Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus报表开发:如何直接从代码中保存BPM / JPEG / TIFF / GIF?


报表生成器FastReport VCL是用于在软件中集成商务智能的现代解决方案。它提供了可视化模板设计器,可以访问最受欢迎的数据源,报告引擎,预览,将过滤器导出为30多种格式,并可以部署到云,Web,电子邮件和打印中。

近日,FastReport VCL更新至v6.7,在新版本中,添加了对最新版本IDE的支持,简化了用于付款标准的条形码的创建,新增从预览窗口直接编辑RichView的功能,同时修复了多个Bug问题。欢迎下载体验。(下载最新版




















如何从Delphi / Lazarus应用程序导出为这些格式?



在预览窗口中,我们选择保存报告的格式。 例如,我们需要导出到BMP图像。选择并单击。

可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus保存图像


可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus保存图像

如何直接从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus代码中保存BPM / JPEG / TIFF / GIF?


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 {Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting}
 {Set the range of pages to export. By default, all pages of the generated report are exported}
 frxBMPExport1.PageNumbers := '2-3';
 {Set whether to export each page to a separate file.}
 {.N will be added to the file name, where N is the serial number of the page}
 frxBMPExport1.SeparateFiles := True;
 {Set whether to export to monochrome image}
 frxBMPExport1.Monochrome := False;
 {Set whether to crop empty edges (page margins)}
 frxBMPExport1.CropImages := False;
 {Set the resolution, DPI}
 frxBMPExport1.Resolution := 96;
 {Set whether to open the resulting file after export}
 frxBMPExport1.OpenAfterExport := False;
 {Set whether to display export progress (show which page is currently being exported)}
 frxBMPExport1.ShowProgress := False;
 {Set whether to display the export filter dialog box}
 frxBMPExport1.ShowDialog := False;
 {Set the name of the resulting file.}
 {Please note that if you do not set the file name and disable the export filter dialog box,}
 {the file name selection dialog will still be displayed}
 frxBMPExport1.FileName := 'C:\Output\test.bmp';
 {Export the report}


procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
 {Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting}
 {Set the range of pages to export. By default, all pages of the generated report are exported}
 frxJPEGExport1.PageNumbers := '2-3';
 {Set whether to export each page to a separate file.}
 {.N will be added to the file name, where N is the serial number of the page}
 frxJPEGExport1.SeparateFiles := True;
 {Set whether to export to monochrome image}
 frxJPEGExport1.Monochrome := False;
 {Set whether to crop empty edges (page margins)}
 frxJPEGExport1.CropImages := False;
 {Set the quality of JPEG}
 frxJPEGExport1.JPEGQuality := 90;
 {Set the resolution, DPI}
 frxJPEGExport1.Resolution := 96;
 {Set whether to open the resulting file after export}
 frxJPEGExport1.OpenAfterExport := False;
 {Set whether to display export progress (show which page is currently being exported)}
 frxJPEGExport1.ShowProgress := False;
 {Set whether to display the export filter dialog box}
 frxJPEGExport1.ShowDialog := False;
 {Set the name of the resulting file.}
 {Please note that if you do not set the file name and disable the export filter dialog box,}
 {the file name selection dialog will still be displayed}
 frxJPEGExport1.FileName := 'C:\Output\test.jpg';
 {Export the report}


procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
 {Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting}
 {Set the range of pages to export. By default, all pages of the generated report are exported}
 frxTIFFExport1.PageNumbers := '2-3';
 {Set whether to export each page to a separate file.}
 {.N will be added to the file name, where N is the serial number of the page}
 frxTIFFExport1.SeparateFiles := True;
 {Set whether to export to monochrome image}
 frxTIFFExport1.Monochrome := False;
 {Set whether to crop empty edges (page margins)}
 frxTIFFExport1.CropImages := False;
 {Set the resolution, DPI}
 frxTIFFExport1.Resolution := 96;
 {Set whether to open the resulting file after export}
 frxTIFFExport1.OpenAfterExport := False;
 {Set whether to display export progress (show which page is currently being exported)}
 frxTIFFExport1.ShowProgress := False;
 {Set whether to display the export filter dialog box}
 frxTIFFExport1.ShowDialog := False;
 {Set the name of the resulting file.}
 {Please note that if you do not set the file name and disable the export filter dialog box,}
 {the file name selection dialog will still be displayed}
 frxTIFFExport1.FileName := 'C:\Output\test.tif';
 {Export the report}


procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
 {Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting}
 {Set the range of pages to export. By default, all pages of the generated report are exported}
 frxGIFExport1.PageNumbers := '2-3';
 {Set whether to export each page to a separate file.}
 {.N will be added to the file name, where N is the serial number of the page}
 frxGIFExport1.SeparateFiles := True;
 {Set whether to export to monochrome image}
 frxGIFExport1.Monochrome := False;
 {Set whether to crop empty edges (page margins)}
 frxGIFExport1.CropImages := False;
 {Set the resolution, DPI}
 frxGIFExport1.Resolution := 96;
 {Set whether to open the resulting file after export}
 frxGIFExport1.OpenAfterExport := False;
 {Set whether to display export progress (show which page is currently being exported)}
 frxGIFExport1.ShowProgress := False;
 {Set whether to display the export filter dialog box}
 frxGIFExport1.ShowDialog := False;
 {Set the name of the resulting file.}
 {Please note that if you do not set the file name and disable the export filter dialog box,}
 {the file name selection dialog will still be displayed}
 frxGIFExport1.FileName := 'C:\Output\test.gif';
 {Export the report}



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    报表生成器FastReport VCL是用于在软件中集成商务智能的现代解决方案 它提供了可视化模板设计器 可以访问最受欢迎的数据源 报告引擎 预览 将过滤器导出为30多种格式 并可以部署到云 Web 电子邮件和打印中 近日 FastRepo