如何识别嵌套 json 文件并将其分解为数据框的列?


我再次重新组织我的问题,以便更清楚。 我的数据看起来像这样。

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        "Product": {
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                    "OrganizationName": {
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                        "#text": "Citi"
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                                "FamilyName": "Wang",
                                "GivenName": "Bond",
                                "DisplayName": "Bond Wang",
                                "Biography": "Bond Wang is a",
                                "BiographyFormatted": "Bond Wang",
                                "PhotoResourceIdRef": "AS44556"
            "Content": {
                "Title": "Premier",
                "Abstract": "None",
                "Synopsis": "Premier’s solid 1H22 result .",
                "Resource": [
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            "Context": {
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                "IssuerDetails": {
                    "Issuer": {
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                        "SecurityDetails": {
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                            "NameValue": "Premier Investments Ltd"
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                    "AssetClass": {
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                    "AssetType": {
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                    "SectorIndustry": [
                            "@classificationType": "GICS",
                            "@code": "25201040",
                            "@focusLevel": "Yes",
                            "@level": "4",
                            "@primaryIndicator": "Yes",
                            "Name": "Household Appliances"
                            "@classificationType": "GICS",
                            "@code": "25504020",
                            "@focusLevel": "Yes",
                            "@level": "4",
                            "@primaryIndicator": "Yes",
                            "Name": "Computer & Electronics Retail"
                            "@classificationType": "GICS",
                            "@code": "25504040",
                            "@focusLevel": "Yes",
                            "@level": "4",
                            "@primaryIndicator": "Yes",
                            "Name": "Specialty Stores"
                            "@classificationType": "GICS",
                            "@code": "25504030",
                            "@focusLevel": "Yes",
                            "@level": "4",
                            "@primaryIndicator": "Yes",
                            "Name": "Home Improvement Retail"
                            "@classificationType": "GICS",
                            "@code": "25201050",
                            "@focusLevel": "Yes",
                            "@level": "4",
                            "@primaryIndicator": "Yes",
                            "Name": "Housewares & Specialties"

我想将其所有元素分解为数据框。 具有类似列表结构的列的数量也可以改变。 基本上我们不会知道下一个输入是否会有几列或更多列要分解。

这是我到目前为止所尝试过的,但看起来它没有给我正确的答案。 另外,我已经对列值进行了硬编码,但它应该识别然后爆炸。

import xmltodict as xmltodict
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
import json
from tabulate import tabulate

dict =(xmltodict.parse("""xml data"""))

json_str = json.dumps(dict)
resp = json.loads(json_str)
df = pd.json_normalize(resp)
def expplode_columns(df, cols):
    df_e = df.copy()
    for c in cols:
        df_e = df_e.explode(c, ignore_index=True)
    return df_e

df2 = expplode_columns(df, cols)
print(tabulate(df2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql"))
# df2.to_csv('dataframe.csv', header=True, index=False)

正如评论中所建议的,您可以在纯 Python 中定义一个辅助函数来递归地展平数据的嵌套值。

因此,使用您提供的 json 文件,这是一种方法:

def flatten(data, new_data):
    """Recursive helper function.

        data: nested dictionary.
        new_data: empty dictionary.

        Flattened dictionary.

    for key, value in data.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            flatten(value, new_data)
        if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, list):
            new_data[key] = value
    return new_data


import json

import pandas as pd

with open("file.json") as f:
    content = json.load(f)

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(flatten(content, {}), orient="index").T


cols_with_lists = [col for col in df.columns if isinstance(df.loc[0, col], list)]

for col in cols_with_lists:
    temp_df = pd.concat(
        [pd.DataFrame(item, index=[i]) for i, item in enumerate(df.loc[0, col])],
    df = pd.concat([df.drop(columns=[col]), temp_df], axis=1).fillna(method="ffill")

这样,最后,json 文件就完全扁平化了:

# Output
                          @xmlns @language  ... @primaryIndicator                           Name
0  http://www.xml.org/2013/2/XML       eng  ...               Yes           Household Appliances
1  http://www.xml.org/2013/2/XML       eng  ...               Yes  Computer & Electronics Retail
2  http://www.xml.org/2013/2/XML       eng  ...               Yes               Specialty Stores
3  http://www.xml.org/2013/2/XML       eng  ...               Yes        Home Improvement Retail
4  http://www.xml.org/2013/2/XML       eng  ...               Yes       Housewares & Specialties

[5 rows x 73 columns]

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