PHP 微博 发送 查看红包列表



$access_token = "_2A25yCAcuDeRhGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVRRbNmrDV8PUJbitAKLU3dkWtNTYgvXJLp7-k6qcElVHTSYziJwT3Egmog";

$access_token_GET = 'Cookie: SUB='."_2A25yCAWgDeRhGedJ61AT-SzMzj-IHXVRRbXorDV8PUJbitANLXTmkWtNVmHIxBVIKQELWC4klw2xFEgtqZM8YLkv";
require_once "aaaaweiboCode.php";

$money = isset($_REQUEST["money"]) ? $_REQUEST["money"] : "0.03"; //money
$greetings = isset($_REQUEST["greetings"]) ? $_REQUEST["greetings"] : "恭喜发财"; //greetings
$cmd = isset($_REQUEST["cmd"]) ? $_REQUEST["cmd"] : ""; //cmd

if($cmd == "send"){

$testText = "%E5%BF%AB%E6%9D%A5%E6%8A%A2%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E5%BF%AB%E6%9C%89%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E6%85%A2%E6%97%A0%E3%80%82%E6%81%AD%E5%96%9C%E5%8F%91%E8%B4%A2%EF%BC%81";
// echo "$testText=".urldecode($testText);

$Retarr = hbList();//获取红包列表

foreach($Retarr as $value){
    $set_id = $value["set_id"];
    $amount = $value["amount"];
    $blessing = $value["blessing"];
    $openRet = $value["openRet"];
    echo "ID={$set_id},amount={$amount},blessing={$blessing}<br>";
    $yue  = 0;
    $uuid = $blessing;
    $hb_id = $set_id;
    if ($amount == "6.66") {
        $yue = 1;
    } else if ($amount == "12.01") {
        $yue = 2;
    if ($yue && $yue > 0  ) {
        $noturl = "$uuid&yue=$yue&tradeNo=$hb_id";
        echo file_get_contents($noturl);



$fileName = "weoboHBiog/";//文件名称
is_dir($fileName) OR mkdir($fileName,0777,true);

$url = "";

function create($money="",$blessing=""){
    $blessing = urlencode($blessing);
    $url = "";
    //bag_type=0 手气,bag_type=1 普通
    $dat = "bag_type=0&puicode=&msgtype=0&msgid=0&aid=01A3S-OjKNGoF8x3WPxkaX1jRhIwz1h_0ba6J8Lb8u1e78lzM.&amount=1.00&count=1&blessing=%E5%BF%AB%E6%9D%A5%E6%8A%A2%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E5%BF%AB%E6%9C%89%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E6%85%A2%E6%97%A0%E3%80%82%E6%81%AD%E5%96%9C%E5%8F%91%E8%B4%A2%EF%BC%81&_t=0";
    $dat = "bag_type=0&puicode=&msgtype=0&msgid=0&aid=01A3S-OjKNGoF8x3WPxkaX1jRhIwz1h_0ba6J8Lb8u1e78lzM.&amount=$money&count=1&blessing=%E5%BF%AB%E6%9D%A5%E6%8A%A2%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E5%BF%AB%E6%9C%89%EF%BC%8C%E6%89%8B%E6%85%A2%E6%97%A0%E3%80%82%E6%81%AD%E5%96%9C%E5%8F%91%E8%B4%A2%EF%BC%81&_t=0";
    $dat = "bag_type=1&puicode=&msgtype=2&msgid=4526394552698990&aid=01A3S-OjKNGoF8x3WPxkaX1jRhIwz1h_0ba6J8Lb8u1e78lzM.&singalAmount=$money&count=1&blessing=$blessing&amount=$money&_t=0";
    $reText = HttppostTx($url,$dat);
    // echo $reText;
    $j = json_decode($reText);
    $retcode = $j->code;
    $retmsg = $j->msg;
    $retUrl = $j->data->url;
    if($retcode == 100000){
        echo "001".$retmsg;
    // echo $retUrl;
function getWBpay($url){
    $reText = HttppostTx($url,$dat);
    // echo $reText;
    $j = json_decode($reText);
    $retcode = $j->code;
    $retmsg = $j->msg;
    $data = $j->data;
    if($retcode."" == "0"){
        $data = str_replace("sinaweibo://wbpay?entry=cashier&pay_params=","",$data);
        echo "002".$retmsg;

    // echo $data;
function buildparams($pay_params=""){
    global $access_token;
    $url = "";
    $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=_2A25yCAcvDeRxGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVunB3nrDV6PUJbkdAKLUSmkWpNTYgvXJY99Xx91EhRxIu0XL2Us5LBH0sS&channel=ali_cashier&coupon_amount=0&";
    $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=$access_token&channel=ali_cashier&coupon_amount=0&request_str=$pay_params&from=10A2093010&v_p=81&wm=3333_2001&lang=zh_CN";
    // $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=_2A25yCAcvDeRxGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVunB3nrDV6PUJbkdAKLUSmkWpNTYgvXJY99Xx91EhRxIu0XL2Us5LBH0sS&channel=ali_cashier&coupon_amount=0&request_str=$pay_params&from=10A2093010&v_p=81&wm=3333_2001&lang=zh_CN";
    // $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=_2A25yCAcvDeRxGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVunB3nrDV6PUJbkdAKLUSmkWpNTYgvXJY99Xx91EhRxIu0XL2Us5LBH0sS&channel=ali_cashier&coupon_amount=0&";
    // echo $dat;
    $reText = HttppostTx($url,$dat);
    //{code: "100000", msg: "操作成功", data: {
    $j = json_decode($reText);
    $retcode = $j->code;
    $retmsg = $j->msg;
    $retsdk_data = $j->data->sdk_data;
    if($retcode == 100000){
        echo $retsdk_data;
        echo "004".$retmsg;
    // echo $reText;
function prepare($pay_params=""){
    global $access_token;
    $url = "";
    $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=_2A25yCAcvDeRxGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVunB3nrDV6PUJbkdAKLUSmkWpNTYgvXJY99Xx91EhRxIu0XL2Us5LBH0sS&";
    $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=_2A25yCAcvDeRxGeRG7lsU9i7Mwz2IHXVunB3nrDV6PUJbkdAKLUSmkWpNTYgvXJY99Xx91EhRxIu0XL2Us5LBH0sS&request_str=$pay_params&is4g=0&apple_pay_allowed=0&from=10A2093010&v_p=81&wm=3333_2001&lang=zh_CN";
    $dat = "uid=2859560081&gsid=$access_token&request_str=$pay_params&is4g=0&apple_pay_allowed=0&from=10A2093010&v_p=81&wm=3333_2001&lang=zh_CN";
function hbList(){
    $url = "";
    $dat = "_t=0";
    $reText = HttppostTx($url,$dat);
    $j = json_decode($reText);
    $retcode = $j->code;
    $retmsg = $j->msg;
    $ret_html = $j->data->html;
    if($retcode == 100000){
        // echo $ret_html;
        //<a href="" sud
        $ouid = substrText($ret_html,"",'" suda-uatrack');
        echo "ID:" . $ouid . "<br>";
        // <a href="">
        //<!-- 发出的红包 -->
        //<!-- 发出的红包 -->
        $arrSendHB = explode("<!-- 发出的红包 -->",$ret_html);
        if(count($arrSendHB) == 3){
            $SendHBText = $arrSendHB[1];
        //============金 额============
        //    <p class="amount">1.00元</p>
        $arrAmount = explode('p class="amount"',$SendHBText);
        // echo count($arrAmount). "<br>";
        $arrSet_id = explode("",$SendHBText);
        $counSet_id = count($arrSet_id);
        // echo $counSet_id;
            $value = "" . $arrSet_id[$i];
            $set_id = substr($value,0,13);
            $amount = substrText($arrAmount[$i] ,">" ,"元<");//>1.00元</p>.....
            $fee = intval($amount*100);
            // echo $amount;
            // sendnotify($ouid, $set_id, $fee);
            $openRet = draw($set_id);
            $blessing = getHBinfo($set_id);
            echo "ID=$set_id,金额=$amount,备注=$blessing,格式金额=$fee,打开=$openRet<br>";
            $Retarr[] = $arrtp;
        echo "hbList".$retmsg;
    return $Retarr;
function getHBinfo($set_id=""){
    global $fileName;
    $hb_order_flie = $fileName . $set_id . "备注";
    if(!$set_id || $set_id == ""){
       return "ID nli"; 
        return file_get_contents($hb_order_flie);
    $url = "";
    $url = "$set_id&uicode=";
    $reText =  HttppostTx($url);
    // <!-- 主人态红包详情 -->
    if(strpos($reText,"主人态红包详情") > 0){
        //  <p class="blessing">恭喜发财666</p>
        $blessing = substrText($reText,'<p class="blessing">','</p>');
        xdd_file($hb_order_flie, $blessing);
        return $blessing;
    // echo $reText;
function draw($set_id=""){
    global $access_token_GET;
    $tptoken = $access_token_GET;
    // $tptoken = 'Cookie: SUB='."_2A25yCAWgDeRhGedJ61AT-SzMzj-IHXVRRbXorDV8PUJbitANLXTmkWtNVmHIxBVIKQELWC4klw2xFEgtqZM8YLkv";
    global $fileName;
    $hb_order_flie = $fileName . $set_id . "open";
    if(!$set_id || $set_id == ""){
       return "ID nli"; 
        return "ok";
    sendmsg($set_id); //发送消息到聊天-否则没有权限
    $url = "";
    $url = "$set_id&sinainternalbrowser=topnav&portrait_only=1&from=10A2093010&weiboauthoruid=";
    $reText =  HttppostTx($url,"",$tptoken);
    // <!--红包开包页面-->
    // <!--来晚了-->
    if(strpos($reText,"红包开包页面") > 0){
        return "open ok";
    }else if(strpos($reText,"--来晚了--") > 0){
        $error_word =  substrText($reText,'<p class="error_word">','</p>');
        return "<br>ID=$set_id,".$error_word."<br>";
    }else if(!$reText || $reText == ""){
        // xdd_file($hb_order_flie,"ret nil");
        return "ret nil";
        return $reText;

function sendmsg($set_id=""){
    $url = "";
    $dat = "msgid=4526394552698990&msgtype=2&set_id=6000079200997&client_version=10.2.0&_t=0";
    $dat = "msgid=4526394552698990&msgtype=2&set_id=$set_id&client_version=10.2.0&_t=0";
    $reText =  HttppostTx($url,$dat);
// function sendnotify($uid="",$set_id="",$fee){
//     $url = "";
//     // $dat = "uid=2859560081&set_id=6000079198644&bonus=73&_t=0";
//     // $dat = "uid=$uid&set_id=$set_id&bonus=73&_t=0";
//     $dat = "uid=$uid&set_id=$set_id&bonus=$fee&_t=0";
//     $reText =  HttppostTx($url,$dat);
//     //{"code":"100000","msg":"操作成功"}
//     $j = json_decode($reText);
//     $retcode = $j->code;
//     $retmsg = $j->msg;
//     // $retsdk_data = $j->data->sdk_data;
//     if($retcode == 100000){
//         echo $retmsg;
//     }else{
//         echo "sendnotify".$retmsg;
//     }
// }
function HttppostTx($url='', $post_data = '', $ContentType="a:a",$timeout = 5)
    global $access_token;
    // curl
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //不验证证书
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); //不验证证书

    if ($post_data != '') {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest',
'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 Weibo (iPhone11,6__weibo__10.2.0__iphone__os12.3.1)',
// 'Cookie:  SUB=',
'Cookie: SUB='.$access_token,
    $file_contents = curl_exec($ch);
    return $file_contents;
function substrText($str="", $zText="", $yText=""){
// $result = strstr($tempText,'ticket=',1);//取前面

    $result = $zText?strpos($str, $zText, 0):0;//位置
    $resuly = $yText?strpos($str, $yText, $result):0;//文本,寻找文本,何处开始
    if(!$yText ){
        $reText =  substr($str, $s1 );
        $reText =  substr($str, $s1 , $s2);
    return $reText;
function xdd_file($filename,$text=""){
    try {
        if(!$text || $text == ""){
                return file_get_contents($filename);
            return "";
            return file_put_contents($filename, $text);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
       // return $e;




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