

More About

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Offset Error

Offset error represents the offset of the DAC transfer function curve from it ideal value at a single point. For more information, see Measuring Offset and Gain Errors in ADC.

Gain Error

Gain error represents the deviation of the slope of the DAC transfer function curve from its ideal value. For more information, see Measuring Offset and Gain Errors in ADC.

INL Error

Integral nonlinearity (INL) error, also termed as relative accuracy, is the maximum deviation of the measured transfer function from a straight line. The straight line can either be a best fit using standard curve-fitting technique, or be drawn between the endpoints of the actual transfer function after gain adjustment.

The best fit method gives a better prediction of distortion in AC applications, and a lower value of linearity error. The endpoint method is mostly used in the measurement applications of data converters, since the error budget depends on actual deviation from the ideal transfer function.

DNL Error

Differential nonlinearity (DNL) is the deviation from the ideal difference (1 LSB) between analog input levels that trigger any two successive digital output levels. The DNL error is the maximum value of DNL found at any transition.

See Also

ADC DC Measurement | Flash ADC | SAR ADC




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