



template<class _Ty>
	_Post_equal_to_(_Right < _Left ? _Right : _Left)
	constexpr const _Ty& _Min_value(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// return smaller of _Left and _Right
	return (_Right < _Left ? _Right : _Left);

template<class _Ty>
	_Post_equal_to_(_Left < _Right ? _Right : _Left)
	constexpr const _Ty& _Max_value(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right)
	{	// return larger of _Left and _Right
	return (_Left < _Right ? _Right : _Left);



//	new delete new[] delete[]	//内存分配的接管作用
//	+ - * / % 
//	^ & | ~ 
//	! = < > 
//	+= -= *= /= %= <= >= 
//	<< >> <<= >>=
//	== != <= >=
//	&& ||
//	++ -- //分前置和后置
//	,
//	->* -> () []				//通过指针取成员指针、通过指针取成员、强制类型转换、数组取下标


//	.			通过对象(结构体)取成员
//	.*			通过对象取成员指针
//	::			作用域分辨符
//	?:			条件运算符
//	sizeof		计算数据大小运算符


//	,			//逗号表达式
//	&			//取地址
//	&& ||		//逻辑与逻辑或









#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

class Complex
	double re, im;

	const double& real()const { return re; }
	const double& imag()const { return im; }
	Complex(double r = 0, double i = 0)
		:re(r), im(i)
		std::cout << this << std::endl;
	Complex(const Complex& Com);

	Complex& operator=(const Complex& Com);
	explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
	Complex operator-() const;
	Complex operator++();
	Complex operator--();
	Complex operator++(int);					//重点
	Complex operator--(const int);				//const int和int无差别,不能同时存在
	Complex operator!() const;
	double operator()() const;

	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Complex&);
	friend Complex operator+(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex& operator+=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex operator-(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex& operator-=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex operator*(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex& operator*=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex operator/(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend Complex& operator/=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator==(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator!=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator<(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator<=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator>(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);
	friend bool operator>=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2);


#include "Complex.h"

Complex::Complex(const Complex& Com)
	std::cout << this << std::endl;
	this->re = Com.re;
	this->im = Com.im;
Complex& Complex::operator=(const Complex& Com)
	std::cout << this << std::endl;
	if (this != &Com)
		this->re = Com.re;
		this->im = Com.im;
		return (*this);
	return (*this);

Complex::operator bool() const noexcept		//explicit只能写在声明中,不能写在定义中。
	if (0 == this->re && 0 == this->im)
		return false;
		return true;
Complex Complex::operator-() const
	return Complex(-this->re, -this->im);
Complex Complex::operator++()
	return Complex(++this->re, this->im);
Complex Complex::operator--()
	return Complex(--this->re, this->im);

Complex Complex::operator++(int)
//Complex operator++(const int)		//亦可
	return Complex(this->re++, this->im);
	/*Complex Com(*this);
	return Com;*/
Complex Complex::operator--(const int)
	return Complex(this->re--, this->im);
Complex Complex::operator!() const
	return Complex(this->re, -this->im);
double Complex::operator()() const
	return sqrt(pow(this->re, 2) + pow(this->im, 2));

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Complex& Com)
	return os << '(' << Com.real() << ',' << Com.imag() << ')';

Complex operator+(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	return Complex(Com1.re + Com2.re, Com1.im + Com2.im);
Complex& operator+=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	Com1.re += Com2.re;
	Com1.im += Com2.im;
	return Com1;
Complex operator-(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	return Complex(Com1.re - Com2.re, Com1.im - Com2.im);
Complex& operator-=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	Com1.re -= Com2.re;
	Com1.im -= Com2.im;
	return Com1;
Complex operator*(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	return Complex((Com1.re * Com2.re) - (Com1.re * Com2.re), (Com1.im * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.im));
Complex& operator*=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	Com1.re = (Com1.re * Com2.re) - (Com1.re * Com2.re);
	Com1.im = (Com1.im * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.im);
	return Com1;
Complex operator/(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	double acbd = (Com1.re * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.re);
	double bc_ad = (Com1.im * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.im);
	double c2d2 = Com2.re * Com2.re + Com2.im * Com2.im;
	return Complex(acbd / c2d2, bc_ad / c2d2);
Complex& operator/=(Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	double acbd = (Com1.re * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.re);
	double bc_ad = (Com1.im * Com2.re) + (Com1.re * Com2.im);
	double c2d2 = Com2.re * Com2.re + Com2.im * Com2.im;
	Com1.re = acbd / c2d2;
	Com1.im = bc_ad / c2d2;
	return Com1;

bool operator==(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1.real() == Com2.real() && Com1.imag() == Com2.imag())
		return true;
		return false;
bool operator!=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1.real() != Com2.real() || Com1.imag() != Com2.imag())
		return true;
		return false;
bool operator<(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1() < Com2())
		return true;
		return false;

bool operator<=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1() <= Com2())
		return true;
		return false;
bool operator>(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1() > Com2())
		return true;
		return false;
bool operator>=(const Complex& Com1, const Complex& Com2)
	if (Com1() >= Com2())
		return true;
		return false;


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

class String
	char *m_StrData;
	String(const char *strp = nullptr)
		if (nullptr != strp)
			this->m_StrData = new char[strlen(strp) + 1];
			strcpy_s(m_StrData, strlen(strp) + 1, strp);
			this->m_StrData = new char[1];
			*(this->m_StrData) = '\0';
	String(const String& strp)
		this->m_StrData = new char[strp.leng() + 1];
		strcpy_s(this->m_StrData, strp.leng() + 1, strp.m_StrData);
	String& operator= (const String& strp)
		if (this != &strp)
			delete[] m_StrData;
			m_StrData = new char[strp.leng() + 1];
			strcpy_s(this->m_StrData, strp.leng() + 1, strp.m_StrData);
			return (*this);
		return (*this);
		if (nullptr != m_StrData)
			delete[] this->m_StrData;

	unsigned int leng() const
		return strlen(this->m_StrData);

	char& operator[](const unsigned int off)
		return *(m_StrData + off);
	const char& operator[](const unsigned int off) const
		return *(m_StrData + off);
	String* operator->()
		return this;
	const char* operator*() const
		return (this->m_StrData);
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const String&);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const String& strp)
	return os << strp.m_StrData;



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