!!!Chapter 2 The Physical Layer


2.1 The Theoretical Basis for Data Communication

Fourier Analysis: Any reasonably behaved periodic function, g(t) with period T, can be constructed as the sum of a number of sines and cosines.

The width of the frequency range transmitted without being strongly attenuated is called thebandwidth. Often, the quoted bandwidth is from 0 to the frequency at which the received power has fallen by half.

Max速率(b/s) = 2Hlog2V -- Nyquist 定理 (无噪声信道)
分贝(DB) = 10log10S/N
Max速率(b/s)= Hlog2(1+S/N)--Shannon 定理(有噪声信道)

2.2 Guided Transmission Media

2.2.2 Twisted Pairs (双绞线)

For twisted pairs, a signal is usually carried as the difference in voltage between the two wires in the pair.

Twisted pairs can be used for transmitting either analog or digital information.

Category 3/5/6 cables are referred to as UTP(Unshielded Twisted Pair)

2.2.3 Coaxial Cable(同轴电缆)

50-ohm cable is commonly used when it is intended for digital transmission

75-ohm cable is commonly used for analog transmission and cable television.

2.3 Wireless Transmission


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