python学得好 监狱进的早_蟒周刊-403-监狱中学 Python 改变人生



200115 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译

200115 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.

Ned was getting reports for a mysterious disk I/O bug in the latest release and asked the community for help. Read the crowd-sourced diagnosis on Hacker News and Ned’s follow-up post next. What a journey…




“2020 is going to be the year of ‘no code’: the movement that say you can write business logic and even entire applications without having the training of a software developer. I empathise with people doing this, and I think some of the ‘no code’ tools are great. But I also thing it’s wrong at heart.”



嗯哼,突然 发现 fenng 的前瞻能力哪


“Python must be doing something beautiful internally to support super long integers and today we find out what’s under the hood. The article goes in-depth to explain design, storage, and operations on super long integers as implemented by Python.”

Does your Python program need a Graphical User Interface (GUI)? With this free learning path you’ll develop your Python GUI programming skills from scratch. Covers Tkinter, PyQt, wxPython, and Kivy.





Lessons learned from Mercurial’s Python 3 porting effort and a more opinionated commentary of the transition to Python 3 and the Python language ecosystem as a whole. A great read about the mechanics of porting a large Python project to Python 3.


hg 真心命不好, 就是因为爹没 Linus 知名,所以, 这么好的 DVCS 工具,

一直被 git 压制.

但是,真正好用, 俺一直在服务端配置 hg 内置 web 服务来配合 hooks,



How to leverage single and multiple inheritance in your object-oriented Python code using the built-in super() function.


How open source programming can offer opportunities after incarceration.


社区, 永远是社区的力量...





Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll get started with logistic regression in Python. Classification is one of the most important areas of machine learning, and logistic regression is one of its basic methods. You’ll learn how to create, evaluate, and apply a model to make predictions.



逻辑回归...真蟒 开始深入非通用知识点了...


Server-assisted client-side caching is a new capability added in Redis version 6. It is intended to assist the management of a local cache by having the server send invalidation notifications. The server tracks the keys accessed by a client and notifies the client when these change.

In this tutorial, you’ll gain a working knowledge of the various factors that combine to keep communications over the Internet safe. You’ll see concrete examples of how to keep information secure and use cryptography to build your own Python HTTPS application.






“I really wanted to have a self-contained script that would launch Bokeh as part of its operation, rather than remembering which command line options I needed to specify.”


等等, Bokeh 本身不就是 Py 的模块由脚本执行的?



• Shared by Michael Herman

This tutorial looks at how to develop and test an asynchronous API with FastAPI, Postgres, Pytest, and Docker using Test-Driven Development (TDD).


FastAPI/Pytest 强强联手.


“This article will talk about a cool project I’ve worked on recently — a full Python interpreter running inside the Linux kernel”


等等, 可是这有什么好处?

让 shell 可以直接使用 Python 内置的所有模块?



• Shared by Sean Stewart

A Pythonista’s (almost) no-code solution to building a website with the Python-based MkDocs static site generator.


in a Day?


这些都是用 MkDocs 通过 github-pages 发布的



• Shared by Matt Layman

What happens from when a browser makes a request to how Django receives the request and sends back a response.


Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code







当然, 都是号称, 一切得看历史以及程序猿们的选择.





这才是真正需要的东西, 特别是从 Excel 导出的 csv 们...


clevercsv [-h] [-v] [-V] [] ... []


The command to execute

The arguments of the command


-h (--help) Display this help message.

-v (--verbose) Enable verbose mode.

-V (--version) Display the application version.


code Generate Python code for importing the CSV file.

detect Detect the dialect of a CSV file

help Display the manual of a command

standardize Convert a CSV file to one that conforms to RFC-4180.

view View the CSV file on the command line using TabView



• Shared by Carlos


叕一个 ML 的后代...





所以, 早就说过:



go 和 py 不分家咯:

import time

from gostyle import go

def test_thread(title:str):

while True:



# Start the thread




没错, 基于 Redis 的, 很老牌了...



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  • python学得好 监狱进的早_蟒周刊-403-监狱中学 Python 改变人生

    200115 Zoom Quiet 大妈 用时 42 分钟 完成快译 200115 Zoom Quiet 大妈 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄 Ned was getting reports for a mysterious disk I