MacOS set MarkText and PicGo


MacOS set MarkText and PicGo

192:~ xxx$ picgo -h
Usage: picgo [options] [command]

  -v, --version                        output the version number
  -d, --debug                          debug mode
  -s, --silent                         silent mode
  -c, --config <path>                  set config path
  -p, --proxy <url>                    set proxy for uploading
  -h, --help                           display help for command

  install|add [options] <plugins...>   install picgo plugin
  uninstall|rm <plugins...>            uninstall picgo plugin
  update [options] <plugins...>        update picgo plugin
  set|config <module> [name]           configure config of picgo modules
  upload|u [input...]                  upload, go go go
  use [module]                         use modules of picgo
  init [options] <template> [project]  create picgo plugin's development
  i18n [lang]                          change picgo language
  help [command]                       display help for command
192:~ xxx$ picgo set uploader
? Choose a(n) uploader aliyun
? accessKeyId: xxxxxxxxxxx
? accessKeySecret: [hidden]
? bucket: image-zxl
设定存储区域 例如:oss-cn-beijing oss-cn-hangzhou
设定存储路径 例如:test/ pico/imgs/
设定自定义域名 例如: https://ixxxx.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs设定网址后缀 例如:?x-oss-process=xxx 
[PicGo SUCCESS]: Configure config successfully!
[PicGo INFO]: If you want to use this config, please run 'picgo use uploader'

192:~ xxx$ pic use uploader
pic:fatal error: can't open `use': No such file or directory
192:~ xxx$ picgo use uploader
? Use an uploader aliyun
[PicGo SUCCESS]: Configure config successfully!

192:~ xxx$ picgo u 
[PicGo INFO]: Before transform
[PicGo INFO]: Transforming... Current transformer is [path]
[PicGo INFO]: Before upload
[PicGo INFO]: Uploading... Current uploader is [aliyun]
192:~ xxx$ 

192:~ xxx$ cat 
#source /etc/profile
#picgo u
#!/bin/bashsource/etc/profileexportLANG="en_US.UTF-8"img="$(~/.npm-global/bin/picgo u$1)"echo$img|awk'{print $NF}'

#picgo u $1

source /etc/profile
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" 
img="$(picgo u $1)"
echo $img | awk '{print $NF}' 



MarkText提示“your system does not have picgo installed”解决办法

第五步:准备一个sh脚本,比如我的,并给执行权限,如chmod 755

#!/bin/bashsource/etc/profileexportLANG=“en_US.UTF-8"img=”$(~/.npm-global/bin/picgo u 1 ) " e c h o 1)"echo 1)"echoimg|awk’{print $NF}’



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