隐藏树视图列表中的节点。在 C# 中


我正在使用 VS 2005 C#,正在处理一个未完成的 WinForm。

我已将 XML 解析为树视图列表,但遇到了一些问题。 我想知道是否有一种方法可以隐藏/过滤/删除名称中包含“_this_text”的某个节点,而不必依赖文本框。


#region "***** XML Parsing *****"
    private void Form1_Load_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Initialize the controls and the form.
        //label1.Text = "File Path";
        textBox2.Text = Application.StartupPath + "\\Continental.vsysvar";
        //button6.Text = "XML";
        //this.Text = "Software Validation";

    private TreeNode selectedNode = null;

    private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // SECTION 1. Create a DOM Document and load the XML data into it.
            XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();

            // SECTION 2. Initialize the TreeView control.
            /*treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(dom.DocumentElement.Name));
            TreeNode tNode = new TreeNode();
            tNode = treeView1.Nodes[0];*/

            foreach (XmlNode node in dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                if (node.Name == "namespace" && node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeText(node, "name")))
                AddNode(treeView1.Nodes, node);

        /* catch (XmlException xmlEx)
        catch (Exception ex)

    private void LoadTreeFromXmlDocument(XmlDocument dom)
            // SECTION 2. Initialize the TreeView control.

            // SECTION 3. Populate the TreeView with the DOM nodes.
            foreach (XmlNode node in dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                if (node.Name == "namespace" && node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeText(node, "name")))
                AddNode(treeView1.Nodes, node);

        catch (Exception ex)

    static string GetAttributeText(XmlNode inXmlNode, string name)
        XmlAttribute attr = (inXmlNode.Attributes == null ? null : inXmlNode.Attributes[name]);
        return attr == null ? null : attr.Value;

    private void AddNode(TreeNodeCollection nodes, XmlNode inXmlNode)
        if (inXmlNode.HasChildNodes)
            string text = GetAttributeText(inXmlNode, "name");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                text = inXmlNode.Name;
            TreeNode newNode = nodes.Add(text);
            XmlNodeList nodeList = inXmlNode.ChildNodes;
            for (int i = 0; i <= nodeList.Count - 1; i++)
                XmlNode xNode = inXmlNode.ChildNodes[i];
                AddNode(newNode.Nodes, xNode);
            // If the node has an attribute "name", use that.  Otherwise display the entire text of the node.
            string text = GetAttributeText(inXmlNode, "name");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                text = (inXmlNode.OuterXml).Trim();
            TreeNode newNode = nodes.Add(text);

这是 XMl 文件的摘录,因为它很长:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<systemvariables version="4">
  <namespace name="" comment="">
    <namespace name="_01_Test_Preparation" comment="">
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_02_Shipping_Status_Check" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_02_Shipping_Status_Check_start" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_01_Get_Dem_ID" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_01_Get_Dem_ID_start" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_04_ECU_Version_Check_start" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_03_Test_Run_Init" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_04_ECU_Version_Check" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_05_DEM_Reader" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_03_Test_Run_Init_start" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />
      <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="_01_05_DEM_Reader_start" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="0" minValue="0" minValuePhys="0" maxValue="4" maxValuePhys="4" />



从您的问题中不清楚过滤器是静态的还是可以由用户配置。假设过滤器可以动态配置,您可以做的是每当过滤器发生更改时从 XML(重新)加载树、回收现有节点、根据需要创建新节点以及删除过滤的节点。 (当然,如果过滤器是静态的,这也有效。)

首先,提取一个辅助方法来从 XML 重新填充树,并在适当时按名称回收节点:

public delegate string GetString<T>(T input); // No Func<T, TResult> in c# 2.0

public static class XmlTreeViewHelper
    public static void AddOrMergeNodes(TreeNodeCollection treeNodeCollection, XmlNodeList xmlNodeList, GetString<XmlNode> getNodeName, GetString<XmlNode> getNodeText, Predicate<XmlNode> filter)
        Dictionary<string, List<TreeNode>> dict = ToNodeDictionary(treeNodeCollection);
        int index = 0;
        foreach (XmlNode inXmlNode in xmlNodeList)
            AddOrMergeNode(treeNodeCollection, inXmlNode, ref index, getNodeName, getNodeText, filter, dict);

        foreach (List<TreeNode> list in dict.Values)
            foreach (TreeNode leftover in list)

    static bool IsNodeAtIndex(TreeNodeCollection nodes, TreeNode node, int index)
        // Avoid n-squared nodes.IndexOf(node).
        if (index < 0 || index >= nodes.Count)
            return false;
        return nodes[index] == node;

    static void AddOrMergeNode(TreeNodeCollection treeNodeCollection, XmlNode inXmlNode, ref int index, GetString<XmlNode> getNodeName, GetString<XmlNode> getNodeText, Predicate<XmlNode> filter, Dictionary<string, List<TreeNode>> dict)
        if (filter != null && !filter(inXmlNode))

        string treeName = getNodeName(inXmlNode);
        string treeText = (getNodeText == null ? treeName : getNodeText(inXmlNode));

        bool added = false;

        TreeNode treeNode;
        if (!DictionaryExtensions.TryRemoveFirst(dict, treeName, out treeNode))
            treeNode = new TreeNode();
            treeNode.Name = treeName;
            treeNode.Text = treeText;
            added = true;
            treeNodeCollection.Insert(index, treeNode);
            if (!IsNodeAtIndex(treeNodeCollection, treeNode, index))
                treeNodeCollection.Insert(index, treeNode);


        if (treeNode.Text != treeText)
            treeNode.Text = treeText;

        if (inXmlNode.HasChildNodes)
            AddOrMergeNodes(treeNode.Nodes, inXmlNode.ChildNodes, getNodeName, getNodeText, filter);

        if (added)

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a dictionary of tree nodes by node name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nodes"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    static Dictionary<string, List<TreeNode>> ToNodeDictionary(TreeNodeCollection nodes)
        Dictionary<string, List<TreeNode>> dict = new Dictionary<string, List<TreeNode>>();
        foreach (TreeNode node in nodes)
            DictionaryExtensions.Add(dict, node.Name, node);
        return dict;

public static class DictionaryExtensions
    public static void Add<TKey, TValueList, TValue>(IDictionary<TKey, TValueList> listDictionary, TKey key, TValue value)
        where TValueList : IList<TValue>, new()
        if (listDictionary == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        TValueList values;
        if (!listDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out values))
            listDictionary[key] = values = new TValueList();

    public static bool TryGetValue<TKey, TValueList, TValue>(IDictionary<TKey, TValueList> listDictionary, TKey key, int index, out TValue value)
        where TValueList : IList<TValue>
        TValueList list;
        if (!listDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out list))
            return Returns.False(out value);
        if (index < 0 || index >= list.Count)
            return Returns.False(out value);
        value = list[index];
        return true;

    public static bool TryRemoveFirst<TKey, TValueList, TValue>(IDictionary<TKey, TValueList> listDictionary, TKey key, out TValue value)
        where TValueList : IList<TValue>
        TValueList list;
        if (!listDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out list))
            return Returns.False(out value);
        int count = list.Count;
        if (count > 0)
            value = list[0];
            if (--count == 0)
            return true;
            listDictionary.Remove(key); // Error?
            return Returns.False(out value);

public static class Returns
    public static bool False<TValue>(out TValue value)
        value = default(TValue);
        return false;

接下来,动态(重新)加载 XML 并应用任何合适的过滤器:

    private void ReloadTreeFromXmlDocument(XmlDocument dom)
            XmlTreeViewHelper.AddOrMergeNodes(treeView1.Nodes, dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes, GetTreeNodeName, GetTreeNodeText, FilterNode);

    static string GetTreeNodeName(XmlNode inXmlNode)
        string text = GetAttributeText(inXmlNode, "name");
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            text = inXmlNode.Name;
        return text;

    static string GetTreeNodeText(XmlNode inXmlNode)
        string text = GetAttributeText(inXmlNode, "name");
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            if (inXmlNode.HasChildNodes)
                text = inXmlNode.Name;
                text = (inXmlNode.OuterXml).Trim();
        return text;

    string filter = "_start"; // Reload when this changes

    bool FilterNode(XmlNode inXmlNode)
        return FilterNode(inXmlNode, filter /*filterComboBox.Text*/);

    bool FilterNode(XmlNode inXmlNode, string nodeNameFilter)
        if (inXmlNode.Name == "namespace" && inXmlNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeText(inXmlNode, "name")))
            return false;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeNameFilter))
            string text = GetTreeNodeText(inXmlNode);
            if (text.Contains(nodeNameFilter))
                return false;
        return true;

    static string GetAttributeText(XmlNode inXmlNode, string name)
        XmlAttribute attr = (inXmlNode.Attributes == null ? null : inXmlNode.Attributes[name]);
        return attr == null ? null : attr.Value;

将我的解决方案向后移植到 .Net 2.0 后,我得到的是:


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    我将从 Jenkins 转向使用 using广场CI运行我的 Sauce 实验室 e2e 测试 Sauce 实验室将具有相同内部版本号字符串的测试分组在一起 name Chrome XS browserName chrome tunnelI
  • Android 模拟器问题

    当我启动模拟器时 我遇到很多问题 错误 HttpConnectionApp emulator 5554 disconnected Cancelling net paxcel http HttpConnectionApp activity l
  • 隐藏树视图列表中的节点。在 C# 中

    我正在使用 VS 2005 C 正在处理一个未完成的 WinForm 我已将 XML 解析为树视图列表 但遇到了一些问题 我想知道是否有一种方法可以隐藏 过滤 删除名称中包含 this text 的某个节点 而不必依赖文本框 这就是我对这个