Android 防火墙与 VpnService


我正在尝试使用 BS 项目的 VpnService 为 Android 实现一个简单的防火墙。我选择 VpnService 因为它将在非 root 设备上运行。它将记录连接并让您过滤连接。 (基于IP)



我做了一些研究,发现 VpnService 创建了一个 Tun 接口。而已。 (没有 VPN 实现,只是一个隧道)它允许您为此接口提供地址并添加路由。它返回一个文件描述符。您可以读取传出包并写入传入包。

我创建了一个 VpnService 派生类并开始提供服务。我可以配置tun0与 VpnService.Builder 类。当我看着mobiwol's连接与adb shell netcfg它创造了一个tun0地址为 的接口。它将所有包路由到该专用网络并发送到互联网。我也在尝试同样的事情。创建了一个地址为 的接口。使用 addRoute 函数添加了一条路线。 所以据我所知,我可以捕获来自所有网络的所有包。 (我对这个主题还很陌生,仍在学习。我在互联网上找到了一些东西,所以我不太确定。如果我错了,请纠正我。)

我创建了 2 个正在服务的线程。使用受保护的套接字从文件描述符读取并将其写入。 (我不太确定是否应该读/写。也许这就是问题所在。)


01000101    byte:69     //ipv4 20byte header
00000000    byte:0      //TOS
00000000    byte:0      //Total Length
00111100    byte:60     //Total Length
11111100    byte:-4     //ID
11011011    byte:-37    //ID
01000000    byte:64     //fragment
00000000    byte:0      //"
01000000    byte:64     //TTL
00000110    byte:6      //Protocol 6 -> TCP
01011110    byte:94     //Header checksum
11001111    byte:-49    //Header checksum
00001010    byte:10     //
00000000    byte:0
00000000    byte:0
00000010    byte:2
10101101    byte:-83    // //google
00111110    byte:-62
00100111    byte:39
********    byte:78

10110100    byte:-76    // IP option
01100101    byte:101
00000001    byte:1
10111011    byte:-69
                //20byte IP haeder
01101101    byte:109
.       .       //40byte data (i couldnt parse TCP header, 
                    I think its not needed when I route this in IP layer)
.       .
.       .
00000110    byte:6

我在其余数据中没有找到任何其他 IP 标头。我认为 网络到本地网络(和互联网之间应该有一个封装。我不知道。



我正在尝试从与受保护套接字写入 时使用的同一连接进行读取。

Android Tun 接口 (tun0) 互联网连接

所有包 互联网?

我找不到任何有关 VpnService 的有用信息。 (ToyVPN 示例毫无用处)我阅读了有关 Linux Tun/Tap 的文档,但它是关于主机和远程之间的隧道。我希望主机和遥控器位于同一设备上。不像隧道。


编辑:请求代码。目前还处于非常早期的阶段。正如我之前提到的,它是一个 VpnService 派生类。在服务线程中创建 2 个线程(读取和写入)。

package com.git.firewall;

public class GITVpnService extends VpnService implements Handler.Callback, Runnable {
    private static final String TAG = "GITVpnService";

    private String mServerAddress = "";
    private int mServerPort = 55555;
    private PendingIntent mConfigureIntent;

    private Handler mHandler;
    private Thread mThread;

    private ParcelFileDescriptor mInterface;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        // The handler is only used to show messages.
        if (mHandler == null) {
            mHandler = new Handler(this);

        // Stop the previous session by interrupting the thread.
        if (mThread != null) {
        // Start a new session by creating a new thread.
        mThread = new Thread(this, "VpnThread");
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onDestroy() {
        if (mThread != null) {

    public boolean handleMessage(Message message) {
        if (message != null) {
            Toast.makeText(this, (String)message.obj, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        return true;

    public synchronized void run() {
        try {
            Log.i(TAG, "Starting");
            InetSocketAddress server = new InetSocketAddress(
                    mServerAddress, mServerPort);


              } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Got " + e.toString());
            try {
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // ignore
            Message msgObj = mHandler.obtainMessage();
            msgObj.obj = "Disconnected";

        } finally {


    DatagramChannel mTunnel = null;

    private boolean run(InetSocketAddress server) throws Exception {
        boolean connected = false;


        // Create a DatagramChannel as the VPN tunnel.
        mTunnel =;

        // Protect the tunnel before connecting to avoid loopback.
        if (!protect(mTunnel.socket())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot protect the tunnel");

        // Connect to the server.

        // For simplicity, we use the same thread for both reading and
        // writing. Here we put the tunnel into non-blocking mode.

        // Authenticate and configure the virtual network interface.

        // Now we are connected. Set the flag and show the message.
        connected = true;
        Message msgObj = mHandler.obtainMessage();
        msgObj.obj = "Connected";

        new Thread ()
            public void run ()
                    // Packets to be sent are queued in this input stream.
                    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(mInterface.getFileDescriptor());
                    // Allocate the buffer for a single packet.
                    ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.allocate(32767);
                    int length;
                        while (true)
                            while ((length = > 0) {
                                    // Write the outgoing packet to the tunnel.
                                    debugPacket(packet);    // Packet size, Protocol, source, destination

                    catch (IOException e)


        new Thread ()

            public void run ()
                    DatagramChannel tunnel = mTunnel;
                    // Allocate the buffer for a single packet.
                    ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.allocate(8096);
                    // Packets received need to be written to this output stream.
                    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(mInterface.getFileDescriptor());

                    while (true)
                            // Read the incoming packet from the tunnel.
                            int length;
                            while ((length = > 0)
                                    // Write the incoming packet to the output stream.
                                out.write(packet.array(), 0, length);


                        catch (IOException ioe)

        return connected;

    private void handshake() throws Exception {

        if (mInterface == null)
            Builder builder = new Builder();

            builder.addRoute("", 0);

            // Close the old interface since the parameters have been changed.
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignore

            // Create a new interface using the builder and save the parameters.
            mInterface = builder.setSession("GIT VPN")

    private void debugPacket(ByteBuffer packet)
        for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            byte buffer = packet.get();

            Log.d(TAG, "byte:"+buffer);

        int buffer = packet.get();
        int version;
        int headerlength;
        version = buffer >> 4;
        headerlength = buffer & 0x0F;
        headerlength *= 4;
        Log.d(TAG, "IP Version:"+version);
        Log.d(TAG, "Header Length:"+headerlength);

        String status = "";
        status += "Header Length:"+headerlength;

        buffer = packet.get();      //DSCP + EN
        buffer = packet.getChar();  //Total Length

        Log.d(TAG, "Total Length:"+buffer);

        buffer = packet.getChar();  //Identification
        buffer = packet.getChar();  //Flags + Fragment Offset
        buffer = packet.get();      //Time to Live
        buffer = packet.get();      //Protocol

        Log.d(TAG, "Protocol:"+buffer);

        status += "  Protocol:"+buffer;

        buffer = packet.getChar();  //Header checksum

        String sourceIP  = "";
        buffer = packet.get();  //Source IP 1st Octet
        sourceIP += buffer;
        sourceIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Source IP 2nd Octet
        sourceIP += buffer;
        sourceIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Source IP 3rd Octet
        sourceIP += buffer;
        sourceIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Source IP 4th Octet
        sourceIP += buffer;

        Log.d(TAG, "Source IP:"+sourceIP);

        status += "   Source IP:"+sourceIP;

        String destIP  = "";
        buffer = packet.get();  //Destination IP 1st Octet
        destIP += buffer;
        destIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Destination IP 2nd Octet
        destIP += buffer;
        destIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Destination IP 3rd Octet
        destIP += buffer;
        destIP += ".";

        buffer = packet.get();  //Destination IP 4th Octet
        destIP += buffer;

        Log.d(TAG, "Destination IP:"+destIP);

        status += "   Destination IP:"+destIP;
        msgObj = mHandler.obtainMessage();
        msgObj.obj = status;

        //Log.d(TAG, "version:"+packet.getInt());
        //Log.d(TAG, "version:"+packet.getInt());
        //Log.d(TAG, "version:"+packet.getInt());





  • VpnService的传入和传出流位于网络层;正如您在问题中所描述的,您正在接收(并且应该反过来传输)原始IP数据包。

    在示例字节流中,您可以看到传入的字节流是 IPv4 数据报,因为前四位是0100(4)。咨询该数据包结构规范有关 IPv4 的详细信息。

  • 当转发请求时,你处于应用层;你应该传输contents分别使用 DatagramSocket 或 Socket 来处理 UDP 或 TCP 有效负载(即只有它们的数据,而不是标头本身)。

    请记住,这会跳过传输层,因为这些实现负责构造 UDP 标头(在 DatagramSocket 的情况下)和 TCP 标头和选项(在 Socket 的情况下)。

您的应用程序本质上需要能够解释和构造 IPv4 和 IPv6 标头和选项,以及作为 IP 负载的 UDP 标头和 TCP 标头和选项。


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