Qt 简单截图工具(一) 高仿QQ截屏 滑动截屏



Qt 简单截图工具(一) 高仿QQ截屏 滑动截屏
Qt 简单截图工具(二) 添加菜单栏,添加取色器、切图功能

# 截屏工具分析
  • 闲来无聊,在学习qt几个月后突然想制作一个截屏工具来给自己使用。简单分析了一下,认为截屏方式共可以分为三种:
  1. 获取当前窗口或控件的界面保存为图片
  2. 滑动鼠标截取当前桌面显示内容
  3. 识别鼠标指向窗口。控件或图标保存为图片



  • 改功能的实现主要分为三大部分:滑动鼠标截取桌面图片截图辅助功能截取部分二次处理



  1. 获取当前桌面显示内容为图片,此后的所有操作都是围绕这个图片进行。
QPixmap show_top_pixmap_ ;
show_top_pixmap_ = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId);          //当前桌面显示内容
  1. 使用画笔将桌面图片绘制到widget上,全屏显示,并绘制阴影,截取操作实际上是在该widget对象上进行,但此时效果看起来就像在原桌面上操作。
this->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);                                    //设置窗口模态类型:半模态,窗口级模态对话框,阻塞父窗口、父窗口的父窗口及兄弟窗口。
this->setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint, false);                 //一次上下文帮助按钮
this->setWindowState(Qt::WindowActive | Qt::WindowFullScreen);               //全屏显示

Qpainter *_painter;
QColor shadow_color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 100);                                  //阴影色
_painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap));            //设置画笔
_painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, show_top_pixmap_ );                               //将桌面图片绘制到窗体上
_painter->fillRect(show_top_pixmap_ .rect(), shadow_color );                 //绘制阴影色效果
  1. 鼠标按下为起始位置p1,鼠标释放为结束位置p2,以p1,p2两点绘制矩形,矩形所在区域则为截屏区域。考虑到美化可以将矩形边框去掉,在矩形八个位置绘制圆形,以便之后的截屏区域二次调整。


virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);             //鼠标按下
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);           //鼠标移动
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);              //鼠标释放
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);                  //画笔绘制
  • 裁剪矩形绘制
Qpoint mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_;            //截取图片:滑动鼠标起始位置
Qpixmap pixmap_;                //截屏结果图片
QRect selected_rect = GetRect(mouse_slid_begin_point, mouse_slid_end_point_);               //根据两点计算矩形大小
_painter->drawPixmap(selected_rect .topLeft(), pixmap_);              //绘制矩形区域内裁剪图片



  • 截图工具的辅助功能暂时先不考虑对图片本身进行二次操作(例如:自定义画笔,箭头,马赛克等),优先考虑将这个图片的参数信息显示,具备一些基本操作等。暂时考虑添加的信息显示:裁剪区域大小,十字形辅助线,锚点(图片局部放大显示)像素点颜色,当前鼠标位置,提示信息。
  1. 裁剪区域大小,十字形辅助线,当前鼠标位置,提示信息 这类信息就是计算好要显示的位置,然后将信息绘制到上面即可,具体实现这里不加赘述。
  2. 锚点功能。这里取17X11的图片,然后放大十倍进行显示。获取鼠标当前位置p3,以p3为中心截取17X11区域内图片,将图片放大后绘制在大小为170X110的矩形内。十字形锚点,简单来说为两个大小为170X10,10X110的蓝色透明矩形垂直交叉绘制,交叉部分绘制一个大小为10X10填充色为当前鼠标指向色的矩形。
	QRect rect_infomation_pixmap_rect(information_x, information_y, 170, 110);
	QRect rect_information_pixmap(mouse_now_point_.x() - 8, mouse_now_point_.y() - 5, 17, 11);
	QPixmap information_pixmap_ = show_top_pixmap_.copy(rect_information_pixmap).scaled(170, 110, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
	_painter->drawPixmap(rect_infomation_pixmap_rect.topLeft(), information_pixmap_);
	QColor information_pixmap_color = QColor(0, 0, 255, 150);
	QRect information_pixmap_x(information_x, information_y + 50, 170, 10);
	QRect information_pixmap_y(information_x + 80, information_y, 10, 110);
	_painter->fillRect(information_pixmap_x, information_pixmap_color);
	_painter->fillRect(information_pixmap_y, information_pixmap_color);
	QRect information_pixmap_f(information_x + 80, information_y + 50, 10, 10);
  1. 像素点颜色。当前屏幕图片为全屏显示,所以鼠标的相对位置(event->pos())就是当前指向像素点的位置,由此获取像素点颜色。
QRgb GetPixmapColor(QPixmap _pixmap, QPoint _position);

QRgb CustomSlidScreenCapture::GetPixmapColor(QPixmap _pixmap, QPoint _position)
	QImage image_ = _pixmap.toImage();
	QRgb *line_rgb = (QRgb *)image_.scanLine(_position.y());
	return line_rgb[_position.x()];
  • 像素点颜色转化为文本信息
QRgb rgb_color = GetPixmapColor(show_top_pixmap_, mouse_now_point_);
QString text_information_color = "(" + QString::number(qRed(rgb_color)) + "  ," + QString::number(qGreen(rgb_color)) + "  ," + QString::number(qBlue(rgb_color)) + ")";



  • 设置鼠标的不同样式
  • 鼠标样式枚举枚举
枚举值 含义
Qt::ArrowCursor 数表常态
Qt::SizeVerCursor 垂直上下箭头
Qt::SizeAllCursor 全方向箭头
Qt::SizeHorCursor 水平左右箭头
Qt::SizeBDiagCursor 斜左下右上箭头
Qt::SizeFDiagCursor 斜左上右下箭头



  • custom_slid_screen_capture.h
#pragma once
#include <QDialog>
#include <QObject>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QtGui//QWindow>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QtGui/QScreen>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vector>

enum ArrowType

class CustomSlidScreenCapture
	:public QDialog


	void ScreenCapture();


	QPixmap show_top_pixmap_;										//当前桌面显示内容
	QPixmap pixmap_;												//当前图片
	QString pixel_color_;											//当前像素颜色
	QPoint mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_;			//截取图片:滑动鼠标起始位置
	QPoint mouse_now_point_;										//鼠标当前位置
	bool mouse_slid_press_flag_;									//截取图片:鼠标是否按下
	bool mouse_slid_finish_;										//截取图片:截屏区域是否选择完毕
	QPoint mouse_rect_begin_point_, mouse_rect_end_point_;			//调整截屏区域:滑动鼠标起始位置
	bool mouse_rect_press_flag_;									//调整截屏区域:鼠标是否按下
	QPoint mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_;		//调整结果:图片起始位置

	void DrawBackgroundPixmap(QPainter *_painter);
	void DrawSlidRect(QPainter *_painter);
	void DrawBoostLine(QPainter *_painter);
	void DrawInformationRect(QPainter *_painter);
	void DrawFruitRect(QPainter *_painter);
	void DrawFruitRectStyle(QPainter *_painter, QPoint& _begion_point, QPoint& _end_point);
	void DrawFruitRectIsShow(QPainter *_painter);

	QRect GetRect(const QPoint& _begin_Point, const QPoint& _end_Point);
	QRgb GetPixmapColor(QPixmap _pixmap, QPoint _position);
	QPoint GetOffsetPoint(const QPoint& _begin_Point, const QPoint& _end_Point);
	ArrowType PointInRect(QPoint& _point, QRect _rect);
	void Save();
	QPixmap GetScreenPixmap();

	virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);

	virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);

	virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);

	virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);

	virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);

  • custom_slid_screen_capture.cpp
#include "custom_slid_screen_capture.h"

std::vector<QRect> allWindowRect;
std::vector<HWND> allWindowHwnd;
std::vector<MyRect> myRectRestlt;

bool CALLBACK MyEnumWindowsProc(HWND _hwnd, LPARAM _lparam);

	: mouse_slid_press_flag_(false)
	, mouse_slid_finish_(false)
	, mouse_rect_press_flag_(false)
	, pixel_color_("(0,0,0)")
	this->setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint, false);
	this->setWindowState(Qt::WindowActive | Qt::WindowFullScreen);
	::EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)MyEnumWindowsProc, 0);


void CustomSlidScreenCapture::ScreenCapture()
	show_top_pixmap_ = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId());

QRect CustomSlidScreenCapture::GetRect(const QPoint& _begin_Point, const QPoint& _end_Point)
	int x, y, width, height;
	width = qAbs(_begin_Point.x() - _end_Point.x());
	height = qAbs(_begin_Point.y() - _end_Point.y());
	x = _begin_Point.x() < _end_Point.x() ? _begin_Point.x() : _end_Point.x();
	y = _begin_Point.y() < _end_Point.y() ? _begin_Point.y() : _end_Point.y();
	QRect selected_rect = QRect(x, y, width, height);									//QRect类代表一个矩形区域
	if (selected_rect.width() == 0)
	if (selected_rect.height() == 0)
	return selected_rect;

QRgb CustomSlidScreenCapture::GetPixmapColor(QPixmap _pixmap, QPoint _position)
	QImage image_ = _pixmap.toImage();
	QRgb *line_rgb = (QRgb *)image_.scanLine(_position.y());
	return line_rgb[_position.x()];

QPoint CustomSlidScreenCapture::GetOffsetPoint(const QPoint& _begin_Point, const QPoint& _end_Point)
	return QPoint(_end_Point.x() - _begin_Point.x(), _end_Point.y() - _begin_Point.y());

ArrowType CustomSlidScreenCapture::PointInRect(QPoint& _point, QRect _rect)
	int x1 = _rect.topLeft().x();
	int y1 = _rect.topLeft().y();
	int x2 = _rect.bottomRight().x();
	int y2 = _rect.bottomRight().y();
	int range_size = (_rect.width() ? _rect.height() : _rect.width()>_rect.height())/3;

	if (_point.x() >= x1 + range_size && _point.x() <= x2 - range_size && _point.y() >= y1 + range_size && _point.y() <= y2 - range_size)
		return Size_All_Cursor;
	if (_point.x() >= x1 - 100 && _point.x() <= x1 + range_size && _point.y() >= y1 + range_size && _point.y() <= y2 - range_size)
		return Size_Hor_Cursor_Left;
	if (_point.x() >= x2 - range_size && _point.x() <= x2 + 100 && _point.y() >= y1 + range_size && _point.y() <= y2 - range_size)
		return Size_Hor_Cursor_Right;
	if (_point.x() >= x1 + range_size && _point.x() <= x2 - range_size && _point.y() >= y1 - 100 && _point.y() <= y1 + range_size)
		return Size_Ver_Cursor_Top;
	if (_point.x() >= x1 + range_size && _point.x() <= x2 - range_size && _point.y() >= y2 - range_size && _point.y() <= y2 + 100)
		return Size_Ver_Cursor_Bottom;
	if (_point.x() >= x1 - 100 && _point.x() <= x1 + range_size && _point.y() >= y1 - 100 && _point.y() <= y1 + range_size)
		return Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Top;
	if (_point.x() >= x2 - range_size && _point.x() <= x2 + 100 && _point.y() >= y2 - range_size && _point.y() <= y2 + 100)
		return Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Bottom;
	if (_point.x() >= x2 - range_size && _point.x() <= x2 + 100 && _point.y() >= y1 - 100 && _point.y() <= y1 + range_size)
		return Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Top;
	if (_point.x() >= x1 - 100 && _point.x() <= x1 + range_size && _point.y() >= y2 - range_size && _point.y() <= y2 + 100)
		return Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Bottom;
	return Arrow_Cursor;

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::CalculataRectDistance(QRect rect)
	int dis = rect.width() + rect.height();
	MyRect temp_myrect;
	temp_myrect.myRect_ = rect;
	temp_myrect.distance_ = dis;

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::Save()
	QString file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QStringLiteral("截图文件保存"), "picture1.jpg", tr("Images(*.png,*.bmp,*.jpg)"));

QPixmap CustomSlidScreenCapture::GetScreenPixmap()
	return pixmap_;

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
	if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton&&!mouse_slid_finish_)
		mouse_slid_press_flag_ = true;
		mouse_slid_begin_point_ = event->pos();
	if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton&&!mouse_rect_press_flag_&&mouse_slid_finish_&&PointInRect(mouse_now_point_, GetRect(mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_))!=Arrow_Cursor)
		mouse_rect_press_flag_ = true;
		mouse_rect_begin_point_ = event->pos();
		mouse_rect_end_point_ = event->pos();
		mouse_result_begin_point_ = mouse_slid_begin_point_;
		mouse_result_end_point_ = mouse_slid_end_point_;
#if 0
	if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton&&!mouse_rect_press_flag_&&mouse_slid_finish_&&PointInRect(mouse_now_point_, GetRect(mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_)) != Arrow_Cursor)
		mouse_rect_end_point_ = event->pos();
		mouse_rect_press_flag_ = false;
		mouse_slid_begin_point_ = mouse_result_begin_point_;
		mouse_slid_end_point_ = mouse_result_end_point_;
	return QWidget::mousePressEvent(event);

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
	if (mouse_slid_press_flag_)
		mouse_slid_end_point_ = event->pos();
		mouse_slid_press_flag_ = false;
		mouse_slid_finish_ = true;
		mouse_result_begin_point_ = mouse_slid_begin_point_;
		mouse_result_end_point_ = mouse_slid_end_point_;
	if (mouse_rect_press_flag_)
		mouse_rect_end_point_ = event->pos();
		mouse_rect_press_flag_ = false;
		/*QRect rect_f = GetRect(mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_);
		mouse_slid_begin_point_ = rect_f.topLeft();
		mouse_slid_end_point_ = rect_f.bottomRight();*/
		mouse_slid_begin_point_ = mouse_result_begin_point_;
		mouse_slid_end_point_ = mouse_result_end_point_;
	return QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
	mouse_now_point_ = event->pos();
	if (mouse_slid_press_flag_)
		mouse_slid_end_point_ = event->pos();																
	if (mouse_rect_press_flag_)
		mouse_rect_end_point_ = event->pos();

	return QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event);

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
	if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
	if (event->key() == Qt::Key_C)
	if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy))
	if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter)
		mouse_slid_press_flag_ = false;
		mouse_slid_finish_ = false;
	if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Save))
		mouse_slid_press_flag_ = false;
		mouse_slid_finish_ = false;

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawBackgroundPixmap(QPainter *_painter)
	QColor shadowColor = QColor(0, 0, 0, 100);											//阴影色
	_painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap));					//设置画笔
	_painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, show_top_pixmap_);										//将获取的图片画到窗体上
	_painter->fillRect(show_top_pixmap_.rect(), shadowColor);							//画影罩效果

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawSlidRect(QPainter *_painter)
	QRect selected_rect = GetRect(mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_);
	pixmap_ = show_top_pixmap_.copy(selected_rect);
	_painter->drawPixmap(selected_rect.topLeft(), pixmap_);
	DrawFruitRectStyle(_painter, mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_end_point_);

	QString pixmap_size = QString::number(selected_rect.width()) + " X " + QString::number(selected_rect.height());
	QColor information_color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 150);
	QFontMetrics fm(_painter->font());
	QRect fm_rect = fm.boundingRect(pixmap_size);
	QRect pixmap_size_rect(selected_rect.topLeft().x(), selected_rect.topLeft().y() -20, fm_rect.width() + 5, 20);
	_painter->fillRect(pixmap_size_rect, information_color);
	_painter->drawText(pixmap_size_rect,Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap_size);

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawBoostLine(QPainter *_painter)
	QLine line_boost_x(QPoint(0, mouse_slid_end_point_.y()), QPoint(show_top_pixmap_.width(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y()));
	QLine line_boost_y(QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), 0), QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), show_top_pixmap_.height()));

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawInformationRect(QPainter *_painter)
	int information_x = mouse_now_point_.x() +50;
	int information_y = mouse_now_point_.y() +50;

	QRect rect_infomation(information_x, information_y, 170, 170);
	QColor information_color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 150);
	_painter->fillRect(rect_infomation, information_color);
	QRect rect_infomation_position(information_x, information_y + 110, 170, 20);
	QString text_information_position = "(" + QString::number(mouse_now_point_.x()) + "," + QString::number(mouse_now_point_.y()) + ")";
	_painter->drawText(rect_infomation_position, Qt::AlignCenter, text_information_position);

	QRect rect_infomation_color(information_x, information_y + 130, 170, 20);
	QRect rect_infomation_color_f(information_x + 5, information_y + 135, 10, 10);
	QRgb rgb_color = GetPixmapColor(show_top_pixmap_, mouse_now_point_);
	QString text_information_color = "(" + QString::number(qRed(rgb_color)) + "  ," + QString::number(qGreen(rgb_color)) + "  ," + QString::number(qBlue(rgb_color)) + ")";
	pixel_color_ = text_information_color;
	_painter->drawText(rect_infomation_color, Qt::AlignCenter, text_information_color);

	QRect rect_infomation_text(information_x, information_y + 150, 170, 20);
	QString text_information_text = QStringLiteral("按C复制颜色值");
	_painter->drawText(rect_infomation_text, Qt::AlignCenter, text_information_text);

	QRect rect_infomation_pixmap_rect(information_x, information_y, 170, 110);
	QRect rect_information_pixmap(mouse_now_point_.x() - 8, mouse_now_point_.y() - 5, 17, 11);
	QPixmap information_pixmap_ = show_top_pixmap_.copy(rect_information_pixmap).scaled(170, 110, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
	_painter->drawPixmap(rect_infomation_pixmap_rect.topLeft(), information_pixmap_);
	QColor information_pixmap_color = QColor(0, 0, 255, 150);
	QRect information_pixmap_x(information_x, information_y + 50, 170, 10);
	QRect information_pixmap_y(information_x + 80, information_y, 10, 110);
	_painter->fillRect(information_pixmap_x, information_pixmap_color);
	_painter->fillRect(information_pixmap_y, information_pixmap_color);
	QRect information_pixmap_f(information_x + 80, information_y + 50, 10, 10);

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawFruitRect(QPainter *_painter)
	if (mouse_rect_press_flag_)
		QRect rect_f = GetRect(mouse_slid_begin_point_, mouse_slid_begin_point_);
		QPoint rect_f_begin = rect_f.topLeft();
		QPoint rect_f_end = rect_f.bottomRight();
		ArrowType flag = PointInRect(mouse_now_point_, GetRect(mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_));
		int offset_x = GetOffsetPoint(mouse_rect_begin_point_, mouse_rect_end_point_).x();
		int offset_y = GetOffsetPoint(mouse_rect_begin_point_, mouse_rect_end_point_).y();
		switch (flag)
		case Arrow_Cursor:
		case Size_Ver_Cursor_Top:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x(), mouse_slid_begin_point_.y() + offset_y);
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y());
		case Size_Ver_Cursor_Bottom:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x(), mouse_slid_begin_point_.y());
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y() + offset_y);
		case Size_Hor_Cursor_Left:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_begin_point_.y());
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y() + offset_y);
		case Size_Hor_Cursor_Right:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x(), mouse_slid_begin_point_.y());
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_end_point_.y());
		case Size_All_Cursor:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_begin_point_.y() + offset_y);
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_end_point_.y() + offset_y);
		case Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Top:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x(), mouse_slid_begin_point_.y() + offset_y);
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_end_point_.y());
		case Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Bottom:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_begin_point_.y());
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y() + offset_y);
		case Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Top:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_begin_point_.y() + offset_y);
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x(), mouse_slid_end_point_.y());
		case Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Bottom:
			mouse_result_begin_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_begin_point_.x(), mouse_slid_begin_point_.y());
			mouse_result_end_point_ = QPoint(mouse_slid_end_point_.x() + offset_x, mouse_slid_end_point_.y() + offset_y);

	QRect selected_rect = GetRect(mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_);
	pixmap_ = show_top_pixmap_.copy(selected_rect);
	_painter->drawPixmap(selected_rect.topLeft(), pixmap_);
	DrawFruitRectStyle(_painter, mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_);

	QString pixmap_size = QString::number(selected_rect.width()) + " X " + QString::number(selected_rect.height());
	QColor information_color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 150);
	QFontMetrics fm(_painter->font());
	QRect fm_rect = fm.boundingRect(pixmap_size);
	QRect pixmap_size_rect(selected_rect.topLeft().x(), selected_rect.topLeft().y() -20, fm_rect.width() + 5, 20);
	_painter->fillRect(pixmap_size_rect, information_color);
	_painter->drawText(pixmap_size_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap_size);


void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawFruitRectStyle(QPainter *_painter, QPoint& _begion_point, QPoint& _end_point)
	int radius_roll = 4;
	int x1 = _begion_point.x();
	int y1 = _begion_point.y();
	int x2 = _end_point.x();
	int y2 = _end_point.y();
	QVector<QPoint> points;
	points.push_back(QPoint(x1, y1));
	points.push_back(QPoint((x1 + x2) / 2, y1));
	points.push_back(QPoint(x2, y1));
	points.push_back(QPoint(x2, (y1 + y2) / 2));
	points.push_back(QPoint(x2, y2));
	points.push_back(QPoint((x1 + x2) / 2, y2));
	points.push_back(QPoint(x1, y2));
	points.push_back(QPoint(x1, (y1 + y2) / 2));
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::DrawFruitRectIsShow(QPainter *_painter)
	ArrowType flag = PointInRect(mouse_now_point_, GetRect(mouse_result_begin_point_, mouse_result_end_point_));
	switch (flag)
	case Arrow_Cursor:
	case Size_Ver_Cursor_Top:
	case Size_Ver_Cursor_Bottom:
	case Size_Hor_Cursor_Left:
	case Size_Hor_Cursor_Right:
	case Size_All_Cursor:
	case Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Top:
	case Size_Bdiag_Cursor_Bottom:
	case Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Top:
	case Size_Fdiag_Cursor_Bottom:
	if (flag&&!mouse_rect_press_flag_)
		DrawInformationRect(_painter);					//绘制信息框

void CustomSlidScreenCapture::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
	QPainter *painter = new QPainter(this);
	DrawBackgroundPixmap(painter);							//绘制整体背景图片
	if (mouse_slid_press_flag_)
		DrawBoostLine(painter);								//绘制辅助线
		DrawSlidRect(painter);								//绘制滑动矩形框
		DrawInformationRect(painter);						//绘制信息框
	if (mouse_slid_finish_)
		DrawFruitRect(painter);								//绘制结果矩形框--大小重绘
		DrawFruitRectIsShow(painter);						//绘制结果矩形框相关判断显示
	if (!mouse_slid_finish_)
		DrawFruitRect(painter);								//绘制结果矩形框--大小重绘
		//DrawFruitRectIsShow(painter);						//绘制结果矩形框相关判断显示

后续功能添加在完善后会陆续上传,新人第一次发博客,如果此文帮助到你( •̀ ω •́ )✧,动动小手点个赞可好O(∩_∩)O。


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