

我正在学习 C++,我需要创建结构Airplane并与之合作。


#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

struct Airplane {
    string destination;
    int number;
    string type;


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Airplane.h"

string SetDestination(int n);
string SetType(int n);
void PrintAirplaneList(Airplane * &airplaneList, int n, string title);
void SortByDestination (Airplane *&airplaneList, int n);
void FindAirplanesAndPrint(Airplane *&airplaneList, int n, string type);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
using namespace std;


int n;
cout << "Input n = ";
cin >> n;

Airplane * airplaneList = new Airplane[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    airplaneList[i].destination = SetDestination(rand()%5);
    airplaneList[i].number = rand()%9001 + 1000;
    airplaneList[i].type = SetType(rand()%3);

PrintAirplaneList(airplaneList, n, "List:");
SortByDestination (airplaneList, n);
PrintAirplaneList(airplaneList, n, "Sorted list (by destination):");

string type;
cout << "Input type: ";
getline(cin, type);
FindAirplanesAndPrint(airplaneList, n, type);

delete [] airplaneList;

return 0;

string SetDestination (int n)
    string destination;
    case 0: destination = "Tokio"; break;
    case 1: destination = "Amsterdam"; break;
    case 2: destination = "Moscow"; break;
    case 3: destination = "Philadelphia"; break;
    case 4: destination = "San Diego"; break;
    default: destination = "Unknown city"; break;
    return destination;

string SetType (int n)
    string type;
    case 0: type = "passenger"; break;
    case 1: type = "cargo"; break;
    case 2: type = "post"; break;
    default: type = "unknown type"; break;
    return type;

void PrintAirplaneList(Airplane *&airplaneList, int n, string title)
    cout << "\n";
    cout << title << "\n\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        cout << "Destination: " << airplaneList[i].destination << "\n";
        cout << "Number: " << airplaneList[i].number << "\n";
        cout << "Type: " << airplaneList[i].type << "\n\n";

void SortByDestination (Airplane *&airplaneList, int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < n -1; ++j)
            if(airplaneList[j + 1].destination > airplaneList[j].destination) continue;
            Airplane tempAirplane = airplaneList[j];
            airplaneList[j] = airplaneList[j + 1];
            airplaneList[j + 1] = tempAirplane;

void FindAirplanesAndPrint(Airplane *&airplaneList, int n, string type) {
    cout << "Type - " << type << "\n";
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if (airplaneList[i].type == type)
            cout << "Destination: " << airplaneList[i].destination << "\n";
            cout << "Number: " << airplaneList[i].number << "\n";
    if (count == 0)
        cout << "Not found\n";


string type;
cout << "Input type: ";
getline(cin, type);
FindAirplanesAndPrint(airplaneList, n, type);

2. 如何在函数中获取动态数组的大小?因为看起来数组的传递大小n在每个函数中都是错误的方式。


然而,当您使用动态分配的 C 样式数组时,这是唯一的方法。



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