

Postman formdata 工作正常,但是返回 http 500 错误。这个块出了什么问题。

响应 {type: "default", status: 500, ok: false, statusText: 未定义,标头:标头,...}标头:标头{map:{...}}确定: falsestatus:500statusText:未定义类型:“默认”url: ”http://cupdes.com/api/v1/create-user http://cupdes.com/api/v1/create-user“_bodyInit:””_bodyText: ””proto:对象“rtghj”

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Platform, StyleSheet,View,Image,ScrollView,TextInput,KeyboardAvoidingView,TouchableOpacity,TouchableHighlight,AsyncStorage,} from 'react-native';
import { Container, Header, Content, Button, Text,Input, Label,Item,Form, } from 'native-base';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5';
import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-picker';

export default class SignUp extends Component {
    this.state = {
      email: "",
      name: "",
      password: "",
      photo: null ,

      errors: [],
      showProgress: false,
handleChoosePhoto = () => {
  const options = {
    noData: true,
  ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary(options, response => {
    if (response.uri) {
      this.setState({ photo: response });

onPressSubmitButton() {
  console.log("Image ",this.state.photo,this.state.email,this.state.password,this.state.name)

async onFetchLoginRecords() {

const createFormData = () => {
  var data = new FormData();

  data.append("image", {
    name: this.state.photo.fileName,
    type: this.state.photo.type,
      Platform.OS === "android" ? this.state.photo.uri : this.state.photo.uri.replace("file://", "")
  data.append('name', this.state.name);
  data.append('email', this.state.email);
  return data;

try {
  let response = await fetch(

     method: 'POST',
     headers: {
      'X-AUTH-TOKEN': 'Px7zgU79PYR9ULEIrEetsb',
      'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'


 .then((response) => {
 this.setState({ photo: null });
 if (JSON.parse(response._bodyText) === null) {
  alert("Internal server error!!!");
  if (JSON.parse(response._bodyText).success === "true") {

    alert("Data missing!!!");


     } catch (errors) {
}    SignupHandler=()=>{
  render() {
    const { photo } = this.state;
    return (


        <View style={styles.scrollWrapper}>
 <ScrollView style={styles.scrollView}>
 <View style={styles.LogoContainer}>
 <Image source={require('../Images/avatar1.png')} style={styles.Logo}  onPress={this.handleChoosePhoto} />

 <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center'}}>

        {photo && (
            source={{ uri: photo.uri,
              type: "image/jpeg",
              name: photo.filename  }}
            style={{ width: 125, height: 125,borderRadius:80}}


      <TouchableOpacity >
        <Icon  name="image" size={30} color="#222" marginTop='30' position='absolute' onPress={this.handleChoosePhoto}position='relative'/>
        <Text style={styles.createNew1}>  CREATE ACCOUNT</Text>  

        <Form style={styles.inputwrapper} >

            <Item  >
            <Icon  name="user" size={25} color="white"/>
              <Input     style={styles.input}
                          placeholder='Your name'
                         onChangeText={text => this.setState({ name: text })}
            <Item >
            <Icon  name="mail-bulk" size={25} color="white"/>
              <Input style={styles.input}
                      placeholder='Your e-mail'
                    onChangeText={text => this.setState({ email: text })}
            <Item   >
            <Icon  name="lock" size={25} color="white"/>
              <Input  style={styles.input}
                      placeholder='Your password'
                      onChangeText={text => this.setState({ password: text })}
            </Item >
            <Item  >
            <Icon  name="unlock" size={25} color="white"/>
              <Input  style={styles.input}
                      placeholder='Confirm password'
          <TouchableOpacity >
          <Button style={styles.btnLogin} onPress={this.onPressSubmitButton.bind(this)}

            <Text style={styles.text} >Sign Up </Text>
          <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.SignuptologinHandler}  >
          <Text style={styles.createNew}>  Have an account ?LOG IN</Text>  

我可能很晚才发布答案,但这可能对遇到相同错误的其他人有帮助。以下工作流程对我有用。我使用 Node.js 作为后端。

const options = {
      quality: 1.0,
      maxWidth: 500,
      maxHeight: 500,
      storageOptions: {
        skipBackup: true,
        path: 'images',
        cameraRoll: true,
        waitUntilSaved: true,

ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, response => {
      if (response.didCancel) {
        console.log('User cancelled photo picker');
      } else if (response.error) {
        console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error);
      } else {

        let source = response;
        this.setState({profileImage: source});

let {profileImage} = this.state;
// initilizing form data

let formData = new FormData();

formData.append('file', {
        uri: profileImage.uri,
        type: 'image/jpeg/jpg',
        name: profileImage.fileName,
        data: profileImage.data,

    axios.post('', userDetail, {
      headers: {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'},
    }).then(res => //)
      .catch(err => //);


const formData = require('express-form-data');
// profile.js
profile.post('/updateProfile', async (req, res) => {
let imageCloud = await cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload(req.files.file.path, {
        use_filename: true

注意:我使用 cloudinary 来存储我的图像。 上面的代码适用于 Android 和 iOS。



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