添加和完成 PHP 源代码文档的工具 [关闭]


我有几个已完成的较旧的 PHP 项目,其中有很多内容,我想以 javadoc/phpDocumentor 风格记录它们。



  • 解析 PHP 项目树并告诉我哪里有未记录的文件、类和函数/方法(即缺少适当文档块注释的元素)

  • 提供一种方法来轻松添加丢失的文档块创建空结构并且,理想情况下,在编辑器中打开文件(内部或外部我不在乎),以便我可以输入描述。


  • 自动识别参数类型、返回值等。但这并不是真正需要的。

所讨论的语言是 PHP,尽管我可以想象 C/Java 工具经过一些调整后可能能够处理 PHP 文件。


I think PHP_Codesniffer http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.php.php-codesniffer.php可以指示何时没有文档块 - 请参阅报告示例这一页 http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.php.php-codesniffer.usage.php (引用其中之一) :

  2 | ERROR   | Missing file doc comment
 20 | ERROR   | PHP keywords must be lowercase; expected "false" but found
    |         | "FALSE"
 47 | ERROR   | Line not indented correctly; expected 4 spaces but found 1
 47 | WARNING | Equals sign not aligned with surrounding assignments
 51 | ERROR   | Missing function doc comment
 88 | ERROR   | Line not indented correctly; expected 9 spaces but found 6

我想你可以使用 PHP_Codesniffer 至少获得所有没有文档的文件/类/方法的列表;据我所知,它可以生成 XML 作为输出,这将更容易使用一些自动化工具进行解析——这可能是某些文档块生成器的第一步;-)

Also, if you are using [phpDocumentor](http://www.phpdoc.org/) to generate the documentation, can this one not report errors for missing blocks ?

经过几次测试后,它可以 - 例如,在没有太多文档的类文件上运行它,使用--undocumentedelements选项,例如:

phpdoc --filename MyClass.php --target doc --undocumentedelements


Reading file /home/squale/developpement/tests/temp/test-phpdoc/MyClass.php -- Parsing file
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 2: Class "MyClass" has no Class-level DocBlock.
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 2: no @package tag was used in a DocBlock for class MyClass
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 5: Method "__construct" has no method-level DocBlock.
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 16: File "/home/squale/developpement/tests/temp/test-phpdoc/MyClass.php" has no page-level DocBlock, use @package in the first DocBlock to create one


Now, I don't know of any tool that will pre-generate the missing docblocks for you : I generally use PHP_Codesniffer and/or phpDocumentor in my continuous integration mecanism, it reports missing docblocks, and, then, each developper adds what is missing, from his IDE...

...这工作得很好:每天通常不会有超过几个丢失的文档块,因此该任务可以手动完成(当您编辑特定文件/方法时,Eclipse PDT 提供了为方法预先生成文档块的功能).


  • 反射 API https://www.php.net/reflection
  • token_get_all https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.token-get-all.php解析 PHP 文件的源代码。

After a bit more searching, though, I found this blog-post *(it's in french -- maybe some people here will be able to understand)* : [Ajout automatique de Tags phpDoc à l'aide de PHP_Beautifier](http://fxnion.free.fr/articles/phpdoc-tags-php-beautifier.php).
*Possible translation of the title : "Automatically adding phpDoc tags, using PHP_Beautifier"*


  • The PHP_Beautifier http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Beautifier tool is pretty nice and powerful, when it comes to formating some PHP code that's not well formated
    • 我已经多次使用它来编写我什至无法阅读的代码^^
  • And it can be extended, using what it calls "filters".
    • see PHP_Beautifier_Filter http://beautifyphp.sourceforge.net/docs/PHP_Beautifier/Filter/PHP_Beautifier_Filter.html获取提供的过滤器列表


  • create a new PHP_Beautifier filter, that will detect the following tokens :
    • T_CLASS
  • 并在它们之前添加一个“草稿”文档块(如果还没有)

To run the tool on some `MyClass.php` file, I've had to first install `PHP_Beautifier` :
pear install --alldeps Php_Beautifier-beta

然后,将过滤器下载到我正在工作的目录中(当然可以将其放在默认目录中) :

wget http://fxnion.free.fr/downloads/phpDoc.filter.phpcs
cp phpDoc.filter.phpcs phpDoc.filter.php

之后,我创建了一个新的beautifier-1.php script (再次基于我链接到的博客文章中的建议),这将:

  • 加载我的内容MyClass.php file
  • 实例化PHP_Beautifier
  • 添加一些过滤器来美化代码
  • Add the phpDoc我们刚刚下载的过滤器
  • 美化文件的源代码,并将其回显到标准输出。

The code of the `beautifier-1.php` script will like this :
*(Once again, the biggest part is a copy-paste from the blog-post ; I only translated the comments, and changed a couple of small things)*
require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php';

// Load the content of my source-file, with missing docblocks
$sourcecode = file_get_contents('MyClass.php');

$oToken = new PHP_Beautifier(); 

// The phpDoc.filter.php file is not in the default directory,
// but in the "current" one => we need to add it to the list of
// directories that PHP_Beautifier will search in for filters

// Adding some nice filters, to format the code
$oToken->addFilter('IndentStyles', array('style'=>'k&r'));

// Adding the phpDoc filter, asking it to add a license
// at the beginning of the file
$oToken->addFilter('phpDoc', array('license'=>'php'));

// The code is in $sourceCode
// We could also have used the setInputFile method,
// instead of having the code in a variable

// And here we get the result, all clean !              
echo $oToken->get();

可以在那里下载相应的补丁:http://extern.pascal-martin.fr/so/phpDoc.filter-pmn.patch http://extern.pascal-martin.fr/so/phpDoc.filter-pmn.patch

Now, if we run that `beautifier-1.php` script :
$ php ./beautifier-1.php

With a MyClass.php最初包含此代码的文件:

class MyClass {
    public function __construct($myString, $myInt) {
     * Method with some comment
     * @param array $params blah blah
    public function doSomething(array $params = array()) {
        // ...
    protected $_myVar;

这是我们得到的结果 - 一旦我们的文件被美化:

 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to [email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category   PHP
 * @package
 * @subpackage Filter
 * @author FirstName LastName <mail>
 * @copyright 2009 FirstName LastName
 * @link
 * @license     http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
 * @version    CVS: $Id:$

 * @todo Description of class MyClass
 * @author 
 * @version 
 * @package 
 * @subpackage 
 * @category 
 * @link 
class MyClass {
     * @todo Description of function __construct
     * @param  $myString 
     * @param  $myInt
     * @return 
    public function __construct($myString, $myInt) {
     * Method with some comment
     * @param array $params blah blah
    public function doSomething(array $params = array()) {
        // ...
    protected $_myVar;


  • 文件开头的许可证块
  • 已添加的文档块MyClass class
  • 已添加的文档块__construct method
  • 文档块上doSomething已经存在于我们的代码中:它尚未被删除。
  • 有一些@todo tags ^^

Now, it's not perfect, of course :
  • It doesn't document all the stuff we could want it too
    • 例如,在这里,它没有记录protected $_myVar
  • 它不会增强现有的文档块
  • And it doesn't open the file in any graphical editor
    • 但我想这会更困难......

But I'm pretty sure that this idea could be used as a starting point to something a lot more interesting :
  • About the stuff that doesn't get documented : adding new tags that will be recognized should not be too hard
    • 您只需将它们添加到过滤器开头的列表中
  • 我不得不承认,增强现有的文档块可能会更困难
  • 一件好事是这可以完全自动化
  • 使用 Eclipse PDT,也许可以将其设置为外部工具,所以我们至少可以从我们的 IDE 启动它?

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  • 添加和完成 PHP 源代码文档的工具 [关闭]

    Closed 此问题正在寻求书籍 工具 软件库等的推荐 不满足堆栈溢出指南 help closed questions 目前不接受答案 我有几个已完成的较旧的 PHP 项目 其中有很多内容 我想以 javadoc phpDocumentor